Bans for m+ leavers

Not going to lie. Sometimes, I do indeed alt f4 out of frustration.

Last night for istance, joined COT 10, a ret pal with 2.8 ish rio, till the first boss did literally 0 kicks, the adds before the 1st boss are literally all about kicks and ccs. Over 15 deaths before even reaching the first boss, how on earth am I supposed to tolarate this?

I have 1 firefighter and 1 lifeguard on callduty in my ‘main’ group… i think they can stop playing the game now.

Yeah, like i edited my post, are they also going to ban those that grief groups by never using any utility? No kicks, no dispels, no defensives, nothing?
Those are griefers as well and theres a lot more of em than leavers.

Guess its time to find regular friends to do keystones as pugging is about to get even worse, as you can now be guilt tripped into not leaving a lost key.

oh boy if this is automated, and working as well as their other systems :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

you will be amazed at how many of the tasks are now being done by ai and microsoft is pioneer of the technology. riot games is already using ai and have been pretty vocal about using ai to ban people .i wont be amazed if Microsoft uses same technology for their games .

if its your key you were already responsible for coming up with a competant group as to not get your key bricked.
if it isnt your key then you have to keep your eyes open before applying for a key instead of just spamming apply on all the groups available.if anything its a good change for penalising leavers .

I wonder what “many times” is. This feels like a very slippery slope…

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according to blizz you are supposed to spend next 2 hours in that dungeon boosting him :wink:

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dont you love copilot ? :smiley:

at the same time out systems team took 4 days to fix my snipping tool and few other microsoft apps aafter i updated my work laptop to w11 :smiley:

fun times incoming :slight_smile:

Sure, but then i should also be allowed to leave my own key as many times as i want and theres no clarity on that being the case atm.

Can you shut up with your Doomsaying?

We know literally nothing on how many were banned and on what terms. Your are making assumption out of an omega vague statement.

For all we know they may as well have made the statement without banning pretty much anyone, or banning super extreme cases.

Cant you just go play FF14 and leaving wow for goods like you said you were doing in SL?

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I want a button where we can say we are friends and are bantering around. We did an Ara kara +10 this week on alts where we literally tried to assasinate each other. Last boss was fun. Revival unfortunately didnt took anyone out :sob:

Dont that as well, i killed 2 people and they failed to kill me :joy:

This doesn’t sound like “he left twice in the last 10 runs, ban him!!”
But if you end up ditching 9/10 runs you might consider choosing your groups more carefully

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This is just how the game works.
You try to time a whatever key and you have to run that key like 10 times till you got it. You just go to LFG, type City of Threads +11 and queue. And it will fall apart somewhere, till you got into that lucky run.

Is there enough popcorn in the world for this?

I am aware that the ratio is different on higher keys…
That’s what makes an example an example, it’s not an accurate representation of reality…

why shoudl i ? :slight_smile:

i predicted the absolute fiasco of this season and exactly this happened :slight_smile:

now i have my popcron ready and im ready to enjoy forums after it being boring / stale for last month :slight_smile:

To make everyone on this board a favor AND to actually stick to your word once.

But i mean, you wouldn’t be you if that was the case

No but you could be little bit less rude about it and least try to communicate, preferably without being toxic, if that does not help well uhm yeah.

If been pointed out many times i do things wrong but it was always rude or in a way i cannot make any sense of it, with only 1 pug pointing out my mistake and telling me what to do, sounding like a broken record is annoying but not everyone can read your mind.