So, Blizzard thinks that loosing all NE lands, their capital city, and becoming a dying race is the same as loosing one single trolls king…
They think that now we’re even.
But please… In Dazar’alor Alliance will lose, and Horde will keep their lands. While in Teldrassil, in the “War of the Thorns” it was total Horde win…
And they are saying that Blizzard are not Horde Bias?
Now, I don’t wanna go and call this fanboyism, but if I were to play the devil’s advocate here I’d argue that the loss at the Undercity already balanced the scales, a city for a city, and that raiding the new capital, destroying the fleet (and the idea of the new allies balancing one another out) and killing Rastakhan off is something of an overreaction.
What is with Auberdine? They don’t lose it completely. They have some points still under control. What’s with the lands of the Forsaken? Did they don’t lose it?
They were a dying race lore wise since classic.
Nope. They just showed the trolls who is the boss of this gym. Just imagine that your great King get killed. Well that the same stupid strategy, which used Sylvanas but at least we kill the target.
Undercity was Sylvanas trap, and Alliance fell in to it, loosing almost all Alliance forces. Look to the cinematic with Anduin and Saurfang.
It was Horde win.
Dazar’alor will ends with again the Horde win. Horde forces will push Alliance forces (that includes Alliance world heroes) out of the city, and Alliance retreat…
While in War of the Thorns Horde came, defeat all Alliance forces including players. Destroy NE cities. Take over all of Kalimdore. And now Night Elves are dying race.
So its 3 Horde victories against 0 Alliance victories… And Blizzard calling that as Balance.
So anything short of exterminating the Forsaken and Zandalari is a loss to you?
The Forsaken lost their capital, Sylvanas only nuked it because she knew the Alliance would win that battle.
The Zandalari lost their king and their ENTIRE FLEET. Rendering them significantly less useful as an ally. The Alliance’s goal was never to conquer Dazar’alor. It was to stop, or at least neuter, the Horde’s Alliance with the Zandalari.
Teldrassil was the event that caused the Horde to fracture and basically ensured they’d lose the war. Everything the Horde did while questing through the war campaign was rendered completely irrelevant, save where Sylvanas once again causes the Horde to fracture.
The Horde right now is on a losing streak with no real way to come back.
Another Night elf complaint thread? Over an interview that literally has Blizzard saying they want to compensate Night elf players? Shockers.
Step aside Forsaken players, yours isn’t a cause half as sympathetic! Zandalari players! Night elf fans demand more compensation! How dare you just sacrifice your racial city and your most notable character?!
Meanwhile, orcs and Darkspears, please, remain seated, you’ll have to wait another year or two to have a racial leader.
Gnomes? Who dat? Gilneas? Give em an empty tree somewhere.
First point here is not how I interpreted that scenario after multiple playthroughs. The Horde fights back, loses ground gradually (and with it, likely a high number of troops), Saurfang, shown to be one of the most important commanders on site loses his fight against the alliance leadership and is taken prisoner, the Alliance pushes on into the keep itself, cornering Sylvanas, who forces a draw at best using blight and raising her own dead troops as skeletons, not seen again after the scenario, presumably lost. The alliance pulls back, thanks to Jaina’s support, keeping some of their forces alive, while seemingly, the Horde only keeps it’s champions, Nathanos and Sylvanas as they flee for Org.
Second point, the destruction of the Zandalari fleet makes the Zandalari much weaker of an ally than the united and restored Kul tirans. While we can assume Queen Azshara will be bad news for seafaring nations, that is still far off, right now the allied race balance will be in the Alliances favor.
Right now, and possibly well into 8.2 the Blue Juggernaut is towering above the Horde, while the Horde is beating itself up splintering into team evil and team no thanks again.
As for lost territory: I fully agree.
As for balancing things out: Depends on the Horde player. An oldschool Thrall Horde player has lost on every single account. They’ve lost at Teldrassil, at Undercity and in Dazarasdf.
A Sylvanas edgelord has won at Teldrassil, has ““lost””(depends on whether they care about that old ruin anyway) and has lost in Dazalabalabingbang.
The Alliance has lost in Teldrassil, has lost in Undercity and ““won”” in Dazalaf
How did the Alliance lost in Undercity?
They removed the Forsaken from Lordaeron, destroyed their equivalent for Lor’danel, and only failed in killing or capturing Sylvanas. Something that mirrored the Horde failing to capture or kill either Malfurion or Tyrande.
If we are willing to assume the Horde won something out of completely destroying a city and gaining nothing out of it, the same would be said regarding the Alliance and the Forsaken capitol. Because even if theirs was and indirect action, it was still their siege of the city that forces the Horde to destroy it.
Is it such a difference? “I didn’t get to personally destroy the city, so this was still a loss for me. No matter I met most my goals in this campaign”. Is that it? For all intents and purposes, Forsaken remain just as f***ed as Night elves as of now.
And how are they “compensating” Night elf players? With a raid where Night elves have no role (other than suicidal cannon fodder troops), and with no victory. It’s almost like SoO, where Alliance won nothing. Yes, I know, you will tell me that Horde lost a warchief and self-respect. But Alliance won nothing. Both sides were losing.
Maybe because they were and are nothing else than the punching bag?
How did Blizzard compensate any of the other examples I named?
I’m not talking about Horde or Alliance, I’m talking races.
And right now, the only ones that have been given a whole scenario, a warfront, and the dev team directly going out their way to say that they want to further compensate them, are Night elves.
The fact that complaints keep coming, even if now Blizzard is going out their way to further punish other races to appease Night elves, is very telling of some people’s mindset.
If I worked for Blizzard, I would stop trying, and force YOU to suck up with said losses like worgen, Forsaken, Orc, Darkspears and Gnome players have been doing.
Is that surprising? Night Elves are a pretty extreme power fantasy. They were immortal and forever beautiful, they are renowned for their dexterity and stealth. they aren’t just good at magic, they were born in it, molded by it. They are in tune with the nature around them, can talk to cutesy animals and oh-so-wise tree-ancestors and stay active as whisps even after their death. They had the most sophisticated culture, and gave it up not because they couldn’t maintain it, but because they were protecting the planet this way. A godess personally chose them as her beloved people. Not only are they intelligent and wise, but also strong and fierce and brutal, whenever it is cool. The queen they deposed ranked among the most powerful beings of the universe, by the power of elven awesomeness.
Night Elves have no weaknesses, just strengths they chose not to use, and an understanding of their powers that would seem like arrogance to those too stupid to see their awesomeness.
Is ist any wonder that the players who find that most appealing have a hard time coping with Night Elves being treated as mere mortals, losing against armies of filthy lesser beings?
I remember we were talking about the Zandalari raid. Not scenario, warfront, etc.
You said that Blizzard compensated NE (who lost almost everything) with a raid where some more NE died for a “prestige victory” who ended with a retreat.
And BTW, I am almost sure that the scenario was made to make Forsaken look better when they win the warfront. Blizzard said they wanted to conclude the war. And the easiest way to conclude the war is to separate Alliance and Horde on their continents.
I don’t know about other NE fans, but I don’t have any problems with losing battles, when I know that somewhere will be some retaliation. So far, we didn’t have any, so my expectations to have some are very low right now.