Ban repeat dungeon leavers(temp ban not perma)

I’m sorry, but no matter how far-reaching or punitive you make the debuff, it will never compare to the frustration of playing with someone who simply isn’t pulling their weight. Whether it’s due to lack of gear, poor performance, or an unwillingness to communicate, the real issue isn’t the mechanics of the debuff system—it’s the impact of being stuck in a group where one person is dragging everyone else down.

A debuff might discourage people from leaving, but it does nothing to fix the underlying problem of players who aren’t prepared or capable of contributing meaningfully to the group. The frustration of carrying someone who refuses to engage, whether it’s through basic mechanics or even something as simple as joining a voice call, can ruin the experience for everyone else. No debuff will ever balance out that level of frustration. The real solution lies in better systems to match players based on skill or preparation and more accountability for those who continually underperform.

But hay punish the people who don’t want to deal with you.