Back after a long break and supriceds this havent changed

heh yeah thats true… if its one thing wow is good at is disapointing in QOL stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

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Which is the exact reason they put there limitations in place. Stop save people from fatal errors.

Imagine if Dave wanted to jump off a cliff, because it could prove he could fly. Would you say, ah well, it’s his choice and let him jump off the cliff because it would make him happy for a few seconds? No, you would say “Hey Dave, don’t do it! You might not understand why, but it’s a silly idea and I’m going to put this fence up, so you and other people can’t make that mistake”. Dave is confused, but Dave gets on with his life.

Just because you want something, doesn’t mean that thing is for the greater good! Accept that what you are asking for is not just bad for the game, it’s bad for everyone around you.

I will tell you this now. If those Armor limitations are removed. I would definitely stop playing this game. Class/Armor type idenitification is a very important factor to me. I hated when they stepped away from Classes sets and moved to just 4 armour types. I am glad I now have something I can call my class again.

So a persons choice of wardrobe is the same as jumping off a clifft? Wow…

I can still wear the clothes and walk/quest/raid in it but mogging it makes me a weirdo who want to kill myself??
There are no logic i your reasoning…i can wear the clothes so let me mog it.

I really hope for the limits to be removed. Clothes is an option and ive always been able to waer leather and cloth so why not include it in my mog?
I want all to be free to mog how they want to look.

Nothing stops me from putting on cloth and leather as gear but mogging it is offensive?

That’s just silly reasoning…

No, but it’s a fine example when someone thinks something is a good idea, when it clearly isn’t.

Just like this one.

Have you tried wearing plate as a Mage?

and in doing so, ruining the excitement and enjoyment of the game for many many many many many other players. Please look at the wider picture.

It might be silly reasoning… but the suggestion is equally if not more so silly.

There have been a few suggestions recently that are questioning some of the most fundamental concepts of this game.

If it’s not working for you here, and another game does it, then why not just play that other game. Why do you want to break a great system because you want to dress up barbie dolls?

Class identification is a really important part of the game for some players and those players have been with the game since the start. What gives you the right to demand that ends because you want to wear a pretty hat?

Come on, man. Just listen to the injustice you’re trying to cause.

If you want to wear a cloth tranmogs. Just roll a clothie. Don’t try to look like a clothie, but play a hunter. Completely kills the immersion.

Sometimes you have to draw a line. And this is a big thing long line where it needs to stop!

Ohh because you can’t wear plate no removal of mog limits… oki yup totally convinced me there. No flawed logic.
I got 35 alts so yes i have played a clothie and no where have i said that you should only be able to mog what you wear. I wsnt all limits remoced. I simply point out ss it is now i can put on a full vloth set and go do stuff. Nothing to stop me. But im not allowed to mog it which is silly
You call ppl who want to wear something different a Barbiedoll? So if a cloth belt would look better on a mog than a plate belt im suddenly some sort of deforme person who destroy the gane

Yup your right. You are the poster petdon for good reasoning. I just hope that your less hard on ppl in real life.

You are beyond reson and fixated on that your view of the right dress code is law.
Not going to debate with you more so i just log on my paladin put on a cloth hst, leather shoes abd chain pants just to offend you.

Just going to put this in… before hunter/shaman would wear leather until lvl 40 and a paladin/warrior would wear mail… so in all right hunter/shaman should be able to mog leather and paladin/warrior be able to mog mail…
it was also not uncommon to put on a piece from leather or cloth if it gave you better stats than your plate/mail armor.

It´s only recently that the focus on “MUST WEAR THE RIGHT AMORCLASS” has been pushed by some ppl.

In old wow, unless you were a cloth class you would wear the item with the best stat, regardless of cloth, leather, mail or plate. As long as you could equip it it was “this is ok for my class until i get something better .” cloth wearing holy paladins were not an uncommon sight but I guess your to young to remember that.

If you want to keep class identification then keep the class set out of the transmog rules but everything else should be free to mog. Though i dont see why you want the class sets out as you can find a recolor and wear that.
“Look mom. Im unique mage because i wear the blue mage gear” …“but that other person wear just the same clothes just in red…” “MINE IS SPECIAL” …“whatever you say dear”

I think that is more of an explanation as to why Hunters (as an example) have access to wearing different armor types.

Remember when Holy Paladins used to wear cloth?

Because it’s only been recently that people have been DEMANDING all amour restrictions get removed on the Transmog.

And that is more reason why they shouldn’t remove the Armor restrictions on Transmog.

Hey, look. Just explain to me where does it end?

Supposing, hypothetically, Blizz were to remove armor restrictions on transmog and the 3 players who want it go away happy.

What happens next?

Someone comes along as says:

"I’m a Paladin, I enjoy playing Paladin.
But you know what?

I really want to have Combustion. I think it will work/look really good when I’m out doing my day to day Paladin stuff"

After that, we might as well be removing Classes altogether and just allowing players to pick and choose which spells they have. Then we are into a completely different game altogether.

Does that sound ridiculous to you? Because that’s exactly how your suggestion sounds to me.

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Lets take your paladin example.
Cloth/mogs/atmor are cosmetics with stats. I can cast me spells in any amor regardless of it being cloth, leather, mail or plate. All it changes are how i look. It does not change my spells or abilities.
Those are two seperate things. I wore cloth alot in early wow as a paladin. Never made my spells or abilities different than those who had plate on.
I still wear cloth on my psladin sometimes because i like the look but my abilities are the same.
I can wear it but if i mog it i loose my class identity as a paladin? But I don’t loose it if i wear it and not mog it?

You are incorrect.

Goto your spell book and look up Armor Skills:

"Paladins can wear, Cloth, Leather, Mail and Plate armor and use Sheilds.

Starting at level 27, you received a 5% increase in your primary stat for wearing Plate"

Your abilities are not the same. You have lost 5% of your primary stat for not wearing Plate.

You are doing yourself and your guild an injustice for your selfish behaviour.

Your talking about class identity not stat losses. Nothing in my spells or abilities changes if i wear cloth.
Im still a holy paladin. My spells are still the same. I can still do the same things.
I loose my class if i mog it but keep it when wearing it? No, its always been about look.
Yes i might gain more stats/damage/healing but my spells are the same. Nothing but damage changes. Nothing about my class identity changes.

I like the look of clothes and those i play with are not elitist players who only care about stats

That’s not what I’m saying.

I want to be able walk around the game and say “Oh cool that’s a Paladin, that’s Warlock. Thats a Mail wearer…” etc etc.

With your suggestion, it will be like “oh cool a Paladin… oh no, it’s a Warlock in Retribution armor… lol, you caught me out there!”

Except you wouldn’t look like a hunter anymore… you’d look like a Mage and people will start whispering you for Water and Portals.

Neither do I care about stats that much. But what was really exciting to me when I started playing WoW, was looking at the Armor sets. I played Rogue at the time and I was over the moon when I finally got my SSC/TK Armor set. Because I finally felt like a Rogue!

You clearly don’t understand what that connection to your class/character is like. When you’ve put so much love and hard work into it.

You just want to take it away because you want to wear a pretty hat.

You don’t understand, what might be a simple and annoying restriction to you, happens to be a core part of what they enjoy about the game for many many many many many other people.

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I never ever got a whisper about a portal when wearing cloth on my paladin nor a whisper about opening lock boxes when wearing leather on my shaman.
It’s been a part of the core game forever! Why am i ruining the game by playing it like it was designed to be played.
Cloth wearing holy paladin is a thing and im sorry if you feel like your game is ruined because of it.
Mine is not and i think it’s about tine to remove the limits of transmogs

Well what you are asking for does ruin the game for a lot of people.

And you’re asking for something to change in your favour, when it works perfectly fine and keeps a lot of people happy the way it is.

You need to look at the wider affects of what you are asking across the whole game. Rather than a tiny convenience for 2 or 3 players.

Sorry, but I firmly stand against your suggestion and I will not budge. I will also continue to argue against it whenever a thread like this comes up.

I bet it’s way more than 2-3 players… way way more!!

I still don’t get why it’s ruining the game if i mog the armor but not if i put it on and wears it.

We will prob never agree and i will never get how what i mog can ruin your game or how wearing clothes but not mogging it doesnt

Okay, lets say 4 or 5.

Lets see:

Just a few highlights from my past few posts. I could probably find more reasons. But I think this is enough.

No “probably” about it.

Because this an affect on everybody’s game, whilst,

This only affects your game.

The later is your option. If you REALLY must wear other armor types for your RP or whatever you do. Then that is your option and the way you go about doing it.

The former opens up a door to Pandora’s box. To allow everyone to go all out ridiculous. And there will be people out there who will go full fledged over the top crazy. The entire game will have lost it’s identity the way so many players have become attached to it.

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Quoting that wearing cloth as a holy paladin is the same as me wanting all the spells yo be accesable to all classes doesnt make it true :wink:

Being a cloth wearing holy paladin is not about roleplaying - it’s about me liking the look of something over something else. I still got all my unique spells and class ability. Nothing remotely rekated ti my class changes if i want to wesr a red cloth top indtead of a green plate one.
Nothing except look.
I can do that now and nobody ever whispered or complaint about me being a mage/priest/ etc. I can wesr it but not mog it abd you say that mogging it looses my class identity even if im actually wearing the same items on me just not mogged.

Im sorry but it’s not the same as wanting spells to be the same across classes. It’s s matter of me liking the red dress over the green one…it’s cosmetics…

Heck right now i csn spec my hunter survival mog the purpke dress from the covenants plus a staff and that will mske me looknmore like a warlock thsn mogging a random cloth bekt into a chsin set but if i do the latter i loose all connection to my clasd? Even if i can just equip the bekt right now and NOTHING about my class changes…

Please PLEASE PLEASE make servers where transmog limits are removed… its sooo stupid…

RIght now im mogging something which resemble clothes but I still feel like a hunter.

Why must other ppls opnion make it so those of us who want to cant just put on whatever we feel like it

Just make servers where transmog lites are removed and servers where they arent… that way its free choice… Stop imposing your views on other… just let me move to a server where transmog limits are off and wear what i want

Roleplaying servers could be for those who want only to wear what their class can and other servers should be free of transmog limits

No thanks.

With the 9.1 covenant sets we are clearly on that path. To be fair, my problem really isn’t the restriction on what I can tmog, it’s that my plate wearer can’t collect tmog for my clothies.

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And while we’re at it, also give every class a stealth so questing is easier.

Remove any and all kind of reputation, coz it takes time and is a slog.

And why not have all raid bosses drop their loot once you /dance!

Simple - Identity and Immersion.

Don’t get me wrong, I like that some sets and items are now being made with the idea that everyone can wear em but I really don’t want iconic pieces of armor to be worn by random classes ^^

Alot of possible QoL to be done sure, but simply removing any and all gear restrictions is a very bad and too easy way…

What if they’d add a new class of gear?! Like cosmetics that anyone can wear and expand on that?

Sounds pretty good :3