Hi all,
Please leave a message if you see/feel the same in the game.
I’m a fan of the Battle for Nazjatar, even considering that I’m always outnumbered as Alliance. I agree with all the arguments to disable Warmode and stuff, but that’s fine for me, to gather a group and to lose fighting.
The problem is that I cannot even lose fighting because of the lag. I cannot retreat, because suddenly a raid appears on top of me (not because of flying lol). I cannot use abilities on time, I cannot play as intended.
I honestly wish we could actually play the game, even to just lose 
And yes, I live in mainland EU, my latensy is stable 45ms, it’s not my connection issue.
Anyhow, have a good day everyone 
the lag is unbearable. several seconds input lag prevents you from doing anything, especially because of the insane faction disparity, it makes it unplayable.
atleast on our server, for every 5man we put together a horde raid pops in. first we thought maybe it was a raid that moved around, but when we had people on every base screenshotting raids it was clear.
I don’t get lag while others in zone chat are saying they are lagging. Why would that be?
I always get the lag as any1 from the raid and the whole zone
I just tried to do a few world quests but i lagged so badly. I cannot even do the quest to save the critter by the jumping bubbles as i cannoy bounce on them. So gg blizzard please do fix this.
indeed, too much lag, turned warmode on and i got like 3 second delay for everything
Sometimes it’s not even during BfN, I’ve had it when Mezzamere is being raided and on the odd occasion in Mechagon where there are 3-4 full raid groups blotting out the sun with their jetpacks.
Lagging only if we are in some pvp fight with higher number of players (5or more
) …and i feel like its most likely because of those stupid anoying bodyguards that doubles number of targets in every battle…like if tagging billion mobs + billion lock/hunt/sham pets and totems werent enough…sometimes theres a fight of 2-3 players and in the fight there is like 40 moving enemy nameplates.
We pay a monthly sub, but somehow it feels like Bob’s garage server…
And the npcs takes such a long time to load.
Yes it’s the same as epic bgs, insane lag, unplayable and not fun at all
Was in ashran yesterday, several players complaining of lag, but they admitted was actually low fps due to gfx setting too high, and refused to lower their settings.
I wonder how many reports of lag issues are actually gfx settings too high, and how many confuse fps with server lag. I don’t get bad lag, in ashran or other epic bgs. There has to be a lot of aoe in one spot for my fps to drop, but never to an unplayable level, because I have lower gfx settings for raids/epic bgs. And server lag seems okay in bgs and wpvp, while others complain at same time in chat.
So they are experiencing something, but is it a gfx issue? I can’t be bothered adjusting my gfx to test ii fps/lag worsens with higher settings. Maybe someone that gets lag, can reduce to minimal gfx settings and see if prob still happens.
I guess if there’s suddenly excess raids in a zone because battle, that could affect things. Excess gets shunted out apparently tho. And I’ve seen lag complaints when zone seems quiet no battle, yet I didn’t get this lag. Strange. If a server issue, all should experience lag in zone surely.
Hey, thanks for the reply, you and all!
I was talking not about FPS/gfx issue, I know those and that’s up to me to manage ofc.
I mostly talk about lag as delay from a server, when abilities take a few seconds to be used/cast, and when enemies just suddenly appear on top of you.
It happened once again, not during the BfN, just in the world pvp, when it’s more than 10vs10, or maybe 20vs20.
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The server lag with big pvp battles is unplayable my fps is fine but getting 5 seconds delay on spells is getting stupid it needs to be fixed soon.
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Ppl who claim is pc issue related are f stupid…
I get the lag even if nothing is happening near me(as a huge grp fighting or anything) and + my pc is solid af… stop tryng to defend them like that… its disgusting
Some potentially do have a pc/internet issue at times, you ruling that out for a % of affected players?
Some are for sure more affected than others. It would be interesting to figure out why that would be, rather than just shut down the discussion.
For example, while others in zone are complaining about lag, I either don’t experience it at all, or it’s brief and not serious as they claim. I would have thought all on shard would experience same lag? Maybe not. Could be factors, such as pc issue, connection issue, location issue. Sure, could also be a Blizz issue. But I sincerely doubt same issue for everyone complaining of lag.
In this other lag thread, some are saying lag, others say no lag. Looks like it’s not a general issue for everyone.
Here’s a list of things to try for connection issues.
Here’s a blue response with suggestions for diagnosing potential issues using WinMTR, maybe post a thread in tech support forum.
It’s not us, it’s your endless mutple raids on shards. The servers can’t handle it!
The nazjatar Zone is completely unplayable when the pvp event starts or if the opposing faction decides to form a raid to nuke the other faction. I just logged on to casually play the start up quests on my hunter and i have 4-5 sec delay on my abilities, from pressing the button till the actual execution of the ability on screen.
I experience this WAAAAY to often. on a dayli basis. now that i got my flying i have nothing more to do in nazjatar because it is a pain in the a** to play at the zone with all that lag.
the Idea about it is good. but it’s just not working for a majority of people.
Blizzard this needs to be addressed and taken care of
I have seen it now time and time again. When the Battle for Nazjatar hits, the shard gets flooded with Horde raid groups. There is loads of lag and as soon as the battle ends it is over.
If the shards are as balanced as Blizzard claims then lock the shards during this battle and let just the occupants of the shards fight it out amongst themselves, instead of letting farmgroups migrate from shard to shard to collect easy kills and rewards.
This way it seems more likely for the hackers to ruin our fun, then for the player to actualy enjoy some world pvp.
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Shards are not balanced. Win one of side who have more raid grps - others just quit when see its a lost and search for win/win shard. In most of the cases its event in one goal for any side. Peoples just /afk at flag and take their rewards every 3 hours - zero challenge, zero any activity.