Ban repeat dungeon leavers(temp ban not perma)

I was not commenting on the toxic part at all but merely stating that comparing a party in RL to a dungeon run is a bad example as they two are so wildly different. I was not touching on anything else in your post because like I said, I was just commenting on this one example in your post and pointing out how flawed that example was.

It dosent. You are over simplifying it…

All the negative consequences exist in those “other games”. And as such, it should be a warning sign if anything.

Punishment just makes you feel better. Thats all.

And simply, be an adult. Waiting 10 sec for another person, especially in heroic dungeons which are dumb easy, is not a big deal.


Thats not what it means at all.

If you’re going to try to educate people on what words mean, don’t screw up the lesson (or put another way have a clue what you’re talking about).

Nowhere does any definition or description even consider the bar being as high as jail time. You do talk a lot of rubbish.


People are being jerks, if they are being repeated jerks they get a time out so they stop being jerks to people for a little while. The jerks get what they deserve, the rest of the playerbase is happy it was handled.

Where is that negative consequence you speak of?

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Well, hopefully the real meaning was lost in translation, that’s all I will say.

Read my post carefully.

That example was put in part (A) about abusing the term “toxic”.

Stay on topic please.

If you want to talk about punishing leavers that is part (B).

Sigh, how was I not on topic by pointing out a fallacy in your thought process?

I didn’t touch the toxic part because your definition of toxic is completely made up BS and I am not getting into that.

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Party: Go to have fun

That’s your objective - possibly even your reason to go in the first place

As for the social construct, both have the chance to consist of complete strangers, or all your friends, or a mix of both.

Somebody leaving either group isn’t toxic. It’s (possibly) annoying; for the dungeon run it can be super annoying (but again, only if it’s the tank or healer, dps are usually replaced within seconds).

You could even argue there’s the same punishment to leaving: you’re not getting invited again/you can’t go back right away

Ok granted. I will admit to oversimplifying and puting the bar too high.

But even you will agree with me that “toxic behaviour” is a word that is being abused.

Not every action i disagree with can be classified as “toxic”. Especially because i have seen much worse. Both in wow and in other places.

For example, there is a difference to leaving a dungeon. Or writing “you looser noobs you suk bad…” and then leaving a dungeon…

Punishing players for not wanting to waste their time will just lead to more irritation, aggression and less desire to play.
They should instead entice players to stick with the entire dungeon and do every boss.
Could be done simply by having every boss a chance to drop any piece from the entire dungeon or a chance of dropping tokens which can be traded in for the desired piece or similar.

It’s the same problem in pvp.
If you’re losing a match it’s just a waste of time for staying. The reward from a loss needs to be closer to that of a victory.


That still does not make it an even remotely good example as you cannot compare the two further than “go there to have fun”. A comparison should have a lot more substance to it than something incredibly general than going there to have fun.

I never said it was.

You literally have no control over who you get paired with in a random dungeon finder group, while you may not be invited back in to that very same group you can be plopped back in with one or more of the same people by chance.

Also how is it a punishment if you left the group of your own free will and you’re not invited back? You left, that generally means you don’t want to be back. Perhaps I am misunderstanding you here as it really doesn’t make sense to me.

Sure, its subjective. But to get common ground try to insert some themes into it.

Heres one off the internet Toxic people can be self-centered, manipulative, abusive, and lacking in empathy

Broadly speaking I don’t think you have to tick all of those boxes for someone to try to apply the label.

I’d say dungeon leavers tick boxes one and four. I agree “toxic” is just a lazy word thrown about. Douche / butthole etc, we all have our own description of such people.

But if people won’t be nice on their own the game should force them.


This I can get behind and your ideas are good, too. Either entice or actually really punish repeat(!) deserters. Instead of a ban it would be simple to make the deserter buff stack, so the more they do it on any given the day the longer they are forced to wait to get back into a group.

Edit: To explain further. First time leaving a dungeon before its done = 10 min deserter and it doubles for each consecutive dungeon you leave before its finished up to say 3 hours. That would take care of the problem incredibly fast while not taking away people’s ability to play other parts of the game while the debuff ticks. A compromise.

Make groups with friends of guildies and you won’t have to deal with any of it, if it bothers you that much.

No it doesn’t. There’s been too many times we had to wait for over 2 minutes.

Social issues rarely get fixed by technical changes forcing them into a certain direction.

Would solve the issue with current content, but would make farming old mog a pain.

It would also not be good for newcomers, since these gear farmers would just want to speedrun the dungeon faster than they can press their binds.

It’s called bad luck protection. People have been begging for the Dinar/Bullion system to become a mainstay in future seasons and some even ask to apply it to dungeons because they’re tired of being played by the game’s RNG system.

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And ppl would just afk then… If the content was rewarding ppl wouldn’t leave… Its really that simple… and punishing the player never works as they will just do it and quit until the buff is gone… You can’t make players sit though dungeons if they don’t want to…

What else would you suggest?