Ban rio addon

Yeah nice argument there, buddy.

Face it, this “just trust me bro” wouldn’t work for long, people would come up with some other alternative, probably even worse than what Raiderio is :kissing_smiling_eyes:

People care about a magical number (which isn’t really magical) because it’s more reliable than statements people make.

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I hate the addon and I play with friends like every evening in M+. I am pretty social. The problem is that this is the ONLY thing pugs have. But it is a total shi t show implement of something that could something usefull. It is build for negativity, not for positive progression.

That’s your opinion. How it worked for me:

  • it encourages me to do keys higher than +15
  • it helps me to fill up my group with pug players (I know it’s not 100% sure but it vastly reduces the chance of failing the timer)
  • it greatly decreases time to gather pug group

Addon is needed because all those welfare epics and titanforges make ilvl irrelevant. Why should I invite someone at 440 with 200 score if I can get 430 with 1500 score?

Opinions opinions opinions… Maybe suggest better idea of how people can make sure that pug players they invite are competent to help you to do higher keys?


If you look for someone to blame then blame the people not the tool because otherwise it doesn’t make a lot of sense.

I have done already in so many previous rio-topics.

Couple of things;
remove the focus of the total score, since you now have to do every dungeon. Missing 1 dungeon is preventing you to get in dungeons you do have experience. Also the total score makes you more dependent on other peoples keys, since you can never have a key for all the dungeons.

Penalty scores for not making the timer on 1 second. A 1 key lower in time with 1 second on the timer left is more points. No bonus points for making the timer by a large margin.

When I join a PUG or look for a PUG member for a M+, I don’t know anything about the persons who apply or offer a group. I also don’t really “care” about the random player I’m about to spend 45 minutes with, I just want for both of us to have a decent run together. Since I don’t know anything about the people who offer groups or who want to join a group, I look at their experience.

Raider IO allows me to see their experience both in detail and at a glance (the score). Doing a M+ (or even a raid) with people who have experience with the content I want to do makes it more likely that both them and I get a smooth run, which means we both have more fun. RIO makes it less likely that there is drama or unhappiness due to a gap in experience, so RIO only allows for better matchmaking.

If the addon was “banned”, people would instead ask for achievements or look at the armory. So for a +10, you’d probably need the Curve or the +10 (and maybe the +15) achievement, which would be requirements that are harder to fulfill than to build up your RIO score. There will always be a metric people use, and so far, RIO is the best available. It’s certainly more meaningful than a one-off achievement or a gear score, especially with how easily gear is available now.


How do I see what kind of a person someone is in the queue? Please, fill in a personality form and IQ test before joining. Would be perfect.


No actually - the funny thing here is that you all want to chop up my posts and quote then reply to each sentence or point I make. (Which really is quite rude the way you keep doing it)… It is almost as though you guys are afraid of the weight of my arguments.

You know that Blizzard do their best to tailor the game to suit those who come to give their opinions and suggestions or feedback on these forums. So you don’t want anyone making valid points against the things which you like.

However, I used to come to these forums a lot - some years ago. They were then full of players and you would rarely see the same person twice. But now, virtually every topic I read - I see the exact same people over and over, replying to the topics and treading down anything which they oppose in a collective standoff.

I read the start of one topic today where the poster blames the community, and not Blizzard for the failings of the game, because they too know that Blizzard do what they think the players want.

So take a look around… Perhaps you should all abandon your quests for MVP status and stop doing what you keep doing.

Instead of chopping up every post which contains something you object to… Simply write a neat paragraph of your own thinking, then walk away. Don’t keep going on and on at one person in this fashion which you all have taken to.

You say I am trolling? On the contrary, I am the one being collectively trolled by people who like to disguise their forum patrolling as open debate.

As I said, it doesn’t matter what you say, how much you quote my posts, I will not turn around and start to think that raider-io is a good thing. So just walk away, as you expect me to. Thanks.


I rather would like to see how many times someone left the group and their afk time, THAT is an issue.

I remember what you’ve said about total score, but rio also shows how many times someone did 10+/15+ keys and there’s already information of how high key at specific dungeon that person has finished.

And again, it is showing in time. Not the 1 seconds out of time. So actually people who only push keys are missing a lot of numbers there, since they are always on the almost in or just out of time. What conclusion is the site making about my +14’s with 17 seconds out of time? Right, down the dumbster. It counts for nothing. Not even a little score for +10 in time…

I may be misunderstanding what you are saying, but you do get RIO score points for runs that were out of time. If you miss the timer for a +15 by a few seconds, you get more points for it than from a +13 (maybe a +14 too) that was barely in time. The out-of-time runs only don’t count for the total of in-time runs shown by the add-on, but they are considered for the score.

That was not what I said in that post, but in another. But lets get an example
I got a KR +14 with 17 seconds out of time. 132.7 points. I got a +13 IN time with 10 seconds left. 133.1 points.

Yeah, failing a timer gives you a penalty for points. So what?

It does not represent your performance.

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But… it does? We had AD+15 missed by 1 second (god it hurts :frowning:) and it gave me 146 score, then I did AD+14 in time and I got 147 score.

So we agree :smiley:

But it does represent your performance. Meeting the timer is the objective of a M+ run. The game (not RIO) only lists your in-time runs. RIO at least gives you points for almost-successes, but an almost-success is still a failure in the eyes of the game itself. I actually feel that RIO awards too many points for out-of-time runs, even though I benefit from that too (some of my highest points runs were out of time).

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Well, there we can agree to disagree :slight_smile: In my opinion a better run should give more points. And missing the timer on a couple of seconds is still a better run than the making 1 lower key with 1 second left on the timer.

I am casual, I get to places. I do not even know what rio is.