Balance of power (8.1. spoilers)

To be fair, there is a limit on how many legendaries you can equip.

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In this game? Yes. I mean, the entire Forsaken Fleet consists of what? 4 or 5 ships (Stormheim)?

I mean 7 ships were also such in a click during the Stormwind Stockades breakout.


That’s was the entire forsaken fleet? Really? Can you provide a source?


Not even remotely close. The Horde isn’t some rogue, homeless terrorist group. It’s a superpower that has stranded toe to toe with the Alliance in almost every major conflict.

Saurfang mentions a stalemate in a context where he already notes that neither side would be capable of delivering an effective blow to the other without suffering an instant reprisal that would nullify said victory. So he isn’t pointing at the sort of one-sided kind of balance you are comparing it to.

I quoted a dictionary because i wanted to give a clean, objective definition without further muddling the discussion explaining with my own words what that single word meant.

And it’s not as if I had to go to ‘Urban Dictionary’ for it.

It’s impossible I already did that when I didn’t have material chance to answer the ones replying back about it. And because I’m just starting to do so now.

But now, the kind of meaning Ashenbrand mentioned doesn’t apply here.
And given the context involved when Saurfang mentioned it, it’s obvious it has to do with the kind of stalemate that has two equally powerful forces unwilling to risk the status quo because of the immediate reprisal they’d suffer.
That fits in with the literal definition of the kind of stalemate the deadlock term points at. Again, trench wars.

Except Ashenbraid wasn’t comparing the situation of Horde vs Alliance with US vs Taliban? It was just an example of how the word stalemate can have many meanings?


What do you mean? Frozen just provided three More sources to prove you wrong.

All being credible.

Plus I had to explain to you twice the actual meaning, which was further backed up by frozens sources and the fact that I offered you context on the word. Oh and how I know what the word means without having to frantically reach for a dictionary to help


Wowpedia says that Sylvanas takes the entire fleet to Stormheim. It doesn’t indicate a source. But logically, Stormheim was extremely important for Sylvanas, since in that place she could finally find the key to immortality. Why wouldn’t she bring her entire fleet to secure that key? Especially since Stormheim is located so close to Legion territory.

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No need. All three of them point at stalemate being something about opposing forces that match each other.

Not true. Wowpedia says that Sylvanas brought a large fleet. Not an entire fleet.

Good point, but I’m sure that there were some ships left at the end of the zone in forsaken area so not all of the fleet got destroyed right?

Anyway, to cut back on the jokes, the Fleet Stormwind used in Tirisfal is called “The Third Fleet”. Meaning there are more.

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Well, where are the rest of our legions apart from 7th :open_mouth: ?

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The 7th Legion is apparently a name inherited from Lordaeron. Since Arthas raised a Legion in WOTLK, I can’t remember what Legion it was. First possibly?

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Not everything comes down to numbers a troops bud, terrain advantages, resources, equipment, technology and so on can cause a stalemate regardless of pure numbers.

Take the WoT for example, there was a stalemate at the river which was only broken due to the flank from Felwood. But then the Horde outnumbered the Alliance 8:1 using your logic how does this make sense. Want me to use more examples? Or are you going to keep trying to explain this all away?


No they don’t, not unless you’re injecting that in there. The definitions only mention “opposing or competing parties”. You can oppose and compete with someone/ something without having an equivalent strength - the Taliban and the US, for example. The US can’t obliterate the Taliban without incurring serious diplomatic ill will with Pakistan by invading its sovereign soil, and since their supplies come through Pakistan, and they have no other way to conveinetly get supplies to their bases in Afghanistan, annoying the Pakistanis isn’t an option; meanwhile, the Taliban simply don’t have the military power to defeat the Americans, and while they might be able to wait them out, if the Americans decide to stay forever the Taliban are powerless to stop them.

That’s a stalemate.


What I stated can be found on the page related to the Third Invasion of the Burning Legion.

Good point, but I’m sure that there were some ships left at the end of the zone in forsaken area so not all of the fleet got destroyed right?

Another reason why Sylvanas probably brought the entire fleet along with her: The Forsaken don’t build ships. They just raise them from the abyss. So even if Sylvanas lost the entire fleet at Stormheim, she could just have her minions bring them back from the abyss. She has nothing to lose.

I am looking at that page, and it doesn’t speak of the entire Fleet.

edit: I am actually at the Stormheim page.

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What do you mean raise ships from the Abyss? That’s a Jaina thing not a sylvanas thing

If Sylvanas still had a fleet after Stormheim, why didn’t I see any Forsaken ships at the War of Thorns or the Battle of Lordaeron?

I suppose that there is the Banshee’s Wail in Zuldazar and the massive flagship that Sylvanas has in the next patch (which Horde players cannot use because Sylvanas doesn’t give a crap about them).

What do you mean raise ships from the Abyss? That’s a Jaina thing not a sylvanas thing

The ships that the Forsaken use are remnants of sunken ships that they raise from the abyss.