Ban premades

premades are the majority in bgs because ppl have stopped queing.most of the people hate to queue or cant queue because of this.youre also not the one who decides what changes and what not.youre delusional if you think that puting premades against randoms is ok.youre just a guy who wants honor handed to him,like the rest of you defending this

No, I donā€™t decide what changes get applied or not, but I do decide that Iā€™m against every change and I donā€™t want to see this game turning into a lvl 60 cap retail just because a forum vocal minority of crying babies that canā€™t cope with the gameā€™s known flaws demand that the game be shaped around their needs rather than accepting the game wasnā€™t designed for their casual expectations and move on like any intelligent and reasonable human adult would do.

No, I donā€™t think the system is ok, itā€™s old and flawed, but itā€™s what we got like the original game and changing it would have further consequences that youā€™re blindness past your entitlement canā€™t see. I rather play what we have or quit If I canā€™t cope with the system, again, like intelligent people would do. I donā€™t even farm honor or play in premades, I just want the game to be what it was and Iā€™m prepared to deal with the flaws either by adapting or moving on because Iā€™m humble enough to understand the gaming industry and game designing doesnā€™t revolve about what i want.

youre not asking for changes in the game im asking for a system in the game to change.and im not the only one.its getting abused and its not working properly.dont act like you dont just suits you and you defend it.not all servers have a large playerbase and you just cant exclude them from pvping,you and the other batterflies that demand a quick effortless honor grind

You are wrong, I donā€™t premade. I have found a work around that and I have a great pvp experience. Even if I hadnā€™t find a way to deal with this broken system I would still be humble enough to realise I canā€™t demand it to be changed. Drop your entitlement, youā€™re not special. If your parents ever told you that Iā€™m afraid they lied to you.


im not alone

putting 2 dots in lowbies out in the world doesnt count as pvp

Does playing WSG at lvl 49 bracket count as pvp then? Trust me, I have alot more fun than you in almost perfectly balanced pug vs pug matches. I also donā€™t cry in the forum. Even if youā€™re not alone, youā€™re still a vocal minority and neither of your on the same boat buddies are special. Get that over your heads. Retail has the balance you seek, no one ever said Classic was perfect.

And even If I did have an interest in playing lvl 60 pvp in premades why wouldnā€™t I be able to do it against pugs if the game has provided me with that option by design? People want to achieve a rank, they would be fools if they were ranking playing with pugs. Playing with pugs at 60 is probably the worst experience this game has to offer, I get tilted within 30 seconds into the match when I realise how badly geared or low skilled most people are, itā€™s not fun to play with such people. Imagine having the outcome of the game you joined being determined by the luck of the draw. The ability to queue up as a group is available to everyone, if people refuse to use that option and feel entitled not to suffer through the consequences of their choices or just cannot accept the game is 15 years old and was designed in such a wayā€¦ and you tell other people to grow up how ironic.

who makes this decision,whos the minority,you?i see ppl complain all the time.premades being the majority only on bgs,doesnt mean they are the majority in general.ppl just wont queue for wsg because of this.ppl that premade are abusing and destroying the game,stop defending this stupidity

theyve already made a change means theyre aware of the problem

No, they arenā€™t. They are using a legit in game mechanic to achieve their goals that was implemented by the devs that designed the game in 2005. Good or bad design, thatā€™s beside the point here, obviously bad design hence why it got fixed on that version of the game that so many people seem to dislike, but this version weā€™re playing is not that version where such flaws were fixed. Keep believing otherwise for all I care, impossible to reason with people that feel at a loss. The ā€œchangeā€ they made, was to end players from using a mechanic that was never intended by design. I would suggest you build your own game studio and design your own game with all the features you like that suit your playstyle, WoW Classic is not that game.

the game was designed this way but back then didnt have the knowledge about the game we have today.i doubt there was premades infesting the queue system back then.ppl today have the knowledge,thats how i insist that what theyre doing is abuse and i consider it cheating,even though its not,formaly at least

you said it yourself

ppl nowadays will try to find ways to ā€œcheatā€ even though its not cheating by the book

premades is exactly the same thing

ppl that play in premades are not interested in true vanilla experience,theyre trying to make it easy for themselves.its hypocritical,they cry about no changes and at the same time theyre finding ways to reach their goals faster.and easier

thats also why theyve got those titles so wrecking backpedaling generals and centurions with my blue/green gear

I played in a premade during vanilla and achieved nice ranks in two different characters back then, it seems like a very vanilla experience to me. I used to stomp pugs all day long. Was it fun? No. The best games were certainly the premade vs premade ones. Was it fair? No. But it was the most efficient way and pretty much the only way we had to achieve our ranking goals, and guess what? Thatā€™s how it was designed, thatā€™s all we had, ranking was simply not possible on pugs and we didnā€™t have this fake pve race AV either. Now you assume it is reasonable to demand changes to a product made by a multi-million dollar company just because you donā€™t like all the features included? Get real.

Also keep in mind todayā€™s premades will face essentially mostly other premades now that the scouting was fixed and dodging is no longer possible.

Again, there is already a version of the game where the developers have listened to their customers, it turned out to become crap. Iā€™d rather not see the Classic version suffer the same fate.

There is no reason to chose alliance for pvp maybe for premading which is constantly getting nerfed anyway, every racial is so situational and can only counter rog or mages while the horde racials are universally counter most specs. Just compare the human +gnome +dwarf racials to an orc or undead or a tauren racial. Noone would pick a stealth detection over a stun immunity/free pvp trinket or aoe stun. Maybe the gnome escape artist could be good for warriors but even then an aoe stun or stun ressist is still more versatile.

Doubt, Iā€™d argue Gnomes have the best racials for casters in PvP and PvE, 5% extra int is just so much extra damage and mana, escape artist is pretty universal against all classes, while WotF only works against a niche. The orc racial just adds 25% extra stun resist and itā€™s active racial is pure crap. Iā€™d prefer the Dwarf stoneform and extra cold resistance as a rogue anytime. Warstomp is pretty nice, but it gimps itself because itā€™s unusable for feral druids who have to pick Tauren.

Overall Iā€™d say there are a lot of reasons why youā€™d prefer Alliance racials over Horde ones in PvP, but it depends on your class and playstyle.

right so plz enlighten us,what should ppl from servers that dont have premades,should do

Depends, are you an unhappy customer? Then the same every conscious unhappy customer would do, look for another service that meets their expectations rather than enforcing changes on the product they are unhappy with. WoW Classic is not a purchase for life, you havenā€™t been ripped off, you can hit the unsubscribe button at any time.

Every server can have a premade, it just takes 10 people to form one, if at any moment in time 10 people from the same server are solo queueing, there is no reason for them not to organise and queue as a group, are you implying your server doesnā€™t have 10 lvl 60 alliance players queueing for pvp?

srsly now?

So you want this change that is convenient for you, fair enough, say Blizz listens to you and changes it and turns ranking into what is now known as rated BGā€™s in retail (I would see no other solution not to screw on the people serious about ranking as rewards would have to be superior to pugging and for that might as well just create rated and itā€™s own separate rewards for those who participate).

Next come along Joe Bloggs. Joe Bloggs asks Blizzard to add LFR or Dungeon Finder because Joe Bloggs is an adult with a job and family and doesnā€™t have time to waste looking for groups in game by spamming /LFG in his one or two hours of playing per day, but Joe Bloggs still wants it to be Classic. Blizzard listens to Joe Bloggs and we get LFR and Dungeon Finder in Classic.

Next comes along John Doe. John Does asks Blizzard to add flying mounts to the game because he is an adult with a job and he doesnā€™t have time to get on gryphons because flight paths in vanilla are retarded and he only has a couple of hours to play each day so he doesnā€™t want to waste 10 minutes to fly from point A to point B. Next comes along his cousin that adds to the discussion that portals to every main city or hub should be added because flying mounts are still slow and require him to actually steer the flying mount, entering a portal would just be easier, heā€™s a busy man. They both want to play Classic though. So Blizzard listens to them and we get flying mounts and portals to every major hub in Classic.

Then comes along me. I really fancy the TBC pre patch 1.13 talents and since technically they were still in Vanilla for a couple of weeks and I want my warlock to have a felguard and be more powerful (but I want it to be vanilla not TBC!). So Blizzard listens to me because Iā€™m also a paying customer and we get 1.13 TBC pre patch talents.

Next comes along Joe Dimaggio. Joe Dimaggio would really fancy being able to RP as a Goldshire farmer while he stomps people in BGā€™s at level 60, so he asks Blizzard to add transmogrification so he can turn his T2 Gear and his Ashkandi into farmer cloth and a pitchfork, or perhaps he doesnā€™t fancy swords and wants his sword to look like an axe. But Joe Dimaggio wants to play Classic nevertheless. So Blizzard listens to Joe Dimaggio and adds transmogs into Classic.

Do I need to continue? The list could go on and on and I have seen all that and much more being proposed in this very forum. Why would those changes be any less valid than yours? We would no longer have Classic and have a closer version to retail, all this because some people can not accept the game as it was designed 15 years ago and the fact that just because players have evolved it doesnā€™t mean the game has to evolve too.

Changes are a can of worms that will lead this game into retail (again), thereā€™s already a ruined version of the game that got ruined because Blizzard listened to Joe, John and the others, do we really need to ruin this one too? Fix bugs and exploits, leave the rest untouched. Accept the game with itā€™s flaws and imperfections or unsubscribe and look for your gaming fix elsewhere.

You could argue your change is warranted and the other changes arenā€™t but thatā€™s where selective changes and entitlement comes in. Can you see that?

voicing your ideaā€™s on a part of the game that is no fun but could be excellent fun is fine. And sometimes adding features is desired.

Example: imagine average raids lasts 2hours. If during this 2 hours people would spend most of their time actively not ressing and afking to pass the time and in general not having a lot of fun, no fun at all actually.
It would not be strange to try a fix.

And it is good that a change to premade wsg is demanded. As people who so not want it changed also need other players to activily keep the world/servers up with contribution money.

I am not saying that wsg premade situation will let people quit the game. But a game that has more entertaining features for a broader audience might be long enough around for others to reach desired rank.

Iā€™m literally facepalming reading your comment. Youā€™re actually unable to comprehend the fact that thereā€™s something completely flawed with the system that needs to be regulated but isnā€™t due to population and meta changes that inherently changed the way vanilla wow is played? Is your brain really that small, or are you just trolling right now?

What is stopping you from making a premade? I really dont understand why you cbf to do what they do and instead want to ban those who want to play together instead of alone.

If you want to be anti social so be it but donā€™t force it onto others.

1 Like
  1. Premades should be matched against other premades, no matter how large raid they sign with. If you sign with 12 players, its your problem.
  2. PvP ranks should be used when matching a BG, -1 to +1, or someting like that
  3. Take away the possibility to choose BG, there should only be ā€œFirst availableā€
  4. Add a checkbox to not join an ongoing BG