BAN Raider.IO

I am not sure why is two hours so significant. OK, let’s say he exaggerates it. Do you find it hard to believe that he is spending, say, 45 minutes longer in the queue than he would if he did the instances he isn’t interested in? Is it not significant? And why does this happen? Because of RIO. QED.

Yeah I forgot that I quit my job two years ago and I’ve been pushing my score 16 hours a day for the entirity of BFA.


As 475 resto druid that he is … well yes it is hard to believe.

Exactly, alot of people actualy decide to suffer in silence or just silently stop playing.
Walk my street and ask my neighbours why they stoped WoW, they will tell you: in BFA it started to feel like second job, and that they dont have time to grind all those scores, no one want to invite them etc., And I can tell you those guys arent bad players… yet WoW failed to protect them, now their money goes for other games.

Yes but once you grow old, your friends wont be online in same time… and sometimes I love randomness of PuG, for me it acutaly makes stuff fun. You ever wiped and loled on that?

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i am 41 years old.

Sorry, but I am going to believe Praetorian on that.

Yes I do. He’s got more than enough score for it to take a few minutes at most + he’s THE meta M+ healer class.

By the way he doesn’t even need to do +15 more than once a week, because the end of dungeon item level caps at +14. And there’s plenty of “weekly no leaver” runs all the time. Especially the closer it is to weekly reset.

I am probably older than you because I am too old for THAT! Well my friends normally seek me out from bnet. Well now at end of BfA I have become rad logger and skipped all wow-entirely and played other online games.

But I genuinely believe that you do not have to deal with RIO at all. not with your gear or skillset. I do not know how good or bad you are, but as i said that I look at your armoury and can see you cannot be completely clueless.

You can always tame yourself a pocket tank. No team will deny a good tank with healer of your gear. I presume you have always been decently geared.

Trust me I am so short fused that i aint going to sit in any hub 2h for a PUG. I still think RIO, when used correctly is better tool than any we’ve had before, but if people decline you from (lets say … from your armory) Freehold because of RIO score you should be happy them declining you because they’d be idiots. You are over qualified to that. You should be thankful if some dumb RIO kid declines you as they are idiots. You don’t want to play with idiots.

Them declining you from i.e. above mentioned Ml would be fair presumption. Armory or RiO. My comment stands both ways.

But you won’t take my word that I’ve fairly easily pugged up to +23 as one of the least desired ranged classes in M+ I guess? And I’ve been doing it more or less since S1.

Sorry but I’ve spent enough time doing M+ to know that he’s making things up, or he has issues unrelated to rio.

My experience is the hardest part is finding that 1 key of the right level of the right dungeon. While i pugged a lot it could end up finding only 1 or 2 per hour. And also a whole evening none. So i believe the 2 hours. But that does not include 10 declines.

I’m sure rio is somehow to blame for that too.

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I will just remind you that a couple of posts ago the argument from your side of the thread was that Praetorian would not be taken into a group based on his armory, without RIO.

Now we moved on to you not believing that he is spending extra time to find a group.

I suppose if he takes a record of how long it took him to get a group you will say that he deliberately went AFK to troll, etc.

Sorry, but all I am seeing is him saying “guys, I have a problem, this problem is RIO, look, here’s what happens” and the rest of the thread bending around their backs inventing all kinds of BS reasons to tell him he is lying or whatever.

Praetorian, man, you are in the right. Alas, the system will stay what it is. Yes, it’s BS. Such is life. Blizzard are not good devs these days.

Why should I skip friends carry service ? Heck i would even ask forums for a carry if need be. I aint stubborn !

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That was a completely different argument about rio not being the issue but rather that any tool that lets players check the experience of their applicants will inevitably filter out certain players.

We are now arguing that HE is exaggerating/making things up to make a point which is shady to say the least. I have experience directly contradicting his while playing a non-meta class. Almost all my completed keys are with pugs.

What I’m seeing is “hey guys I’ve hade some negative experience that everyone else had to deal with to some extent in different forms, therefore this entire system that a lot of people rely on needs to be banned”.

I am not inventing any arguments. All I base my arguments here on is experience and basic observation.

Maybe because they are not online, maybe because I dont feel urge to call them online because its easy m15 content which i gonna oneshot after someone inv anyway.

Also dont Mix PvP and PvE
In PvP I have 0 issues finding grp, I mean people decline sometimes and its OK, but you can always challenge guy to duel, sell him few tricks and get invited, or guy decline you, you meet him in arena as enemy, beat him , then lol to him a bit then befiend with him and play with him later. In PvP you can still ways to prove yourself before being judged. but in PvE with rio, you are being judged before you play, and there your story ends, if rio say low, people automaticly presume that you are sh*t = deiscimiantion

I had to… I had to now RIO and armoury you.

Is that really PUGs ? I see you are decent level mythic raider ? So why no help from friends or guild ?

But if what you did is truly PUgs, then not bad… not bad at all :open_mouth:

I am self a mediocre 2100 hero as all i wanted was a mount. And never bothered to push anything. Didn’t feel rewarding enough for me (I did not feel that keys number itself was goal on its own for me)

Exactly, that’s the thread bending over backwards to find multiple ways to say “no”. You know why this happens? Because you yourself feel that each of these pseudo-points taken in isolation is weak. You personally supposedly had no issues with queue times so you theorize that Praetorian shouldn’t have them either? What kind of a point is that? It’s weak. Same for other points. You feel it so you invent more and more of these pseudo-points instead of actually accepting that yes, the problem might be real.

Give it a little more time and there will appear more points. “You are just toxic, perhaps they don’t take you because of that”, etc.

You all are just refusing to believe that he has a genuine issue. You are blindly cargo-culting your RIO. That’s all that happens. He is giving you specifics, you are inventing reasons he must be wrong.

Most guildies going higher than myself have established groups and due to my time limitation, I can’t commit to a stable push group, since most play either at night or when I’m working. I do have some friends who I push with from time to time but that’s a small minority of my runs.

Drive-by slander, nice.

Well, one of the issues is his mentality anyway. Without also wanting to just join some ingame M+ community. And only wanting to do a couple specific dungeon. He is making it himself difficult. When you dont take responsibility yourself, then in the end the last thing is rio, that then gets the blame. There are so many options to not be in any way reliant on rio…