Back in My Day

Ah, you young whippersnappers and your “fresh” Classic WoW.

Back in my day, when we were trudging uphill both ways through Duskwood with a torch in one hand and a staff in the other, guilds actually talked to each other. None of this quiet-as-a-graveyard nonsense where everyone’s off in their own little bubble, pretending guild chat’s a decorative feature. We grouped up for quests, for dungeons, for moral support when Hogger inevitably clobbered us into oblivion.

Now? I’ve been hollering in guild chat for four days straight, asking if anyone wants to run Deadmines. What do I get? “Check the dungeon finder,” they say. Dungeon finder? What’s next, a quest bot to play the game for me? Then there’s the classic “can’t right now” or the ever-popular “done it already, sorry.” Great teamwork, folks. Gold star for effort.

And don’t even get me started on layering. Oh, layering, my old nemesis. I always seem to get stuck in the busiest one. You know the type: quest zones picked cleaner than a Thanksgiving turkey, with ten players standing around like vultures, waiting to tag the first mob that dares respawn. So, like a good sport, I offer to group up. Even promise to stick around to help everyone finish their quests. You’d think I was asking them to hand over their firstborns! Two groups, that’s all I’ve managed to join in one week. Two!

And for the love of all that is sacred in Azeroth, what in tarnation is “spellcleave”? Back in my day, we just called it AOE! Now it’s “MEGA XP GAINS” this, and “LF PUMPER” that. Sounds like some newfangled gaming mumbo jumbo if you ask me.

Honestly, kids, if this is “fresh,” I think I’ll stick to being STALE. :hearts:


Love it, eloquently spoken! If you want something that remotely resembles the leveling experience you describe, then come to Era instead. No LFG tool and no layering, people grouping the old way and guild chats filled with good discussions.

Obviously the situation at level 60 is vastly different from “back in the day” though, with GDKPs and all. Still, there is freedom for the players to choose the way of distributing loot how they want. Prohibition of certain valid ways to play the game is a bad thing in my eyes. Obviously there’s those who resort to RMT, but to be fair that kind of players are in all game modes and the real solution would be to root out the bots.

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Ah, thank you kindly for the invitation, friend! You know, I’ve actually been in Era already, and let me tell you, it’s a breath of fresh air returning to it. This is where you’ll find me now, good old Pyrewood, questing and chatting away like the stubborn old timer I am!


Having no issues in my guild, come join us on the PvE server: Karazhan Chess Team :slight_smile: Lovely bunch of chill people that do stuff together all the time.


Well put, agree with most or almost all.


Lovely! Unfortunately I’m on Firemaw, otherwise we could have grouped up.


Imagine complaining about a guild and people you have chosen yourself. :man_facepalming:
If you ain’t picky about people to play with, don’t be surprised about outcome.

The expectation of players in this forum are pure comedy.

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I am quite sure that most people playing this damn game are the same people that played it in 2004.

So I am not sure about “Young whippersnappers”.

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Lovely post to read.

I think it’s because everyone is very individualistic and has their own goals.
Everyone is busy, time is precious. Win fast, move on.
We have infinite to do lists so we best keep ticking efficiently.

We’re educated to FOMO. No time for pleasantries. My calculation tells me I need 1.739 levels to achieve today yet, which takes about 2 hours and 52 minutes. I have 3 hours and 10 minutes until bed, including a quick brushing of the teeth, a short petting and winding down. Unexpected boost in Deadmines? I have time but then my road to 60 needs to be recalculated and further optimized because according to my current calendar schedule calculations it’s estimated in 47 days and I really need my first MC in no more than 49. Sorry.

In my case I like to be present, which means I like to chat in parties but I don’t like guild or zone chat. Definitely hate and hide LFG chat. I’m either having a tea with you or I’m wrestling a bear.


Nice post, you are absolutely right. I can understand some of those people tho, they are addicted to the rush of powerleveling their chars as fast as they can, and I think it’s amazing that this part of the game has become a sport on it’s own. You just gotta know it to understand what they’re up to.

Although somehow often it goes hand in hand, people that play like that are more likely to misbehave .

Personally I enjoy both ways of playing but on ‘Fresh’ I already lost interest due to too many changes. It’s also this type of changes like dual spec, instant mail and chronoboon that attracts the low attention span zerg crowd.

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Well, a random player joined a random guild.
They have nothing in common apart of their guild name because they never talked about their goals.

Imagine hanging around with people but never talk about your interests and what moves you to play WoW. Why is he in that guild? It’s hilarious.

Totally agree with your description. I play mostly HC on the old servers, and if we meet I’m in for a chat at any time (shutting up if I need to concentrate, of course, and accept same behaviour from you), throwing you a buff, or a heal, saving your skin, making gear for you (your mats, tip what you like), sharing my Grilled Squids with you, maybe even a short-lived group for Hogger and suchlike; but inviting me to a dungeon will result in one of those lame excuses, or even “Haven’t got time. Lunch, dinner, coffe coming up” and relogging other char. I really do not like doing dungeons.


I dunno man. My guild chat never stops being spammed with, well, chat. And forming of dungeon groups. And when there are people competing for tags, I just wordlessly invite them, and probably 80%+ of the time they accept. We do our business and they leave, no need for words, everyone knows what they are doing implicitly most of the time.
Oh and the LFG tool is a godsend. It does the same thing Bulletin Board did in Classic, except without the spam in LFG chat channel every minute.


For me it is the hardcore realm. The game shines with new colors as if you never played it before. Every character you level is memorable, the risk is real and minor clever usage of game mechanics are not simply gimmicks, but life saving tools.


Couldn’t agree more tbh.

And today it saddened me that a good few lvl 60 (mages) had their epic mounts already. I appreciate some can play the game more than others; but after 1 week this no longer feels “fresh”; I may as well go back to my era server(s) as there is very little difference already #sadface


Just let them ride along on purple horses. You don’t have anything to do with them, so why care about? Play with those who you like and all is fine.

My mage e. g. will level as fire, the only way I love levelling mages, so i will never be found in an “SM spellcleave pumper grp” but just go with guildies’ alts when the time comes.

I was lucky though to choose a lock as main bc he will save me 100g at 40. Which will be in three weeks or even more. I don’t powerlevel, instead I farm and keep my professions up.

From SoD I knew what to expect of a huge part of the community and my mind is only with me and my few guildmates. So I rather do dungeons only with four of us than to pug.

Oh well, my lock is always /afk out in the wilderness, because no I am not running from Fenris Isle to SFK to summon your buddies or look ages for ppl who might be willing to summon you from Tarren Mill to TB. :kissing_heart:

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Berny agrees with post. Players are too focused on efficiently reaching everything rather than enjoying the adventure and exploring any little detours.

Berny loves trolling and disrupting player’s efficiency. Come TBC, Berny will be camping Exorcist Suleivan 24/7 so nobody can do the daily.


For me the issue is quick iterations.

There’s only one year of the entire game.

First raid opens at December, 12.

So I naturally feel the need to level up as soon as possible. And there’s a lot of XP to level to 60.

I don’t want to just “experience the game”. I can do that on Era. Right now I want to experience the raiding. Not just raiding, but actually I want to experience the progression raiding. Wiping in Molten Core, not just being carried by big dudes for gold. Era can’t offer me this experience, only fresh can.

If Blizzard would release raids at June, 1, 2025, that would allow me to spend months to level up. Oh, how I would enjoy that. I’d disable this stupid Rested XP, I’d find every quest objective without any wowheads. May be I’d even do every quest in game, though not sure about that. I’d definitely level as tank or healer spec and I’d tank every dungeon many times.

When 2019 Classic opened, I did exactly that. I leveled as a prot warrior, I did lots of quests, I spent lots of time on memorable things, I leveled up Blacksmithing, I spent 5 months leveling to 52 level.

Well, by that time raids were cleared and fun ended for me. I realized that I’m behind everyone and I have no place in raid scene. So I don’t want to repeat that mistake. Blizzard forced me to choose between leveling fun and raiding fun and for this time I’ll chose the latter. I don’t know if I’ll be able to raid, but I’ll try at least.

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