Balance of power (8.1. spoilers)

Okay, you’re right. But still their priority was kinda stupid. All Gilnean first? Avoid the children? What’s the sense? Even Greymane sacrificed many life because he blocked the portal for a while. Sad but true.

Not true. Greymane rushed in when the portal was about to close.


You have right. I’m sorry. He doesn’t even knowed how the situation was. Damn you Sylvanas! I kill you! Do you hear me?!


Don’t get me started on bloody Nathanos, I just…Auuugh…Just no! You had one Job Blizz, One Job!
“Oh, a Human Farstrider who rose through the ranks, that’s interesting, that’s pretty cool. Oh, turns out that the other Farstriders weren’t happy about that, but Sylvanas insisted he remained, maybe he was like a protégé” Sweating starts

“Oh, turns out, Sylvanas really likes him, and he is now her Champion in Undeath, still, at least he has a proper Forsaken model, lets just hope, aheh, Sylvanas doesn’t like him -that- much, I mean another Windrunner with a human boytoy would be ridiculous, right? right?” Sweating intensifies

“What the hells has he got a new model for? If you wanted him to look cooler, just give him more impressive armour why, the heck does he look like a Dark Ranger despite that being impossible by your own Lore! Why -is- he suddenly so important anyway?” Nervous sweating turns to narrowed eyes and slowly roiling coils of anger

Dark Mirror is published

“Whaat! One job, One job! So not only is Nathanos now yet -another- bloody human boytoy for the trailer trash family of elves that are the Windrunners, somehow the Quel’dorei must have thought that a whole family of sexual deviants who were chosen by hereditary and not actual ability was a good idea to be their military leaders. Nathanos is shown as a whinging milksop who runs away home when meanie Lor’themar is nasty to him, and that he’s only Ranger-Lord because he is banging the boss, who by the way, ditches her responsibilities to come and fetch him home when he gets his pants in a twist and runs away. Why has he got a new model? What is wrong with a Forsaken main character actually looking like Forsaken! Gaaah!”
full blown anger at the mishandling of -two- Horde lore characters and turning into yet a -third- human who is so cool that he has an elven girlfriend

“Oh, and he’s also a massive douchecanoe”

I loathe him. My fondest hope is that the Alliance big Win is that they kill him, Sylvanas goes crazy with grief, and that she is deposed by the rest of the Horde deciding she is unfit to rule. At least that’s all the Windrunners now ruined by the ‘Aragorn and Arwen’ trope, and at least Liadrin is apparently doing Lor’themar so she is free of that madness.

Oh…I did get started…


2 races which are knowed to gave a strong binding to druidism & shamanism are in the same faction as Goblins & Forsaken

Give them a patch and they’ll ruin both her and Maxwell Tyrosus and make them the next power couple or some s**t :))

Lets be fair, the Alliance have Lightforged Draenei and Void Elves in the same faction, y’know, these two cosmic powers that are diametrically opposed. Makes about as much sense. I mean that’s worse…

Or her and Anduin will suddenly find love as their eyes meet across a battlefield, and she’ll be all “Sorry Lor’themar, but I suddenly have fallen in love with something with the comparative life expectancy of a hamster”

Nothing would surprise me…

Nah mate, they using undead Calia for that Anduin sh*t.

First Draenei, then the Undead. Damn that Anduin is into some freaky shiz…

Bit you could still argue: There is no light without the void. That they accept each other.

Anduin leading the Army of the Light against the Void in ‘Son of the Wolf’ kind of suggests otherwise…

Basically I’m just saying that having Druids and Forsaken/Goblins in the same Faction is no more bizarre than having Void Elves and Lightforged in the same Faction, we can’t say that one is weird and the other is not. They’re either both weird, or neither is.

Alliance actually got a quest to kill him at one stage. I killed him four or five times on three different characters back when he was a regular Forsaken with a yellow hanky on his head. Obviously dying repeatedly has done him the world of good.

EDIT: He also smelled so bad that his aura did Disease damage IIRC. And his dogs were smelly too.

I remember that one! At the time he seemed a tragic figure, now I wish they would let me do it still! Over and Over again. Especially on my Horde characters…


I didn’t know this one yet. Absolutely love that word.
For me you, have won the interwebs today.

Kill the factions.

I find it a bit unfair to accuse the night elf fans of this, because that’s what made them the “perfect” victim to push other peoples and led them into the absolute ridiculousness, if this would have happened to a “more normal” people like Gnome and dwarfs would have been easier to explain, but they used the night elves just because they are ALL that. Because that’s her background. It is a hard time for the night elf community because of the night elves receiving this description from Blizzard.

And to make someone responsible for exactly this description is a discussion about tastes, and they are known to be different.

I’m not sure what exactly you think was unfair in my post. Yes, the Worf-effect is strong here. They are showing how dangerous an enemy is, by having him beat someone whose strength and fierceness is widely known.

And many Night Elf players have a problem coping with that, which I don’t find surprising, considering their tastes.

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But… But Night Elves are the OP lore race in WoW. We had everything. How we could lose?! :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

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It seems like you make fun of the community that likes exactly that, which favored this people for that very reason. Elves have been a folk of power fantasy since Tolkien, in almost every setting they are, with a few exceptions, above normal and are often equipped with various special abilities.

Yes, it’s a matter of taste, but some like it, others do not, these people got this description from Blizz and thought: Sounds good.

And now they are - in order to represent other peoples powerful - their favorite people as often as possible through the cocoa see what exactly leads to this situation. Blizz has underestimated one thing about how big this number is when, across all platforms, and even big fan sites that are actually writing articles cry out because of Teldrassil and because of the representation of the night elves.

Now they have to come up with some crap like the Horde could do it at all, conjure the Night Warrior out of the hat and at the same time keep their gameplay in focus, means they can not go all out like in a WC game.

For comparison:

The blood elves suffered a similar incident, then they pushed everything - really everything - on the traitor as the scourge was able to defeat this power, it is even in the latest chronicles inside that without traitors the scourge would have failed in QT.