Ban rio addon

Yeah, this add on is sad, designed for people who don’t know how to make their own groups.
Just like people who can’t play the game and dl kazillion add ons to have a voice explaining to them to not stand in fire.

Just amazing.

Ok, blizz removed this addon. What’s next?
How can you garantee my teammate “KillerProx3000” is a good player? How can i check him? Did he clear all m+10 in time? Did he have exp in any keys above 10? Should i check his profile?
You are all saying remove\ban\delete and etc but you’re all have never said anything about what we should use next.


Well, the thing you guys don’t seem to understand is that a great deal of players do not want to come to these forums because if they or their ideas don’t fit into the status quo, ^ this is what happens.

I am being collectively patrolled here. No need for it.

measure me?

I don’t bother to do dungeons so often. I don’t particularly care about chasing a raider-io score in order to be able to achieve a level 15 dungeon, which bares no better reward than a level 10.

I gear up from raiding, I spec my character for raiding. I don’t need dungeons. But many players in my guild do need dungeons, and raider-io prevents them from being able to get into groups when they cannot make guild groups. It hinders their progress. Which in turn hinders my guild’s progress.

Personally, raider-io does not affect my own game-play. It did at one point, and that is why I can sympathise with those who are still held back by raider-io.


You were perfectly able to +2 several 5 keys and +1 a 6 key in season 2, I wonder what has changed in Season 3. (Resto druids are still kings in m+ btw). Possibly the fact you didn’t have gear progress since then.
Anyway, a single rio hate post, no replies in thread, obvious troll.

Instead of expecting other people to boost your guild’s progress, why doesn’t your guild organize M+ runs? Why don’t you organize M+ runs for your guild? This really isn’t the job of other players who want to run their own keys as smoothly as possible.


ok, tell me how you would put WITHOUT any addons AND friends a group to do SotS+15 IN TIME. You have 2h for that.

And a great deal of players can just make their own groups or join one of the many <10 groups which require nothing special. Heck, many don’t even go up to 10s and higher - they potentialy never reach the point where it really becomes an issue.

Rio may be an obsticle. An even bigger one is being one of the 25 dps signing up for every dungeon.

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I don’t expect anyone to boost my guild’s progress in particular lol

Look, some people get a score for doing dungeons, others do dungeons to get the score… so that they can do dungeons.

That is not what doing dungeons is supposed to be about. Anyone suggesting that others should do dungeons to get a raider-io score is being an elitist patron of this addon.

Mythic dungeons are E-Sports. Some players are good at these sports. The rest of you are just pretending to be, going on about some score all the time which means nothing.

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Look at you all - “No ronjambo, you are not allowed to have any opinion here because it goes against ours, write another post please so we can keep winding you up”…

Honestly, no wonder people don’t want to come post here.

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It is not that black and white. I understand both sides while it is not hurting me at all anymore. But the truth is somewhere in the middle. The system needs improvements, not keeping it like it is and also not removal.

So you don’t do dungeons and RIO doesn’t affect you yet your guild is full of people complaining about it but they can’t form guild groups… they need to use PUGs? makes sense. :joy:


I really want to hear from Rio haters their solution without using addons and without any friends how to climb through key levels. Because all I see here is constant calling rio users “elitists” without any possible solution from their side. Currently it’s just attention seeking cause bashing on popular topics is great way to get some attention.

It’s not elitism to “ask people to prove their experience”.
Look. Lets say you have a mage in the guild(for example). He might be the best dps your guild has. Always scoring orange parses and etc. But only YOU and your GUILD knows about his capabilities.

I know absolutely nothing about him. He is a complete unknown John/Jane Doe to me. Why do guildies never ask each other for r io scores? Cause they know each other or at least trust one another enough. I can trust a guildy that he will stay till the end, not ragequit on 1 wipe. I can trust a guildy, that he will do tactics right, if he fails or doesn’t know then he will listen and be reasoned with. Try explaining tactics to a pug? Very few actually listen. Most ignore it or “NO U !/ragequit”.

Edit: R io like I said before is not the best addon. But right now its the only tool we got which can give at least SOME kind of info of a complete unknown’s player’s capabilities?

Yes. They are. So that people should be aware of the competitive nature. I don’t complain on the forums cause no serous arena veteran wants to take my unranked, unexperienced backside to arena. He has every right to demand at least some bare minimum ranking. All that is understandable and I haven’t seen any complaints on the forums. But M+…some people suddenly goes full “communist, everyone MUST HAVE ACCESS TO +10!!!” mode?


With the current state of the game, and the mentality of people, unfortunately it is a must.

Don’t get me wrong, I personally hate it. But at the moment it’s so mandatory that I think blizzard should actually implement their own version on the UI.

And I explain myself: We are handled gear/AP/sockets in a silver plate (albeit with the usual RNG), so ilvl is not relevant. When you try to do a key, especially above the faceroll 10, player skill comes in play.

Doing a 12-13 with a group that has low score will result in a depleted key most of the times. Doing the EXACT same key with an experienced group will end a +3/+2.

And here comes the people mentality. For w/e reason people expect to be carried at high keys. Yet, they have NO idea what to do. You see people tanking witches on candles in WM or DPS taking the frontal cone from UR 1st mob… And those people will be the ones to leave after the 2nd wipe THEY cause.

Add on serves just that. A high score player has less chance to do those things. So picking a high score group usually saves time/gold/keys and most important, sanity!!!


I feel that dungeons can be different things for people. For some, it’s a way to get gear. For others, it’s about the challenge and fun. I love M+ because of the progressive nature. It feels good when I beat the timer of a key that I couldn’t do before and I can tell that I improved at dealing with encounters or situations that overwhelmed me before.

I don’t think I’ll go much beyond +15-16 this season because right now that is where my skill cap is and the people I play with don’t have much higher ambitions. I hope with more practice, I will still be able to tackle higher keys. My RIO score reflects my level of M+ experience accurately, and from what I have seen, that is the case for most people who do M+ regularly.

So, yes, I do feel that if you want to gain experience in M+, you have to do M+ dungeons. A lot of them, and progressively harder ones so you push your limits and are exposed to more challenging situations. Your RIO score increasing is just a by-product of this. It happens automatically.

M+ is a team activity, and it’s rare at higher key levels that one person can “carry” a whole group. Everyone in the group needs to pull their weight if group members have about the same experience and gear level. So when you look for an additional person for your group, it makes sense to pick someone whose RIO score reflects the level of experience that you want. Someone who fits in your team. It’s not a perfect, flawless indicator, but it’s better than any of the alternatives if you don’t personally know the other players.


Yeah. It is a little because from +5 rio is getting an issue. Not saying all runs require it, but it took me months to get from 600 to 1600 rio in season 2. While my own capabilities at the start of the season probably was around the 1200.

Rio also works both ways. When I start a +9 key with 600 score, you can wait for an hour to get a tank. Just any tank. I did it, I waited for it, I have the experience up to pugging my own key to +15’s. And also had to work on my lowest score, so was dependent on other people too. It is damn hard. In the end I was happy to get a run or 2 in a full week.

But I am asking for a complete change of the system anyway with the removal of keys. IMO the whole package is creating toxity (which is a people problem, but you can not ask from players to be not at least disappointed when their 1 key just got ‘ruined’ by a failed run).

yes but it’s always the same on here on grouping topics so I may post once then move on . the small number on here have their clique and adding to my general why I hate dungeons is reading forums for hours at work just makes me more negative about the thing (tend to read on my day shifts because night and silent hours I can log in my laptop and play)

a couple of posters are decent such as murr *liked your answer.
the rest usually horde players not so much certain names always appear.
it’s tiresome and it’s usually the same answer mmo not a single player rpg and make your own group
find a guild

I have a guild , I like my guild a lot however I hate dungeons the go, go, go attitude which gets worse after lich king dungeons which is why I drop them at 80/85.

I hate timers which is one reason I won’t touch mythic now if Islands would remove the darn clock/race part I’d run those more.
oh and get rid of dungeon deserter debuff from them I’ve ran with some unpleasant people who kick me because I mined some azerite next to the ship or trolled me with leap of faith throwing me at mobs then kicking me.

Why do you care what other people care about? some are doing it to be at the top of the ladder, some do it for the challenge, some do it for the rewards and some others do it for fun and all of these types of people manage to do it in time at various levels and the score is just a side-effect for them.

That is not what doing dungeons is supposed to be about. Anyone suggesting that others should do dungeons to get a raider-io score is being an elitist patron of this addon.

Again, you don’t do it to get the score, you do the dungeon for various reasons that I mentioned above and the score is just a numerical representation of the performance, that’s all.

Mythic dungeons are E-Sports. Some players are good at these sports. The rest of you are just pretending to be, going on about some score all the time which means nothing.

We might pretend to be but some of us push +15 and above while you’re here crying about RIO. :joy:



Perhaps letting people place more than 1 key into the font would help. When a group is made up of players who all have the same level key, that should be an indicator as to if they can actually do the dungeon. Again, yes some players get boosted and have a higher key than they should have. But this could prove affective.

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How about you will get better than blaming rio?