Battle for Nazjatar/Zone Lag — Unplayable

That’s human nature. But ye, the point of the battle is race against time. Getting a good start often results in a win, so focus on fast raid formation and encouraging; get to a flag, call inc, stay on flag, etc.

As raid leader, at start, best to stay in one spot with map and lfg open. Players not at or moving towards a flag fast enough, insta kick em, will be replaced in lfg v quick. You also can choose good number of healers v dps.

Remember, can’t win em all. Even if you do the right things, opponents can potentially do it better, or have more numbers and therefore more effective.

Not everyone in zone is in zone for battle. Need lfg to create full raid.

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This thing has always been an issue the delay on skills but it’s progressively gotten worse over the expansions and I would love to see a fix to this, from what I have noticed that with each graphical update they, spells / models… It clusters up the server and they can’t take it which ends up for trashy game play the servers can barely handle 20v20 in one place it’s a complete joke honestly. I would love to see some new technology on this so we can actually play the game we pay for.

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I am very happy because I’ve just noticed that I am not the crazy of the town after all.I have just returned to the game after a one month summer break and the lag within the new zones and mainly Nazjatar is unmanageable.The most important thing is that since BFA I didn’t experience any (important) lag or skill delay in the open world except for very crowded and small places simultaneously and enjoyed the game and the whole World PVP totally.It started with this patch in those zones.This thing actually happened again when Assaults first came out and there was the overcrowding problem again.I don’t know how you fixed this but you do it again cause Nazjatar is unplayable most of the time.It is definite that all the new patches and fixes overload the process gradually and it needs some overhaul from this perspective.That’s part one.Part two is that you have to check the phasing mechanism again and try to mix servers with analogous populations (as much as it is possible of course cause it is obvious Horde is outnumbers Allies) together so that the population difference that burdens the situation more be a bit better proportioned.It is pitty because many of us still play for the PVP fun of it and not so much for the raiding and stuff,so please take care of it as soon as possible

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I like the idea off the battle for nazjatar at launch, but now i hate it whenever that starts, because it’s a guarantee for lag.

But even if the lag did not excist, is there any point to this? i mean i still like the concept. i have done over 50 off them, but all off them ended with either the horde or the alliance winning it in less then 5 minutes.

There are some lag here and there, but the biggest problem for me is that the current servers cant handle more than 40 people in one place.
Kind of sad

Below is the cause of lag, not the servers…

I still have the ticket open and will be doing more tests when I do the battle for nazjatar again. The problem is that there is a limited amount of routes going to the servers, so if you do not get lag that is that bad is because you are lucky with your location and the routes your ISP takes that.

The delay happens when multiple people using the same route are in the battle and it floods the network with requests and that exchange cannot handle it. I cannot see inside blizzards network so we can only take their word for it that it is happening before reaching them, but if there really are people who do not get any lag this explanation makes sense.

Sorry, but I cannot agree with this statement. It just bothers me so much because it is based on some kind of anti-addon myth.

If addons were causing the latency, blizzard would ban them in no time.
I don’t know any addons that send data to server or increase data that is downloaded from server. They work only client-side if you ask me.

You are saying Blizz are lying?

Still pretty much unplayable because of lag. If I’m “lucky” it’s only about half a GCD delay, but often it’s 2 seconds of stuttering between every action you take. Playing with a stable 30ms, so the lag comes from something else.

Blizzard are saying that addons that collect data in game like PvP addons etc flood the network exchanges outside of blizzard so if you are using the same route as alot of other players it will cause a flood in that network exchange if enough people use those addons.

Which can cause delays/packetloss I do not know if this really is the cause but it does make sense if some people don’t get the lag on the same shard as people who do.

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Tried to do Ashran yesterday, the lag started when I zoned in. Unplayable imo, and no Vaëyn, it was not fps that dropped.

Southshore vs Tarren Mill, most epic bgs. Nazjertar and Mechagon are all unplayable when large raids are present. No actual pvp can take place during these lagfests, spam AOE and pray is all you can do.

I get an fps drop in Ashran, about half or more when the two sides meet - and ofc things can get sluggish at times. When I am not near a lot of players, I don’t get issue. Tho Ashran does seem worse for me than other epic bgs.

So that’s interesting that you get lag as soon as you enter bg. Sounds like for you, same issue as Devinee describes. But good to go through the support process, as that can potentially help or rule out causes.

Nazjatar battle is still a sh!tfest for lag
I play as horde and with warmode on, i hardly see alliance ever. but then the battle starts and/or we are sharded with a “big” group alliance.
instant lag, everything takes 2-3 seconds which is enough to make it unplayable.

Latency is not the problem, still 17/18
FPS is still good.

it’s only nazjatar

Every now and then

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Because of all the data collection addons in the zone collecting data, and flooding the network before reaching Blizz’s server, potentially made worse the greater your distance from server. Only solution is to move closer to server according to blizz.

But why don’t they just disable data collection addons in nazjatar battles? I don’t get unplayable lag, and maybe not enough do, to make it worth affecting all players with these addons, when only a minority suffer the problem for a short period.

And it’s also in dungeons and everywhere else as i can no longer alt tap play warcraft 3 as i used to.

Unsure what the event is.

It gives the announce, then the game lags for a bit (I guess several alliance raid groups jump in). Then you get 5 announces that alliance has taken the points.

All this happens in the time it takes me to actually mount up due to the lag. Luckily it ends after 2 minutes when the event ends due to alliance winning, but not sure what the intend of this is?

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Because blizz needs something to blame.

I was also thinking, even if an addon is not syncing with other player’s addons - if X number of players have same addon, such as recount, it’s possible that if that addon causes problem for one player, other players with same addon could have same issue, regardless of syncing or not. Because all with that addon could experience same performance issue, depending on variables. Explaining some but not others complaining of lag in zone chat at same time.

Would be interesting if players that experience lag see any improvement when their addons are 100% disabled. If they still get lag, the syncing addons of other players still makes sense.

I was in naz battle yesterday, couple complaints of lag, none for me. Why. Addons?

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