Be fair - she’s won one major battle and used the other one as an attempt to take out the whole Human leadership in one go. She’s definitely vicious and wicked, but she’s not stupid.
Be fair, Baine’s entire reason for existing is to make us all realise how much we miss Cairne Bloodhoof. RIP in peace, best cow boi
Also Blizzard don’t write Lor’themar. Lor’themar just kind of… happens, when he needs to, or when someone remembers he exists. “Alright, let’s have a Horde meeting and - who’s this Blood Elf dude in the “Horde_Leaders” model directory? He’s the Regent-Lo… I though Sylvanas was…? Oh, fark - he’s the racial leader isn’t he? Quick, shuffle a couple of the other models around to make space for him at the table! Move Ji Firepaw into the corner, nobody will notice.”
I love the smell of Siege equipment in the 8.4-ning. It smells like (Alliance) victory.
Well yeah, but if you pick the edgy races you’ve got to expect a bit of edge, no? Here it is.
Can you make some examples of an easy victory for the Horde Against Alliance forces?
Because the only one I can think of is: Maybe war ofThorns.
Which for the Record was anything but easy. The Horde attacked with 8 times the Forces of the Kal’dorei Army.
Faced against the City Guard of teldrassil and one arch druid plus his ancients.
Over half the Kal’dorei army was gone for half the fight and only did not manage to turn the tide upon their return.
Because the Horde with the implications of strong losses from new recruits to skilled and experienced warriors.
Had already made it passed most of their territory.
It was even made Strongly Clear that the Night elves were powerful enough to hold their own ground long enough for the rest of the alliance to arrive had their whole army been there from the Start.
In 8.2, our role is limited. The leaders of the alliance are just chasing sylvanas and her schemes. While, the horde as more story in it although it a repeat of MoP and WoD.
Are people really comparing losing half a race (you only got to save 5-6% with the Teldrassil quest iirc, so I’m being generous when I say it’s just half a race) and the utter destruction of their capital and starting zone to just losing a capital on your own terms?
Wow, these forums have sunk to a new all-time low.
edit: and no, I do not like to see these topics pop up all the time either but come on people…
Well, the alliance kicked Sylvanas *ss out of the eastern kingdoms after WoT. They just showed their that she killed with the wrong people. Kill innocent isn’t good in anyway. It wouldn’t be bad story writing if the alliance turns black and start killing innocents. They have no reason for it. SI:7 & Druids of the Claw don’t did it because of that. The Night Elves become kinda badass progression in this expansion, what is really good too.
We all know this war comes down to Tyrande being jealous at how much more of a cuck Sylvanas’s boytoy is compared to her “horny” old man and at how much Sylvanas is jealous at the nelves for having all the 420 and deciding to light the biggest joint of all
Whats so special on him I still don’t understand. Watch out! It’s the first human ranger. So cool & dangerous. He is even Undead! Now he is dark & edgy too!
He was a meme world raidboss that woped alliance’s buttocks (really the word to describe your buttocks is considered so rude that you can’t have it in your comments ffs) to high heaven in Vanilla. Then they decided that there can’t be a windrunner without a human lover so they gave him this edgy tale of how she got him this new body and damn he is so dark and mysterious and blah blah
It’s the only Plate Wolf Helmet you can get in the game And it was originally inspired by Rexxar (been rocking it since MoP lol) but yeah with how badass Greymane is nowadays I can’t complain either hah
Thi biggest ingame fail of WoT is still that you see wounded innocent in the church. But it can’t be, because all Gilnean where evacuated in the book. I still don’t understand why they don’t preferred woman and children first…