Baine dishonours the Horde

Going behind the warchief’s back and usurping her plot because he finds it distasteful is not honourable by any stretch of the imagination. If he hated it so much and wanted to be honourable about it then he should have smashed Derek back into the grave when she did it, confronted her there and then and said “yeah, we’re not doing that”

Not sure if its Baine who doesn’t understand what honour is or the writers but that action being done under the guise of anything approximating honour is a bad joke.

If there is a sickness in the horde it’s probably that every time someone disagrees with the actions of someone else they are pulling this kind of nonsense.


I don’t get it too, why didn’t he openly and honorably confront someone who doesn’t care about honor and isn’t bellow pulling all kinds of stunts, especially when her butt is on the line? :thinking:


That doesn’t make his sneaking around and trying to put the blame on pirates honourable, though. If you want to see the “waiting for the right moment to do something” crew, that’s the Horde elf leaders. Baine just did what felt right to him, when he couldn’t stomach standing by (like he did until now) anymore. That’s why his act of defiance… came out small and random, instead of meaningful and helpful.


I can agree with that, but pointing out someone’s dishonor in a situation where literally everyone is breaking some form of honor is a bit blind. Why does Baine always get the crap, but no one else does?

You literally have 3 people there waiting for an opportune moment to strike, no one cares. Are they now honorable because they wait until Sylvanas is weakened?


I don’t think it’s unfair, though. Team Sylvanas doesn’t care about honour. Obviously they are dishonourable. But Baine talks about it loudly and openly. So it makes sense to judge him by the standard he wants to judge others by.

But I guess it would be fair to say that Baine just doesn’t have any idea what he is talking about, when he is talking about honour…

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Actually, I think it is. Judging someone by an imaginary standard you already abandoned is unfair, not to mention hypocritical.

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I don’t see what is unfair in judging someone by their own standards.


Because they are not judging him only by his own standards. They are calling him a traitor of the Horde, thereby judging him by the Horde’s standards. Last time I checked, the Horde was more then Baine and a few cows.


Very true and very interesting.


They are judging the honour of his actions. And honour is something that Baine has preached for quite a while. Values he proclaimed to have. Like I said, he probably doesn’t understand what he is talking about, thus it might fall flat, but that’s not really a charitable interpretation, either.


Yeah, but we are basically entering a circle of semantics here. I don’t see how Baine being honorable or dishonorable changes the fact that the rest of the Horde is acting even worse.

Lor’themar and Thalyssra are waiting for an opportunity, Gallywix doesn’t care for his own people, you get the picture. It all seems like this to me:


I never claimed it did.

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This. There is no honor in saving your hide or excusing the inaction with safety of your people.

There is no Honor watching someone fight your war and get cought for it while you remain intact. Its precocious but not honorable


So what exactly is your point? You can call Baine a hypocrite, sure. You might even be right.

But you can not neglect that his detractors are by themselves hypocritical. They don’t say that he has betrayed himself. They say he has betrayed the Horde.

I mean, take your pick between people who have a mouth full of honor and who do dishonorable crap. At least Baine risked something.

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I can agree with the original post of the thread, that pointed out that Baine’s behaviour didn’t show any honour, and that the writers did quite a bad job, if they wanted to make the Baine conflict a conflict of the honourable vs the honourless, like the dialogue made it sound.

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however… baine is dishonourable now and also the alliance = evil

let me know what you think in the comments below

edit: wrong character but also true

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I can agree with such an assessment myself, but I feel the need to point out that this is basically a conflict of Honorable vs Honorable, or Honorless vs Honorless.

Take your pick.

I think the weather is really nice. What do you think?

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I agree 100% Baine is dishonourable now.


Saurfang for Warchief!


So what exactly is honourable then? Who defines it?

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