Balance of power (8.1. spoilers)

The fact that your entire faction isn’t destroyed already by either the Alliance or every other neutral faction out there. I’d call that bias, the fact the only reason your faction is not crumbling into the history books. The fact that people are still apart of your faction after what Sylvanas has done. The fact that most Horde characters have been changed to fit this new ideal.

Yes, I call that favoured writing at the very least as it is the Alliance to suffer just as much if not more as you do.

It was more than us that is for sure. The Horde shouldn’t have won that the way they did at all.

No there isn’t.

In order for the Night Elves to be weakened they had to send their elite forces to Silithus to stop the Horde. Ignoring the fact that it would be suicidal for the Horde to do that. I mean seriously? Really? Are the Night Elves/Alliance that stupid to do it?
The fact that they got outflanked in their own land by some secret sumgler pass between Darkshore and Felwood. I mean how wasn’t Felwood patrolled by the Night Elves? Why would there be a smuggler route what the Night Elves didn’t know about? Why would there be one in the first place? If you wanted to smuggler stuff into Wintergrasp then make a teleporter at the side of the mountain. You are trying to avoid Ashenvale so you go through Darkshore instead? Are you serious?

Then you just steamrolled us and the Night Elves barely put up a fight, getting ambushed in their own lands, killing Furbogs and other animals for no reason. Malfurion did 95% of the work and he just got taken out of the fight by Saurfang. He should have buried both him and Sylvanas in an instant.

No the story of the WoT is rotten from start to finish. And this is the reason why so many of us Night Elves “whine” about it. Because people like you brush it off like it is no big deal when it is one of the biggest slap in the faces to any race in the game.


Hey Horde players, stop complaining about “Alliance bias”. You have complained for years that you want to be the underdogs. There you go.


Alliance - Major city destroyed, three provinces lost, armies mauled, disunity at the highest level of command, Brennadam partially smushed.

Horde - Fleet destroyed, Dazar’alor sacked, disunity in the ranks, incompetent king replaced by dynamic, self-possessed daughter, single kodo spooked in Darkshore.

Conclusion? “The Alliance are winning!”

The writers have fiat, of course, so whatever they decide to do is what’ll be canon, but the “tell” I’m getting doesn’t tie up with the “show” I see in-game. This is not a good way to run your MMO’s narrative.

Three months ago the Night Elves were so incompetent that the Horde managed to walk 601 Demolishers through Ashenvale without anyone noticing and roll up the entire Alliance defensive line all the way to Darnassus with only token resistance.

Now, suddenly, I’m supposed to believe this same faction is competent enough to pose a threat to the Horde in Darkshore because Tyrande got super powers and goth contacts.

It’s not just the Horde’s writing that’s terrible.


To be fair here, the Night elves kicked butt. They inflicted heavier losses on the Horde then the Horde did on them (speaking in military terms) in an 8 on 1 situation. And that’s junior sentinels they were using.


No, they were pathetic. Perhaps if they had fought harder, the legendary fleet of King Wrynn would have arrived on time and the Burning of Teldrassil would have been avoided.

I always say this: Don’t let the subhuman garbage do a Human’s job.

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Since when does Stormwind have a legendary fleet?


Metzen quote was prior to WoD, Legion, and the losses from both sides.

Legion kickstarts with Saurfang pointing at balance, and then how the Broken Shore alteres the balance regarding the fleets.

And I don’t see the Horde struggling in their core zones, but agains that’s an entire different issue.

And Anduin says a few weeks later that he can’t stop Sylvanas alone. Context means everything.
She might as well be referring at the sort of victory they wanted to achieve quickly before turning the whole thing into the meat grinder Saurfang feared.

how does how hard the night elves fought influence the speed and therefore the arrival time of Stormwind ships?


Ok then why they were fleeing the moment Zandalari army and Horde reinforcements returned?

Jaina thought that she lured Horde and Zandalari to a trap but in the end she barely made it out alive.

And afterwards head figures of Alliance said that paid very dearly to achieve it all. So it wasn’t such a walk in a park as you made it be and it was still easy mode because Loa were conveniently written off.

Alliance wouldn’t be able to take on Zandalari head on hence they had to deceive army to march to Nazmir.

There is definitely horde bias in this game. The story line illustrates it perfectly after getting nothing but help and favours from the alliance their response is to take our cites and destroy/render them useless Lordaron, Theramore and Darnassus and what are the alliance gonna do about it.? Help them again by helping them oust a treacherous biiitch in favour of an honrable orc… nice one blizz-.-

When will the alliance get to nuke a horde city?

How does that change anything? As far as I have seen, the Horde also took a kicking.

8.0 begs to differ.

Yet you quote a dictionary?


We are playing a game called World of Warcraft, I think it has something to do with war. And thus has more relevance.

I don’t know why your source is allowed and not mine. Here is some more if you want it

Oxford dictionary - A situation in which further action or progress by opposing or competing parties seems impossible.

Collins dictionary - A situation in which two opposing forces find that further action is impossible or futile; Deadlock.

Google search/Wiki - a situation in which further action or progress by opposing or competing parties seems impossible. (basically a repeat of Oxford).

Do you want me to keep going?

Where is it stated that this is solely to do with equal power and no other sorts of advantage such as terrain, resouces and so on?


Since when does Stormwind have a legendary fleet?

I assume that you didn’t play the Battle of Lordaeron scenario?

how does how hard the night elves fought influence the speed and therefore the arrival time of Stormwind ships?

The Night Elves failed to slow down the Horde long enough for the High-King’s fleet to arrive on time. Their mission was to buy precious time for their allies to come, and they failed, unlike Arthas at Hearthglen or Jaina and Thrall at Mount Hyjal (they were also fighting against an overwhelming foe).

Failure will not be excused.

(It’s Veorra, switched to give likes lol)

And yeh I suppose youre right in that sense to be honest

Edit - although I’d expect a “legendary fleet” to be faster tbh XD

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I did, I didn’t see anything remotely legendary about being on a boat.


Again, that’s tell don’t show.

I did the War of Thorns from both sides. The first and only real pause in the Horde advance comes when Malfurion summons the entire Wisp population of Darkshore to erect a barrier which Sylvanas lols her way through. On the Alliance side I was killing Horde left right and centre, yet always ended up giving ground until eventually Saurfang herps in from Felwood (another supposed Night Elf ancestral forest that they forgot to post sentries in) and next thing you know I’m fighting in the rearguard of a defeated army and trying to rescue civilians from Darnassus.

There are numerous ways to make these quest chains feel like the writers tell us they should, but none of these were implemented in-game, so all I’m left with is my impression of what I experienced. I suspect a lot of other Night Elf players are in the same boat, and I think that’s the root cause of a lot of the whining we see.

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Your feelings aren’t a factor.

The key word here is “Had”. Anduin had a legendary fleet at his disposal. Before stupid Talanji, that animal, annihilated a large portion of it.

That’s because the War of the Thorns had the worst in-game portrayal of an important event in game to this date.

So, wait. This legendary fleet is so small that seven ships are a big part of it?


7 ships is a large portion of a legendary fleet?

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