Ban botters

Can someone please explain why it’s so hard to ban multi-box and botter accounts? AFAIK the game’s terms and conditions ban anything that could be construed as griefing. IMO, the fact that the Auction House is owned by accounts that multibox and abuse the system is a very specific symptom of griefing. For example, I can buy some Bismuth ore (R2) at a specific price and refine it. But before it even comes close to selling, there are now 29K listed at a lower price. Bots. To the detriment of actual players. If you want non-PVP players to stick around, and believe me, I don’t thing Blizz actually gives a single damn about PVE, then please once and for all look at the pattern, figure it out, and ban it. Otherwise, after 20 years, I’m gone.


Always been this way, always will be. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

Multiboxing without assistance is not against the rules. It went from “all actions can be copied once” to “you may not use any soft or hardware assistance” after extensive community feedback.

They get banwaved. However, they tend to return fairly quick as there’s (illegal) money to be had ofcourse. Every game has this problem.

What you describe is a player who plays a Gold Goblin - the Auction House. Nothing suggests here that they used cheating to achieve the means of (re)selling which is entirely allowed. It is possible to (re)post very quick with only addons.

What happens often nowadays is “something does something I don’t like, therefore it is griefing” A heavy player coined word.

If you do have actual proof or they’re performing significant inhuman actions or you just suspect them of cheating you can just report them and it will get investigated.


Dude, you dont know if it botters. Besides i like the prices going down so greedy players earns less. You properly like bismuth to be 500 gold each ye? Just because you see a train of druids doesnt mean they are eligal botters, i get the feeling, you get sad when you see it and then they must be botters.

They can easily deal with multi boxing just have to define rules better on whats allowed and what not, this is typical game issue that has to be dealt with and is ruining the game.

But they do?

Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once, is not a violation of our End User License Agreement. Please note, however, that use of all software or hardware mechanisms used to mirror commands to multiple World of Warcraft accounts at the same time, or to automate or streamline multiboxing in any way may result in account penalties.

For more information on our stance about input broadcasting software, see our official blue post.


Just add a rule against muilti boxing for purposes of gathering even without automation, as in 1 account per user, while stating that having multiple accounts active in 1 household is fine, but not for the purpose of putting each other on follow and gathering as that is typical bot behavior.

Easy enough for Blizzard to review this case by case, they never solved the problem to begin with.

Existing rules still allow this, but you can clearly see their also many players against this kind of behaviors as its disruptive to the in game economy, as players always complain about despawning gathering nodes, while also complaining about how disruptive it is to the in game economy.

Lol no, they would have to restrict all players who currently have more then 1 account (you can have up to 8 WoW licenses on 1 account) right now. That would hit so many players you’d eradicate nearly everyone.

They recently changed to strongly advise that even minors whose parent/guardian they’re of must have their own accounts since transfers are no longer possible.

Let’s say with your proposed loophole, what would diferentiate someone on follow/gathering with Mankirk, Mankirkswife, Mankirkid, Mankirkson and Mankirkniece?

Nodes can be multi tapped nowadays. I actually argue, that is more disruptive to the game economy as literally everyone can tap it within that set time and harvest that single node a lot of times.


Last understanding was taping a node had a limit and it despawns either after set amount of time or amount of clicks, anyway i missed out pretty much on dragonflight so that might be outdated.

Anyway i still dislike seeing train of druids fly over to 1 node and then gather nodes, it should not be neccesary for some one to do that let alone be allowed to be done, i am sure they can come up with a great solution for this never liked multi boxing even without automation

A train of druids? This means flying face to backside, many of them. I’ve seen these trains, checked their gear, watched them take off again. This is automation, and yes it’s against ToS (illegal)


In case you weren’t aware of it the AH is regionwide for items that stack such as mats, and are not server specific… there’d be thousands of players on the AH at any given time.

Bismuth is a common, and current, mat.

They pay and some with money, not even gold. I also dislike, when i farm, that someone has just taken the note when i click on the herb. I want them banned too. I also dislike when someone dismount when i use their ah mount, pls ban them too. I also dislike, when i mining, that someone just mine the note when i hold agroo on a mob and maybe miss the note. Pls ban everything i dislike

The problem is not the non-existence of rules, but the fact that botters have found that it is in their benefit to break the rules, take advantage of it, get banned and restart. The only solution is to prevent the benefit of botting in the first place:

  • Gathering nodes may not be interacted with by more than 1 character within x seconds (where x is something appropriate like 10, 30, 60, etc). This will also hit legitimate players, but will significantly and destructively slow multiboxers and botters down.
  • Experience, gold and drops from non-World-Boss monsters are now shared to the players who tag it, so that multiboxers cannot take advantage of 2x4 groups to have 8x income from them.
  • Enforce an “anti-farm” rule, where if the same NPC in a subzone is killed too many times over a small amount of timeframe (for example more than 20 times within 5 minutes), it will stop giving experience, gold and drops and will only reward quest items (if it has any). This will massively kill bot farming, without affecting legitimate players who just quest in an area.

If they do a ban for all lvl 80 druids with 463 ilvl and mining/herb, that would hit most gathering bots and not a single legit player. Finding bots is really really easy btw.

in the topic * So, can a $68.7 billion company fix the bot problem? *


Good, i dont mind bots, but i do mind players who are greedy and think every druid is a bot. And that botting steals your game play, you girl friend and your wow life. I like bots in the way that they get ride of greedy players.

it is not hard. They are generating money for blizzard. That’s why blizzard remain silent and idle while players like us have to suffer.

report and also screenshot and send email to

Came across many boomies all with the same variation of a certain name in Stormheim. Had to be around 20. Same name, differtent last two letters.