Bans for m+ leavers

Well i’ll be, they actually took action and suspended people.


I’m unsure how to feel about this honestly. Not because I frequently leave groups as the first player or out of toxicity. In fact, I stay in the vast majority of obviously failed runs until someone else leaves but I have absolutely 0 trust in Blizzards automatic detection systems at this point.

Just yesterday I’ve read a post on Reddit about a guy who was suspended for the title of this LFG listing that was something like “+12 going to +14 after”. He even attached a screenshot of the email stating exactly this. Now, this could ofc be a hoax but I’ve read too many stories about similar automated unjustful bans. Streamers, such as Asmon, even intentionally mass reported themselves to check if the system requires any kind of human acknowledgement and it just doesn’t.

I honestly doubt that Blizzard utilizes actual human reviews to determine if a leaver was a toxic leaver or just some DC/RL incident. It’ll be yet another automated system that most likely won’t be properly calibrated/reviewed.

This begs the question how this system operates. Does it just operate on reports? Does it just detect the first leaver? Does it analyze the chat afterwards? Does it count the deaths/time/remaining time/reason of deaths/dps/hps/CDs used/mitigation used? Does it account for the key level? Does it analyze how many keys this individual completes/leaves on average?

If it operates on reports that’s an issues I don’t think I’d have to explain.

If it operates on who has left first… well… somebody will inevitably be the first one to leave without any kind of surrender vote system. So it does have to analyze the chat to see if the group came to an agreement.

TLDR; I’m highly sceptical about this. It’s a great thing if it works out as we hope it’d work out but I’m just sceptical about the actual implementation because Blizzard really hasn’t been close to their A game when it comes to QA in the recent past…


Nobody will be banned/suspended by this from here on. They just hand picked a few accounts (or none at all) to make an example and make this statement as a deterrent. There’s no way they’d spend the human resources on evaluating the million reports of people abandoning groups, and there’s no way an automated system could walk the line between “occasionally leaving” and intentionally griefing.


Unless they actually give us guidelines on how many leaves this takes / the do’s and don’ts this is going to do more harm than good i think. If they are going to sanction like this they also need to clearly tell us what is and isnt acceptable.


As of now, this is probably what happened, yes.

Correct. Seeing how much ressources they allocate to CS lately, I can’t imagine them spending ressources for reports.

Agreed. They could only check how many runs someone leaves before the timer runs out and how many runs this individual actually completes and maybe a few more metrics that’d require a rather sophisticated system.

All in all I don’t think that an automatic system could handle this at all.

That’s something they probably won’t do. You usually don’t disclose information like this because when you do, it’s easier to exploit the system. Criteria for something like this are always rather vague on purpose.


This is great news. Leavers must be punished.


Makes sense. I tanked a +6 with zero knowledge of what I was doing, used no CDs in a spooky pack and died in about 3 seconds.

Then everyone left. So toxic by all of them.

WTH are Blizzard even doing at this point? How are they even going to determine who is to blame? A jury of my peers?


Well if they dont ill eventually find out. This isnt going to stop me from leaving my own Ara Kara because neither of the 2 druids dispels and then it turns out the healer isnt even running their dispel, all the while doing 200k hps.

I like that passive-aggressive cynicism here, lol.

But this example actually highlights the issue pretty well. At what point is it toxic to leave? Some actually might argue that those 4 guys who left were toxic. Others might argue that the tank was the toxic one.

Where’s the line?

Fair enough. :smiley:


I hope this isn’t what i hope it is. We walk out of dungeons all the time while we push keys. When a run is over it is over. And i am not sure blizzard even can understand we are on discord on voice.

This. What is acceptable and what isnt. I have been pugging with a friend, both of us are very offmeta specs so we only run our own keys. Can we leave our own keys or not? At what point is it okay to leave? As long as this isnt specified this is going to hit the pugscene HARD.
Theres gonna be either those who still leave, or those that now just afk or start auto attacking until someone else leaves.
“Oh no all my keybinds suddenly disappeared, i cant do dps anymore”
“Oh no im lagging so badly i cant do dps anymore”
“Oops, my bad, misspresssed all my defensives at the wrong moment”
“Oh crap, messed up my kick and now the tank died”

Meanwhile , there are like 100 bots per zone farming years now , without getting banned but always punish the actual players :smiley:


The DPS was also pretty low in the run and someone was dying to AOE. It was basically a doomed run from the start, which happens in the PUG world.

I also had +8 NW where we got to the last boss with time but not enough to time the key. The healer left before we even tried the boss. I wasn’t keyholder but if the run was listed as “in time” I don’t think there is an issue if people leave once it can’t be timed, even though I personally wouldn’t do that if we could still complete it.

As far as I’m concerned PUGs are the land of the lawless.

If they say 10+ leave and you’re suspended, people will grief up to 9 leaves and then stop or wait until the grace period is over. So there is no way that Blizzard should be clarifying how exactly the suspensions work.

One simple way to avoid the possibility of a suspension is to not repetitively leave M+ groups, it really isn’t that hard.


oh you sweet naive summer child :slight_smile:

ofc people will be heavily actioned by AI from now on :slight_smile:

which i find hillarious :slight_smile:

also this means effectively death of pugging m+ - no point playing alts in pugs - from now on for most people it will be just guild run to not risk the account :slight_smile:

participation in m+ will took nosedive :0 cant wait to see this week participation ratio non reddit next week :slight_smile:

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I think everyone is over reacting particularly those that even called for actions. Now actions are being taken and everyone is flabbergasted. Obviously the bans were issued to those with excessive incomplete keys or 0 kills and with no doubt followed most likely by insults or slurs.


well as off meta you wont have this problem

people wont join any non meta keys from now on to not risk having to leave and risking their account :wink:

if you thought meta / elitism was bad - just wait what will be happening now :slight_smile:

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I mean, we walk out of dungeon all the time :thinking: The content is difficult. When we have run NW +12 25 times, do you think we stay when we wipe on the first boss (or actually on the first pull because that one is very dangerous)?


People either afk or fake dc to ruin groups, instead of leaving.

Thats forcing the other people to leave, thus a chance for ban.

Amazing idea, give the man a raise!

Also im out from m+ from onward, not insterested in this clownfiesta anymore.


True, im just gonna stop giving lower scored players a chance, its a safer bet. Thats what is gonna get even worse now, no one is gonna take any chances anymore. Its not hard to not leave groups, its even easier to use your interrupt and defensives once in a while and bring the proper talents if you have whats needed in said dungeon.
Are we banning those people as well?