BAN Raider.IO

Ban of rio imminent, in bottom line its ilegal data leak to third party, nothing more than spyware.

Just wait until blizzard realise the damage it did to their game, and into what their community turned, and how rio dettered millions from game and robbed blizzard for millions $. I assure you I will be there each time someone need to open their eyes… But for now keep worshiping your p2w score, enjoy until it last, and days are short, alot of people alredy complaining against it… Rio encourage boosting services, and situation with them is alredy unbearable, blizzard will need to deal with it otherwise we will turn into china servers.

Nobody is claiming it to be flawless. And that argument that everyone is buying boosts “en-masse” I have…my doubts but fine, agree to disagree and move on.

And yet the question remains. Since you are hell-bent anti-rio. Then offer a “viable solution”. I am only seeing your “rio is bad. Rio is evil. Rio is satan preaching”.

WELL? What other solution you can offer? In a key, if the guy is clueless, the key will get wasted. Who will take the brunt = the key holder.
If the dps sux or don’t interrupt, very likely the key will be dead. Who will take the brunt? The keyholder of course.

The key holder is takes the full beating if the group fails(depleted key). The other guys loses absolutely nothing. Even the rio score doesn’t reflect “failed-NON finished runs” so yeah…they lose absolutely nothing.

So perhaps stop with your “Rio is evil” lecture and offer a viable solution then?
How can I check if the JohnIsTank guy who signed up for my run is experienced or not? If the guy will be as blind as a bat, then there is also risk that the other 3 pugs will just leave cause “they dont have time for this circus”.

If you can’t offer a viable solution. By all means. Invite every random Joe and Jane to your own keys and pray in whatever religion you follow(IF you are religious) that they have been in the dungeon before…
I won’t take this “Russian roulette risk…where 5/6 chambers got live ammo” and use rio to even at least try to filter out the applicants.

Of course, spyware :stuck_out_tongue: it is available made by blizzard. You have to open your own eyes. And yes of course, i bought my 3k rio score. Like everyone else :man_shrugging:

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I bought mine at the great sale Yday! Did you get it with a good discount?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I gave a tip even. I got also the 5M AH mount. I prefer to throw my money around :joy:

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There is several idea how it can be solved:

  1. Hide gear behind skill again (then even common inspection will be enough)
  2. Make key to depeete after 3 fails (it may ease the rio stress to comminity)
  3. Scrap entire key deplete idea, make players able to chose whichever number they want to play (like in destiny 2), you pick high number you fail, but you can repeat indefinetly.
  4. Improve achivment system

I agree, people will always catch onto something to “measure” other players, but from all measure tools in past, rio score is most toxic, most harsh, and most unjust tool to do that, and in bottom line irrelevant tool, which turn people into fake elitist monsters. This is why it need to go for good.

Impossible. Good gear is dropping from the sky pretty much. Ilevel is meaningless.

Outright remove the challenge from keystone running…because “I am cba to work for the score”? Overhaul the entire m+ cause some people can’t be censored to work their way up and are expecting free +15 carries noaaaaaaaaaw? If you overhaul a major game feature. It has to have a serious reason to.

I am cba to work for my score and I want to get insta invited to every group. So I will destroy m+ scene in general instead

Whats there to improve? You either got the achievement or you don’t?

Every tool which filters out people will be “toxic”, “unjust”, “elitist”, to the guy who got filtered out.
We can create a new improved rio tool and lets call it " Lynlia’s awesomeness tool".

And I am betting my entire year’s wage that there will be a “Praetorian 2.0” who will be screaming his lungs out on how Lynlia’s awesomeness tool is bad, evil, toxic, unjust, elitist…and etc.

Final say: Like Psjohly has already mentioned. If you are not getting invited to groups or just disagree with the rio philosophy in general.
By all means. Create your own group…no wait. Go further. Create a community. Invite people based on their transmog choices or name’s or just first come, first served…what ever. And have a blast?

But yeah. I know. That actually takes effort. Whining at the big bad rio on the forums is less hard work and more “fun” I guess…


Actually I have 1300+. This is a prime example of toxicity

And you post on an alt, clearing hiding your so called ‘skill’

Raider IO means nothing, maybe I just don’t like most of the dungeons? So why would I do them, doesn’t mean I lack knowledge and common sense. Raider IO is toxic, and makes people believe they’re elitests with high scores when in-fact, they probably got carried.

Nah, THIS is.

And this is too.

I just can’t understand this Psjohly :smiley:

“Rio is toxic, Rio is bad, Rio is evil”.

Ok, create your own group and invite who ever you like. Or join a community/guild.

“Rio is toxic, Rio is bad, Rio is evil”.
Is rio bashing considered to be an “official” forum sport now? :smiley:

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It also doenst matter what we do. We can run 10 dungeons every week to help players out on weeklies by lowering our own keys. We explain stuff even in those dungeons on voice. We laugh about missing those timers. And then we are toxic.


This is actualy truth, there is people who did one dungeon at m20, yet didnt even step in another dungeons, maybe because nothing drops for them etc… I personaly not do dungeons if reward in the end is useless. And all m15 i done is because good useble PvP items there.

How is imposible? , its so simple, blizzard can just say “we are unhappy how current gear system work, and what our community become, vanilla/TBC/Wotlk system is better and we will slowly work to reintroduce it back”. Its so simple, whats is given can be taken, offcourse some people will whine, but something must be done for long run god. I dont understand whats wrong having gear hidden behind skill, its how things must be. And again rio is worst system to “measure” of all system which existed before it, so evry change is actualy step foward.

Overall Rio is low respect score buyable, designed create discrimination and encourage boosting services, and designed for kids who can 24/7 before their computer, in expense of regular player well being, not to mention its third party spyware, isnt even official stuff. It need to go away !

There is not really a difference though. Gear saying you did something (if lucky with getting loot), or an armory showing you did it (regardless of lucky with loot).

And get real. It is not spyware. Blizzard even upped the amount of runs in the leaderboard for it. With first showing only the top 100 and now the top 500.

If gear is properly hidden behind skill luck factor is minimal, I mean it is possible to get somehting by luck but its rare occasion. Look for example classic Hakkar trinket (this is pure example of properly hidden gear behind skill), low drop rate, last boss, anyone wants this trinket, and not anyone can kill Hakkar (lets not discuss if Hakkar is really hard boss or not, but fact is not anyone can kill it, its truth)… chance to get trinket is minimal if you are not skilled and dedicated to even get into position to get it, and no one gonna gief it to you, unless you deserved it. And when you inspect guy, and it has this trinket coupled with few more items which you know he didnt get without skill and dedication, you can safetly conclude that guy has skills and dedication.

Still better than inviting based on “who has the prettiest transmog” or who asked nicely or whose name you like the best…

There is alot of transmogs in game, most of them are easy obtainable by anyone, yet some of them remained wet dreams of many, since they was unbtainable and in their time they was hiden behind insane skill and dedication…So even transmog can sometimes help you create picture of player.

Rio score sadly only show you picture of player activity at last season, player can be unicum, yet you gonna discriminate him if his current score not please you, and this is wrong, and bigest flaw of rio. In the end of day you will put good player into trash bin in favor of player who payed his score. And this is part which saddens, which is pagan and against sportmanship, reason why rio need to go.

And everyone can have their own criteria for on how they judge people. Some even check the warcraftlogs to see the guy’s performance there even if Raiding=/=m+ on some higher keys. While I don’t agree with such criteria…its their key, their rules. You disagree with rio. Fine. Your free right to have an opinion and nobody will contest that. Yet…you are also hell-bent to take rio away from everyone else. From both who use rio for good and those that abuse it.

Take away rio and I will pretty much personally stop puging guys and m+ will become a “guild/friends only”. Since very few people will be willing to risk their own keys based on “he is good” promise(and people can lie btw).

Ok. Let me ask from this perspective.
I decline a “good player cause his score is bad”. SO? Thats my problem. My key and group will suffer not yours. I am sure you make your own groups wisely…
So…whats your interest in how OTHER people create their groups? Let them create their 6k rio only groups for a +15. You can create a +15 group - will invite based on transmog.
Its not my business how you create your groups…so why this is your business how others are creating their groups? Don’t like rio. Fine, dont use it.

Unless of course you are being that good player which is getting declined and is not even bothering to make his own groups

Well but issue is 99% people are like you, i call them rio monsters… so that good player will need to jump 2 hour in Stormwind before someone who is reasonable and know that m15 isnt somehting really hard appear and invite… Is it really necessary to jump 2 hours in SW just to one shot stuff in 30mins without a single issue? All because player must deal with this stupid rio politics each time player want to tag along and play.

And offcourse I not using it, because I hate it and disrecect it. But because 99% people are like you I have mega hard time to make and jump into groups. Once in run I never had issues, mostly its all one shot, but I constantly have issues dealing with this stupid, time consuming, and tiresome rio politics each time i want to do somehting in this game, you litelary turned game into second job ! You guys demanding rio over stupid and trivial stuff, disciminating anyone around.

Lets see m15…
Its not really hard…most of job relay on tank shoulders to know “good path”, there is several mobs which must be interupted and kill order arranged, and know boss mechainc is advisable if week is tyranical, if grp is overgeared even this not matters. Do you really need to employ such a elitism when inviting members for m15? i mean today rio tommorow what? you gonna ask me to send you my stool sample so I can get into your godly grp? common m8 what you doing its called fake elitism, screw your skills if you must have anyhting perfect to be able to do the runs.

Rio means nothing actually, everyone is just buying the +15 mount, everyone wanna have mounts that’s going away so boosting is big in this last season and mount every season in shadowlands so expect more boosting.