Bann erp It's against terms of service

Imagine the most random, unwelcome, thinly veiled “I’m thirsty for your character” inclined opener to a conversation that you can. Chances are that you’re not far off the mark.


Blizzard have historically acted on ERP, Moonguard US has had Goldshire purges before. There is no reason why they couldn’t do it today.

It ultimately comes down to how WoW isn’t in the limelight a great deal any more and how other controversies are likely taking priority imo.


That and most of the moderators ceased to be.

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Just ban RP, tbh. Stop the problem at its source.

I do agree with this. Which is why I mentioned it isn’t a World of Warcraft specific problem but something that has been plaguing online games and the internet in general. While there have been many a PSA made about groomers and their antics, the ones hiding behind the veneer of roleplay are often unaccounted for.

Most teens know what’s up when someone asks them for pictures or tries to court them with empty compliments but don’t recognize themselves as the frog getting boiled slowly when their groomer uses roleplay to cozy up to them and transition them from in-character romance and ERP to the real deal by intentionally blurring the lines between IC and OOC.

While the majority of WoW’s playerbase are adults, there are still enough teens playing to make lewd whispers a dangerous gamble. I personally believe ERP has no place anywhere because it’s always awkward and inappropriate but if one must get their jollies this way then at least stick to age-restricted adult communities. Don’t do it in a PG-13 game.

This is my worry as well. RP addons have done so much to enhance roleplay and it would be an absolute shame to lose them because some people can’t behave.


If that’s whats gonna happen it’s gonna catapult rp functionality all the way back into the stone age and there’s no reason not to jump to things like epsilon or find other alternatives I feel.
There’s already a lack of official support so if they take away tools players created in the hopes to make up for that (at least somewhat), then I don’t see a reason to continue cause it would be obvious noone cares about rp at all at that point on blizzards side.

There is so SO much that could be done with such minimal effort. It’s not asking for much, it’s asking for a bare minimum of being seen and heard as a (overall really loyal) part of the playerbase.

If you want to throw your own ideas and thoughts into the mix or read up on other suggestions, feel free to check the index thread here:

It’s been linked on the council forums and has some council members check it and reply every now and then so your feedback should be able to get heard/be seen there.


it’s like its an actual impossibility for ff14 players to play ff14 without going on wow forums and whinging while saying how much better ff14 is(which when this thread is about ERP is uh… a take), it’s almost impressive


How can you tell if someone plays FF14?

Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.


there are threads that turned into ff14 talk and frankly this is getting annoying

edit: ff14 players can shake hands with vegans and vapers


Blizzard has also had internal purges, firing loads of people. People has also quit by the dosens, not many left to deal with this now. When they purged moonguard goldshire maybe they actually had employees that cared. Now they just have bobby’s yachts.

If some ERP scandal gets so out of hand that it gives Blizzard bad press, instead of hiring CS staff they’ll just break TRP3 and other RP addons and then chug a bottle of milk for a job well done.

absolutely cursed


And then we go to Palia and RP there instead.

That sounds like a savoury dish.

fr i wish people that “quit” WoW would actually quit WoW. When I bailed I didn’t go around haunting the forums for all eternity


Something community, something something friends.

:point_right: Discord :point_right:

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I hope the senior community manager will have a mental breakdown at one point and has the forums changed that people can only post if they have an active sub and all posts also include a signature field with their Bnet name.

It would unironically cut down their forum moderation workload by 75% and we’d see far less trashposting from classicheads, pro-ERP/harrassment lvl 10 alts and “offrealmers” masquarading as some innocuous new comers on the realm*.

*Mostly because I’d make a browser extension to list every character that’s connected to their Bnet name once it’s visible on this website

It would also open another can of worms, the forums were going to have people’s actual names and tag on at one point and it was trashed. For good reason.

Given what the roleplay community has done in the past on the way of finding peoples identity and then doing some gross harassment over disagreements in roleplay… this ain’t it chief. It’s cutting your nose off to spite your face.

The game simply needs the developer to have actual moderators and not a skeleton work force.


I specifically wrote Bnet tags and not RealID or account owner names. These aren’t interchangeable.

Every other Blizzard forum uses Battle tag and most mmo forums uses your account(and a custom forum name).

Wow is the only forum I know where you can alt hop without changing account completly.

Edit: Normally it is your characters in-game that are anonymus since people on the forums would/will know you by your forum profile and not what characters you play unless you said which ones.