Azsharas and Sylvanas real plan (SPOILER)

It’s still a rock of nothing. Pretty embarrassing for Highborne descendants.

Are you even trying?

I’d pick up a rock of nothing over a mud hut any day. At least it doesn’t stink that much.

But you and the satyr can build nice allegiances.

You both live in/on things that are small, silly and embarrassing. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

such boasting from a race of cowards that hide for 10.000 years while the night elves fixed their mistakes then had to be saved yet again if there was ever a damsel in distress race its the nightborne

We still have a city. That’s more than what the Alliance Lowborns have.

Good that your emotes have tears because it’s very fitting.

I too would cry if I had to dwell with reeking orcs, trolls, undeads and so on in a mud hut while trying to pretend that I am some kind of nobility. So sad.


At least we have a city.
You got exiled from yours because you were a danger to the child-Well of Eternity.

While you were exiled from the Alliance by the order of our High Priestess.
And at least we have the original Well, at our new home city in Mount Hyjal.

We were never apart of the Alliance…we can’t be exiled if we weren’t apart of it :slight_smile:

True, nobody even wanted you in the Alliance. You would only make our fine cities dirty. You belong in the mud huts with the rest of the pleb.

Belong in Suramar? Well of course we do, it is OUR city.

Suramar jewel of the elven empire maybe 10.000 years ago now your some backwater providence that most don’t even remember

…or care about.


Yes… I can feel your anger. Take your weapon! Strike me down with all your hatred, and your journey towards the blue side will be complete!


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