Barber to classic Era please!

Not for Era no, thanks. However, I do not see why this not be a good addition to Anniversary.

You are actually the first to send people to Era when we comment on changes on anniversary. You cannot have it both ways now.

I agree. People really need to start differentiating between era and anniversary realms. Era should not receive any changes. What they do to the anniversary realms I donā€™t really care.

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are you gonna delete your character and unsub if they add barbershop in Era?

Me, Iā€™m not. Iā€™m just gonna feel a little disappointed and cheated, as Blizzard clearly stated era is going to be as close to what we had in 2019 ans possible and stand as a ā€œmuseumā€ forever. People paid to have their characters transferred to era for that reason, you know.

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i fully understand, but Barbershop man ! Barbershop !

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I didnt play on US servers like you apparently did so ping wasnt that bad.

I started in 2005 when servers were launched in EU - but back then client was also simpler than now and addons was using a fraction of memory or ressources compared to now, so I donā€™t quite get your point here?
You mean we should all use our old Pentium computers for the Vanilla experience? If so, go ahead and play like that - I wonā€™t stop you :slight_smile:

I understand your angle as it is ultra minimal. But they have already tinkered with it enough. Once it starts, it is really difficult for it to stop.

I think his point is that there are numerous circumstances that made Vanilla the way it was and felt, most of which are basically gone forever. The fact it was basically first online rpg experience for most (not all) players, for many even first online game period. There were very few online resources for WoW, people literally sneaked into each otherā€™s forums and ventrillos to learn boss strategies developed by trial and error. The machines and connections were slower, I remember having part of the raid group fighting bosses while pointing their camera into floor or wall to improve stability.
All of that, but especially the novelty can never be recreated. Blindly clinging to the absence of some QoL features while condemning even moderate suggestions seems completely silly behaviour from my end. We have LFG interface for crying out loud, about to have dual spec. Patch 1.13 with several classic 2019 bugfixes/adjustments. The game as we play it has only the very rough outlines or silhouette of what it was actually like when people entered Elwynn or Barrens or BRD or MC for the first time in 2005. That game and that world and that you is forever gone. Only memory remains.

Ivā€™e never even played wow past start of cata and I have this clown sending me to retail for daring to suggest vellums are a possible positive addition to this MODIFICATION OF VANILLA.

I fully agree with that, however, using that as an argument for having barcershops, vellums, extra flight points etc is just silly.
No, you didnā€™t suggest that, but I guess OP tried to make that the point - and failed.

I am not even sure I really want them myself. Or rather I just wouldnā€™t mind them, in an offhand sort of way. I will join a guild, run brd and scholo for prebis and casually raid MC with my guildmates no matter if I can sell my enchants on vellums or if thereā€™s a flypath in eastern ashenvale or mudsprocket or a mage portal to Theramore. It would just be a small, barely noticable improvement of the overall experience. I just find the die-hard opposition to changes way more silly than wanting (reasonable) changes.

I agree, cosmetics should be added up, old farts would cry about changes anyawy but it doesnt affect gameplay if i change ponytail

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