Ban repeat dungeon leavers(temp ban not perma)

The game cant force them. Idiots will be idiots for ever.

And punishing leavers wont magically change their attitude. It will just give them different avenues to continue to be jerks.

What i can say is that out of the 100 or so heroic runs i did, i only encountered leavers in ~ 10 of them. Only because crests and valor are more “rare” than 1 particular item.

And when it happened, we just kept going in thd dungeon with 2 DDs, or with out a tank. 20s later we had a replacement…

So i would not cry rivers over a minority of people that dont comply.

Toxic is a powerful word. What would you call someone that ticks all 4 boxes. And a few more…

Like some people in LoL and DoTa ? What are those then ? “Toxic +” ? (And by the way, i have yet to find 1 wow player as despicable as many i encountered in LoL and DoTa)…

I dont agree with diluting a powerful term used to describe “the worst of the worst”.

It can’t force them to be “nice”. It can be programmed with “leaving dungeons repeatedly after the first boss is bad - do it and a stick is coming for you”. Not hard.

In solo shuffle you have that type of punishment.

The guy simply AFK in the arena and goes to drink a beer.

Because finishing the dungeon/arena with 1 person AFK takes less time than the penalty.

And the bigger the penalty, the more you incentivise that.

In arenas they implemented deserter. Some left, some AFK. The moment they said that you also loose 200 rating, nobody left. ALL afk in the door.

You could implement a “vote kick mechanism” then. But then trolls will start abusing it, like the post i quited earlier.

Or you could implement a super elaborate mechanism of vote and checks to kick out idiots while preventing abuse…

Ok… If it takes more than 30 seconds to execute its a waste of time. Why 30 sec? Its the time you take to find a replacement for the leaver.

No. I disagree. Not worth it ! Not when 90% of people play nice.

What already exists in place : putting you at the top of the list and finding a replacement in 30 seconds…

Find likeminded players to group up with, so leavers/bad-attitude-players/… don’t have any relevant impact on your gameplay, and mostly let’s stop asking Blizzard to implement technical manners to fix the unfixable.

It’s LFG for heroic dungeons, don’t copy / pasta this from m+ its not the same type of content…

I’m gonna be harsh; players have no idea what they want. I’d even argue that the worst systems in-game atm are a direct response to certain player-requests.

You can still queue up with 2 others, can’t you?

Can and should and want aren’t the same thing. We “can” do a lot of things, if people “wanted” to queue up with buddies all the time lfg would be redundant.

You’re missing the point completely.

And by that token why do you care about leavers? DPS get replaced before you pull the next mobs and tanks are 2-3mins…

Had a dungeon where tank left waited then the dps left the healer stupidly doesn’t wait and leaves get new ppl in 2-3mins and finish simples…

No, I’m not missing the point.

People complain about leavers, but do absolutely NOTHING to minimize the effect these leavers have on them. I’ve faced leavers, many times. I’m honestly not even sure why they do what they do. Average time waiting on replacements? 10 seconds. No factor. Just none.

The only time it was somewhat problematic was last night when for once we didn’t supply a tank ourselves.

Just take control, stop complaining about every single aspect in this game.

I could buy that.
It’s also kinder on the few legit leavers that do it once in a blue moon.
But it’s only a solution if they at the same time give the players a reason to stay.

Yes you are because lfg and premades aren’t the same type of content.

I’m not complaining, I’m agreeing with others its a problem for heroic dungeons (not for m+ etc because there you do have control).

Ahh, so to avoid the problem befriend a tank! Simple practical… not :clown_face: One whole day of not providing a tank and its “somewhat problematic”. What about people that never group with one. Put yourself in their shoes or just scream at them to “take control!”?

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This is simply not true… People don’t care as much for the CR loss as they care for the MMR loss. People know this… So people would rather leave a SS and lose the 200CR than stay and lose the MMR, hence why people have been saying the CR loss makes no difference

Find a guild.

With the recent change of them being cross-faction ánd cross-realm, this should no longer be too difficult…

Leavers have 30 mins punishment.
Maybe they should make it like Ranked PvP - 15, 30, 1hr, 2hr… etc.

Or maybe like SWTOR! I wont leave anything in SWTOR cuz its acc-wide penalty! In WoW… you just leave and get another alt to play with and then leave and switch to another of your 50 alts. Make the penalty like SWTOR - acc-wide! Then ppl will stop leaving.

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Not the experience i had in low ratings. Maybe at higher rating ok, but not if your climbing the rating ladder.

And yes. I said rating, not mmr. Because as is the case in dungeons and PvE, many people (like myself) only wanted the PvP rewards. Not to reach glad level or something like that.

And rewards are tied to rating not mmr.

And therefore, there are a ton of AFK people. Ok… Correction : there were a ton when i used to do SE. And I suppose there continues to be as the system hasent changed.

And i dont have to explain how annoying it is to do SS as a healer, and on top of that have idiots AFKing in the arena.

I prefer 100 million times more for that guy to simply leave with no penalty and have him replaced next round by someone else.

Which is the case for heroic dungeons.

People are still leaving as they just go do it again on alts or do a bg, the deserter debuff is more of an issue for people getting kicked then people leaving as they fully intend to do.

Just change to loot they want to the last boss and problem fixed no need for deserter debuff.

They said they would, but have not done so yet. You’re not getting a deserter debuff when you leave after the first boss is down. You get one if you leave before the first boss is done.

This is why the leaving is still so common. I tested it yesterday and no debuff. It doesn’t matter if someone left before you or if you’re the first to leave, either.

Toxic is selfish behavior that is harmful to others, ruining dungeons is harmful to other players. Trolling is bad attempts at entertaining oneself, these leavers dont do it for entertainment, they do it because they are selfish :poop: that dont care about others and dont care if they ruin their experience.

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