Back after a long break and supriceds this havent changed

Oki here are some features that I am AMAZED havent been implemented yet

*Removal of ALL mog limitations. Why is this still a thing? soo many robes, plate armor, leather and mail looking sets exsist for all classes… why isnt the rest just removed. There are NO reason behind it.

*In addition to the above, when i run dungeons/raids to collect mogs, WHY doesnt i just learn ALL i loot ? why do I have to run molten core/deadmines/zul gurub/etc with EVERY class until they get what they can learn… just let me learn it on one!

*For a “im alt friendly” game, im still amazed that faction isnt account wide. Just let it be an option so those who wish to grind it can and let the rest just have it…

*Why on EARTH did we get even more different currency in the new mechanical shadowland area… WHY not just have ONE currency for the entire expansion… I just did the minimum in the new area and not touching it again until i can one shot everything. Its too much…

*Why dont we have a common tradeskills mats bag/system for all our characters to acces? Do you know how many fish, ore, herb etc there is? Why not make it accessable for all characters and make so you can store whatever amount you like.

*Removal of addons - i dont know if this is true but come on blizzard… WHY do you want to remove addons. It makes zero sence. I got an addon which track EVERY SINGLE QUEST i havent taken on the map. If you remove that i have to manually check every inch of the map for quest i havent gotten… why is that an improvement?
Ive head its because “raids are supposed to be challenging” - then make a server for those who want challenges and let the rest of us enjoy an addon that tells me to move from an area… WHY is this game suppose to focus ONLY on endgame. Let those of us who care for other stuff have addons which helps us with dungeons/raids etc which we couldt care less about if it was supposed to be challinging.

thats what i could think of so far without coffee… and yes i cannot spell for the life of me but hope you get the idea still


Well if the game goes this way it might help people who spend very few hours to play but it will very fast boring for me when i play at least 6 hours everyday and almost 12-15 in weekends.
Grind keep players busy mon.


then make it an option… that way we could both play the way we want :smiley:


This will not be profitable for Blizz to spend so many work hours in to make a grind game into a fast game.

For me, this is just something that I never want to see in the game.

I don’t want to see a Warlock running around in the same armor set as my Paladin! That would just completely spoil the immersion. And a complete injustice to the game and it’s committed player base.

I am on the fence with this one. Yes it would be a quality of life improvement.

But on the other end. I’m a World of Warcraft player. I know the rules, I know what I need to do to get the items that I want. And that’s what I love about the game.

And then I’ll be honest with you, when I make a new Class/Toon, I would like to look through my appearances tab and look at the things that I can go and get, rather than look at the things I already have because I did on another char.

So, I have changed my mind. I appreciate it’s a QOL improvement. But it’s better the way it is at the moment. More game to play.

I don’t mind currencies so much. What I do mind is things taking up my bag space unnecessarily. Korthia was worse for that than Zereth Mortis, because most of ZM’s currencies you could mail to a banking alt.

You do! It’s called your Banks Reagent Tab. Or if you mean across your characters. Why not make your own guild and you have a guild bank.

I do agree that there is some space for improvement here. But I wouldn’t prioritise it. After 17 years of playing this game, I have my system down pretty well. I don’t need Blizz to design one for me. I’m a big boy now.

Yeh, doesn’t need to happen, aint going to happen.

If you don’t like addons, don’t use them… or play a game which doesn’t use them.


You already can have a warlock in the same armor set as your paladin … just put on your covenent armor and its the same across classes and races.
There could be a /hide other ppls mogs option then, but other than that there are no reason for mog limitations. its all cosmectics, nothing to do with gameplay. Given the option to hide it would be great for ppl like yourself and then at the sametime allow others to run around in whatever they want :smiley:

Why is a grind a “good thing” in a game? Again let it be an option. For those who DONT want to grind molten core for 21 weeks for getting exalted or their items (maybe longer) then let them skip these steps. More options = appeal to more different players :smiley:

Bank Reagent tab is severily limited. I got my own guild and there are noway room enough for all the reagents. I like the system from ESO better

And I think you read what i wrote about removal of addons wrong :smiley: I dont want it to happen :smiley:

All i want is more options for different type of players.

I played for 3 weeks this time and prob wont resubscribe until the next expansion. I rather play other games which suits me more… which is a shame because with a few omre options for me blizzard could get my money… and ppl like me would prob play more

But you can have this now.
My paladin is wearing the Noble gear (looks cloth).
My warlock could (but isn’t now) wear the Stormwind set from garrison (looks plate).

Personally I wouldn’t mind some loosening of the restrictions, Hats, Boots, Gloves and belts could be any type. But keep all Tier Sets as class specific.

As for the amount of currencies, I do agree that there has been too many of them since Legion times. And crafting mats have gone nuts for a while now. I miss the days when it was one type of leather and one type of ore during leveling then a more exotic type which was rarer at max level. Now I don’t even know the names of the different leathers, ore, teeth, bones, pixie wings and the dozens of other crafting mats swamping my bags, bank and guild bank…


Thats 1 patches Green level armor sets, which were designed for the sake of Covenants (not classes).

You’re asking for Class Set and armor type restrictions to be removed. Two completely different things I’m afraid to something designed to be Covenant themed.

But lets face, who wears this disgusting sets anyway.

This is more ridiculous that your original suggestion.

The limitations of the game is what makes the game, a game.

It seems you want everything easy. Whilst most others enjoy the grind.

Or maybe play a different game, and stop trying to ruin what other people enjoy about it.

Then maybe learn how to make addons for yourself. Think of it as a challenge.

Yes, I think that would be best.

And lose a lot of other peoples…

You’ve misheard something.

Maybe this is in relation to the 10.0 reworked interface - the goal there is to make it so you don’t NEED addons, but you’ll still be able to use them. Don’t worry.


I do think the one sacrosanct transmog restriction should be the class tier sets. Only a paladin should wear the Judgement set or a Shaman the Earthshatter set.

But I’d be ok with loosening many of the other restrictions.

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Thats your problem you play too much tbh
Are you serious 6 - 8 hours a day? No wonder you get bored.



I think plate should be for plate wearers, Cloth for cloth wearers.

When Blizz want transmogs to be for all armour types they create a “cosmetic” item.

Now do I think they could go through their old armour and find items better suited to be Cosmetic? Sure, Duskhaven Top Hat would be a good example.

But, you can overkill it by a long way. By your suggestion you would allow a Warlock to wear the Purple recolour of the Retribution set (from TBC dungeons). I let you know now, I get upset when I see Death Knights wearing it…
It’s just wrong, and totally offensive.

Why is it offensive that someone else want to wear what they want? If YOU have the option to turn it off, then why is it offensive? Why does what makes you upset have to rule over what ppl wear? I offer you a solution to have it hidden and for others to wear it if they want and that is offensive to you? I will never ever get this.

if you want to grind, then you can grind. If you dont want to grind and think its boring then you should be able to toggle all factions/mogs on for your entire account. If you did it once you should be able to share it. I NEVER met a player which said “ohh this game is only about grinding, let me do it” Grinding is not a gameplay, its a mechanishm to keep ppl busy… and if you dont got the time to play 15 hours a day then you should be able to toggle factions and mogs on for your entire account.

*Mog limitations:
Maybe not, there would be some cool combos, but I still think cloth should be cloth and plate should be plate. even if I am a bloody mail user and half our helmets look trash. Release the weapon limitation though. duel wield for 2h etc etc.
But definitely add an option for cloth wearers to turn there skirt into a shirt.

*Dungeon raid mog unlocks

Meh if it’s in the currency tab I don’t care. I just hate when the currency item is physical, like the useless sandworn relics.
Also, at the end of an expansion, let us just sell this stuff for gold or junk I have over 100k ash. The hell am I going to do with all this stuff?

*removal of addons
They won’t do that unless they want their game to be unplayable since it’s so for lack of better terms, primitive.
If they want less focus on addons, they need to stop adding stupid gimmicks to every fight that require addons or wipe.

Heard of class identity?

Good idea :+1: support this 100%

Faction x-play come in 9.2.5. But if you mean reputation I also support this request to 100 %

If you mean ZM you outgear it very fast and almost kill everything in one hit. The currency “cosmic flux” drops like rain in Sweden. But they should make currency acc-wide!

Would be good :+1:

I agree to some point. They should absolutely restrict the addon use. The whole RPG genre goes lost when you don’t feel progression and that you solve and explore mystical things along the way with your avatar.

Hapiness the op suggest an option so you can HIDE others mog… why on earth is it then offensive if you can choose to hide it?

Im ALL for removal of transmog limitations. In an older game called Everquest 2, my warden (druid class) cant use swords or bow but i can add them as a cosmetic thing. I even get a warning when i add them saying “this item will only be cosmetic”
yes it looks silly when i try to hit mobs with a bow because i cant shoot them but if i want to do that, the game makes it MY choice.
Remove the limits, put an option in to hide transmog for sensitive ppl who find what other wears offensive and be done with it. Its 2022… stop putting restrictions.
Cosmecitcs are fun and should be open for all

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You could say the same about wardrobe - that introducing it and allowing players not to withold and keep the items will make it easier to collect the items (you don’t randomly destroy them, you don’t have to keep just limited amount, therefore not needing to choose).
But the truth is that when game is more player-friendly, players simply tend to play it more.

If you try to screw them around, they likely give up. How many people farm mog now? As somebody who does farm it sometimes, there are extremely small amounts of people listing for it.

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I appreciate “it’s your choice”, but you have to think about how that option affects other players immersion in the game.

You can say “hide other peoples transmogs”, but why should I have to go through the process of hiding a someone else’s appearance, because they want to look stupid?

Going back to “its my choice”, sometimes some peoples choices are a bit ridiculous, and need to be kept in check a little bit, if you know what I mean. People can demand all sorts of things, but there is a limit to when things go beyond stupid…

Sorry, I don’t want to have to suffer because of someone else’s bad choices in life/game.

What is a ridiculous choice is not up to you. Its not ridiculous to me.
In some countries its considered ridicolous for women to show their face, so they shouldt because someone else decide it?
Why must one persons ideas of what is appropriate or offensive dictace what other wants to wear?
for 1 week during the year i can in wow wear a pink dress, but not the rest of the years because its limited to that festival… why? why limit it? if ppl want to wear a pink dress/elf costume/etc year round let them.
I can physcially put on leather and cloth but i cannot mog it. So in principle i can offend you by simple putting on the clothes but im not allowed to mog it because thats a whole other lvl of offensive to you??

stop putting limits on what ppl can wear simply out from YOUR view of ridiculous and offensive. If you dont like it, dont put it on, dont look at it but dont let your views limit what other ppl want to do

I’m surprised that you are surprised about it.