I said that Blizzard is compensating their loss with a whole bunch of things that yes, include the raid on Dazar’alor.
That’s more than many other races can say regarding their current situation.
Where is the compensation for Worgen players regarding Gilneas? For Forsaken players that lost something similar as Night elves? For Gnomes that lost their city AND their leader in 8.1? Darkspears that remain leaderless? Where’s the compensation for Siege of Orgrimmar?
Where’s the orc leader? Oh wait, I know that one: he is working with his race enemies and overall seems to be despised by Horde players in general (to the point Blizzard created a completely new feature that made people have the choice to not follow him).
How is it that we need a NEW THREAD of complaints every single time there is ANY news about Night elves?
Zandalari won’t lose their city. And Rastakhan death is just because Blizzard wants to put Talanji in its place since the start.
Orcs have Eitrigg & Saurfang, Darkspears have a new leader figure in the rise: Zekhan.
I don’t care if the score is not even, but don’t claim it’ll be or the Horde has it worse.
LOL Why Zandalari had to “pay for that”? They weren’t even part of the Horde nor had anything to do with Burning of Teldrassil.
especially Rastakhan who didn’t leave his city in a while.
Unless they meant that one injustice created another.
It still sucks because Alliance had a means to actually strike down Sylvanas, but they chose Zandalari instead.
That seems to me some meta reasoning that doesn’t seem like enough to appease nobody.
Do you think Zandalari fans will have a much easier time coping with it if they tried to reason that ‘Oh well, they just killed the king because they planned for the daughter to take his place’.
And Zekhan as Darkspear leader? A playable race lead by a walking meme? I would feel as insulted as if Blizzard killed Anduin and put Keeshan or Leroy Jenkins in his place.
And what about Forsaken, Gnomes, Worgen, etc. How did Blizzard compensate their loss?
I don’t care either. But being whiny about something, even if you are given the preferential treatment of being automatically compensated in one way or another grinds my gears.
And again, I’m not talking Horde or Alliance, I talked races.
Yeah same, I mean I can be cool with losing ships, but Rastakhan was very anticipated hero to make appearance, and at the very least he should have a small quest chain with interacting with his daughter, kinda like ebonhorn had with mayla just to explore their relationship and give them both more depth. But I don’t get why we couldn’t have 2 faction leaders for Zandalari like nelves have, both are cool.
As for Zekhan - since Old Soldier he isn’t meme nor he was intended to be one. I’m happy he makes appearance as he is endearing character I only wish we could meet him on more neutral ground and watch him grow like with Nazgrim in Vash’ir.
But I agree with your post overall. In this expansion nobody will be pleased.
Well nowhere he is written to become new faction leader. He is too young and inexperienced for that.
I also specifically written that I want to see him grow and then see what he will become. But I wouldn’t be opposed to it so long as it would be executed well.
Blizzard has no power over what people are meming about.
Saurfang also became a meme character and now he has 3 cinematics.
Like I said… It was a lose for Thrall’s Horde… Didn’t I just write that?
It was a win for Sylvanas, since she literally killed off a lot of enemies without losing anything significant to her.
The reason for the attack on Undercity was for the sole reason of capturing Sylvanas and bringing her to justice. Anduin stated this right after Teldrassil was burned. Destroying the home of Forsaken civilians and losing a lot of soldiers in the process is not what the Alliance wanted at all, so how is this anything other than a lose? (For me it’s definitively a win, but I’m hardly the prime example of how Blizzard sees the Alliance).
As Nelfs will not lose theirs… it will be reclaimed. Trust me…
And its kinda funny how you say Rastakhans death is ok because blizzard wants a change. But the same can be said about the nelfs, that burning the tree, all the nelf losses and defeats are just the because Blizzard want them shine at the end of expansion…
As for Orcs and Darkspears: Eitrigg has not enough presence to become a leader THIS expansion. Sauerfang will make it… the Honorable traitor… Letting the arch enemy live in hope he does his work… realy, realy honorable… this cinematic killed Sauerfang for me… As for Zekhan: Not this expansion… in the same interview TE quoted, Blizzard stated, he got his presence only because he become so popular… his part was planed much smaler…
As for “score” Horde HAS it worse. Not because of their wins or losses against alliance, but because of this REPETATIVE internal (CENSORED WORD). Im sick and tired to fight internal fights. While alliance has an enemy they can focus on, we do not need one… because thanks to blizzards lore, we have us <3
Thank you Wimbert. I still don’t understand the price which complain about Night Elves. Not a single race got such attention from Blizz, but the still aren’t happy. I’m an NE fan forever. I wasn’t happy with the new Dark shore Scenario, but I think everyone understand it. After the fix there is nothing to more to complain. Other races should also have more & also good screentime
King Wrynn has mustered our forces, <name>. We mean to launch a full-scale assault on Lordaeron. We’ll drive the Horde from the keep and reclaim it for the Alliance. It’s been far too long since our flag flew in Tirisfal. Ready to ship out? Captain Angelica here will see to your transport.
Id say that pushing the Forsaken out of Tirisfal and force them into a refugee state, qualifies as a victory par on the Horde campaign that started of as trying to conquer Teldrassil but ended up having it as some no-man land.
The people who pretend Undercity balanced the loss of Teldrassil are being disingenious. It was the loss of an entire zone, with all nearby lands falling into the hands of the Horde. The Horde destroyed their own city and got to keep the zone it was in.
The Attack on Dazar’alor does some things to balance the scales, but only if the utcome of the battle has consequences. If, in 8.2, the Horde manages to turn the tables completely, with the Alliance failing to accomplish anything (which, due to Blizzard’s blatant Horde favoritism, will most likely happen) then the battle was pointless.
Why do I complain?
There was once an ancient and one of the strongest Alliance races living in Kalimdore.
In 8.0 Horde came and manage to defeat that race. It was fist time ever in WoW history when 1 fraction totally defeat a race of the other fraction. Also Alliance payers were fighting on NE side, that means Horde players defeat also Alliance players.
Alliance was kicked out from Kalimdore. Night Elves lost not one, not 2, they lost all their cities and lands.
Fraction like Silverwing Sentinels and Priestesshood of Elune stop to exist.
Night Elves leaders were defeated also.
In the end Horde burn down the capital city with all civilians on it. Now Night Elves are Dying Race.
Why do I complain?
Because in 8.1. Alliance will attack Trolls city. Yes Alliance will kill trolls king. But after that, Horde will defeat Alliance forces. Alliance forces will be kicked out of the City. Horde will celebrate a victory again.
Why do I complain?
Because Blizzard calling this a balance. They telling us that now we are even.
That will never going to happen. Trust me, Sylvanas will came and NE will be defeated again. Because 8.1. was “Alliance time”, and text time will be Horde time
Yes, really.
Alliance was planning to conquer trolls capital city. They send suicide army to force Horde forces out of the city. Alliance send greatest heroes like Jaina to fight.
And what is the result? Retreating Alliance Forces! Defeated!
I for one don’t really see any credibility in that text.
That text is from Mathias Shaw and not Anduin. It sounds more like a motivational speech than the actual plan. When we observe Anduin’s actions and look at what he says, we can pretty much tell, that his intent is to remove Sylvanas and offer peace to the Horde.
Cherry-picked questtexts won’t get us any further IMO, since there are numerous contradictions when we start to compare what individual characters claim in their speeches. (Night Elf fans will tell you all about this when it comes to the conquest of ashenvale).
I’m willing to submit this point, since the removal of the Forsaken’s main hub could definitively be counted as a win. The Forsaken’s war industry must have taken a massive hit.
You don’t deserve the attention Blizzard is giving you.
I can’t even begin to address how much of all that you wrote was either mirrored, compensated, or downright wrong.
And I can’t get myself to address just how much work is being put to compensate the few wrongings the race has had. Or how neglected plenty other races are in comparison.
“Drink up, Horde-comrades! Three cheers for getting our magnificent new city invaded, they went home afterwards, after all. Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! They killed the King and destroyed the fleet we were hoping to add to our forces by befriending the Zandalari in the first place? Never mind. Bottoms up!”
If you really don’t see anything wrong here, then you are utterly incapable of understanding the Horde perspective at all.
They got Saurfang story line and Blood Elves story line. If we speak about story.
If we talking about attention, Its better to not get ANY of attention, instead of becoming homeless dying race.
If we talking about Heroes, Night Elves will lose Sira, and Horde will get + Delaryn + Sira + Lorash.