Yes and there is a reason why people think the Blood Elves joining the Horde is stupid and incredibly forced.
Amani would never join the Horde because of the Blood Elves with the fact that the Horde turned their backs on them to allow said Blood Elves to join. 2.3 (I think) and 4.1 has you going in there as the Horde and killing them. If anything there is more chance of them joining the Alliance than the Horde.
Compare the 2, one was burned down never to be used again, one was self inflicted and only plagued. It can be used again.
Eledy/A Good War.
It isn’t as simple as that. Comparing the WoT to the Battle of Lordaeron is completely different. At least from the game perspective one comes off a lot worse than the other, and the Night Elves were portrayed as bumbling idiots compared to the Forsaken and the rest of the Horde.
Add the short novellas into it and it gets so much worse considering how bad they made the Night Elves and a lesser extent the Alliance look in said event. Night Elves getting outflank in their lands? Some secret smuggler route from Darkshore to Felwood? Dying to bloody crabs etc…
The Forsaken didn’t lose a lot of its population, The Night Elves did, The Forsaken didn’t lose the land itself permanently, the Night Elves did, Sylvanas got to control the outcome of the SoL, The Night Elves didn’t, The Horde portrayed in the WoT was much better than how the Night Elves were. But you seem to ignore this when discussing it.
Nothing will come even to this unless one of your races gets genocided like this in one of the worst events from both a lore/story perspective. And no them Desert Vermin doesn’t count.
Erm no, 8.0 has the War Effort which makes the Alliance looks like a dominating force while the Horde struggles to hold on everywhere. Which leads on to the question how if we are this powerful did the Horde ever think they were able to win in the first place. And how the Night Elves lost in such a crushing way. While I am sort of glad there is something to tell us that there is a war waging over the world it feels cheap for it to happen in a mission table, furthermore if our moment of victory and pride comes from said table then it is damn right pathetic.
Well the entire war is stupid to begin with, if your faction was this weak then why the hell did Sylvanas think (even with Azerite) that she could possibly win. But regardless you get more than just the fleet, you get Loa to help you out. You get new allies from the continent (admittedly they are pretty much been drained).
I am not the person to think that Blizzard are actively bias to one said. But the Horde so far has received far more treatment from the writing then the Alliance has. The fact that the entire world isn’t against you currently should show this. At how the Alliance was dumbed down for you to somehow go toe to toe with us. At how we have forced conflict from Tyrande and Anduin (going against what they said in Elegy) and now pulling out forced genocide on the desert rats just to try and make the Alliance look more dark for no reason.
The best part of this is that the war will end, there will most likely be 2 factions standing and everything that you have done will once again be swept under the rug. In 4 years your faction has tried to commit a genocidal war to wipe out the Alliance, if you faction comes out of this without being destroyed, capitulated or crippled to the point of no repair then