It just feels boring here, its like they wanted a class to be as noob friendly as possible, fury & arms are quite simple specs to learn & Protection is the easiest tank of the bunch, even more than guardian …
Thank you very much for the offer very kind , I see so many good comments about it and with Sinaaki being there and knowing the trouble makers she is I will give it a good think over
Cheers for explanation. Even when I have never used this add-on myself, its interesting to understand how things work. And you also responded to me why my recent (yesterdays KR) 17 fail (totally my fault as tank … 6 times on last boss … or fault of healer, figures) netted me as if done 16 in time.
DH and shaman are both perfectly fine for 10+, heck I proved the point on my UNDERGEARED DH. The time on this range (10.ish which is what most masses aim for the max ilevel bonus) is more dependent on dps, and fluidness of pulls, rather than class.
It is unfortunate that people think that shaman/dh are as bad that they shouldn’t be used. DH tanks have pretty decent damage output and work fine even in mythic raids.
Why doesn’t your score reset if a week has bursting tyra skittish to when you do a week you do fortified teeming necrotic?
The difference is actually bigger between 2 weeks where the score doesn’t reset than it is between the season affix. The season resets are just self imposed by RIO to make you grind more it’s actually no different than changing a week.
The addon is great. I use it all the time with great succes. If you can’t get into +3 dungeons, make a group for mythic 0, get a keystone and do your own mythic+ groups. Easy.
Because it wouldn’t be reasonable to reset the score every week instead of every 5-6 months.
An avid M+ runner will run keys in all or at least most affix weeks anyway, so their score is still a good average. You can see if someone is an avid M+ runner by the number of timed M+ runs that is also shown in the add-on (holding alt or control will show additional details).
It’s not reasonable to reset the score either way that’s what im telling you. It’s only a self imposed thing to keep the rats running on the treadmill. That’s exactly why i have an issue with it ,the score reset is so people “have something to do” when the new season starts. Makes no logic because they don’t reset between weeks.
It shoulnt dictate weather you know how to do the dungeon or not ,that’s why reseting the score between seasons is bad cause people think you suddenly forgot how to do the dungeon since you have 0 score(not all but again the one that can’t use their brian when using the tool)
RIO does compensate for this and addresses exactly this issue. Both the add-on and the site prominently display your score from the previous season if it was higher than your score of the current season. This only changes when your current score is higher than what you had before. It even shows your main character’s score if you play alts and do M+.
I know it is frustrating, but the dungeons also get a rescaling with new seasons because we get new and higher gear. So dungeons are just, what was it, 30% more dangerous on an M0 in season 3 than in season 2. And there is a +10% modifier in season 3 per level instead of +8%. I know it will not make you immediately suck as a player so 0 score is a pretty hard punishment. But a change between seasons is understandable.
Sorting people by char name, char race, charclass, char transmog and char gender works perfectly fine, really.
at least for horde, it’s very easy. Can take a bit of time and practice, and a second screen to armory people without the constant tab out annoyance but whenever I did that I had very good groups. It’s a bit of a lengthy process though.
There is an alternative to rio, so stop saying there is none.
New season, everyone starts from the scratch. New raid is released and guilds like Method should prove again, that they are capable of world first. New PvP season releases, everybody is climbing leaderboards again from zero.
This is same for m+ season. As it was pointed out, everybody can see your previous season score. So you have a big advantage at the first weeks of the new season.
When the season goes live you will struggle to do the same key level as you were used to. Were you eating +15 for breakfast? Well now you will be glad to finish +13 in time… That’s why your previous rio is less relevant, so it makes sense to reset it.
Every competitive game has seasons and everybody starts from scratch at the the start of the new season. PC games are not exception. Football, Ice hockey, basketball… they all have seasons. Who cares that you were champion last year?
Another one of these stupid comparsion with an IRL stuff. At least compare what is something similar or you can’t do it cause otherwise it would prove my point. I didn’t say hey i did a +15 last season why don’t get it completed instantly and all loot give to me cause im capable. No i just said keep the score cause it shows i can compete in them. You don’t put the champion to any sports game to go again through all the qualifiers that all the teams have to do they always have a leg up.
Majority of the competitions do this oh you won last tournament well congratulations you are already invited for the top 16 for next season, or hey you don’t need qualifiers anymore.
But hey we can’t have that here if i somehow at the middle of the season come back my score from last season is 0 altough it shouldn’t be the case. I can still do and time those aswell as i did last season absolulty 0 logic. Even if the score is “being kept” it really isn’t tagging an older season score makes the brainless suddenly dismiss it. Like you said it holds value only in the first few weeks why? Cause you are showing 2 scores instead of only one and people don’t use their brain to think that they are the same thing.
Bro pls…
Noone cares for your achievements 37 patches ago.
Noone cares that you’re lazy af and all the troubles that hit you because of it that you think shouldn’t happen to you.
Your analogies are flawed, serving only the mental gymnastics you chose to tell yourself…football, #1 sport in the world, world champions NEED to qualify through the pre stages just so they get to defend their title.
Now s.t.f.u. and que for that +2.
Why the exaggeration? It is 1 season ago. Not 37. I hope you do see the frustrating in having to ‘que for that +2’ when you are used to time +15’s.
When this is the consequence, indeed rio is doing more bad than good.
I don’t care about his frustrations tbh. They’re kinda comical until there’s too many of them and they cease to be comical.
All I see is a guy crying he can’t get accepted somewhere because he thinks the ticket is “I once did something similar”.
I checked him out tho, seems he has timed 15’s this patch, so idk what the crying is all about.
Difficult to get a fair discussion like this…
With mental gym like “sports teams don’t have to qualify”
So because someone is wrong on an argument the whole message is just completely wrong? sigh Sometimes I wonder what I do on this forums.
RIO and the addon still do display his score from the previous season if it’s higher than what he currently has. He won’t have to start at +2 again.
I feel this is largely a non-issue on the practical level. Anyone who cares about their RIO score is likely to run M+ frequently anyway, so if he did +15s in the previous season, it won’t take long for him to run +15s in the current season.
Oh no no no
This is a very simplistic outlook, allow me:
He misrepresented something, not made a mistake, in order to advance his own “interest”, which is…“randoms plz accept me, I was great last patch, lemme show you on your key”
I’m sorry, but anyone that engages in any sort of mental gym like he did, we can’t be friends. I will speak against that person any time I want with all arguments I deem fit.