Battle-net launcher - logion session expired

Hello everyone, just wanted to report a problem with session being expired every time i turn off the battle-net app. Which means I have to log in each time :slight_smile: Are you having this problem too?


Yes, only when I start my computer and it happens every time. I dont know what is wrong. seems bug?


I would have thought that having to log in every time the client starts, is actually a lot more secure than it logging itself in automatically.

I don’t actually see a problem here.

I have the same problem where i lose my log-in session every time i shut down battle net and i don’t even have to restart my computer to lose it.
It started happening yesterday after the newest battle net update with the new UI.
I have used my authenticator app once and it hasn’t asked for it again but every time I open battle net it asks for my password
EDIT: the problem has apparently resolved itself which I’m very happy about :slight_smile:


Yes, me too, it’s really annoying and frustrating to have to type the password and authenticator code everytime. I just want to play…


Same here…


same here, been happening for a couple of days
start up battle net, it appears to have the login details, username and password save, then looks like it refreshes in some way and loses the credentials that were just showing.
Then need to supply all the details again.
Happens at least every time I reboot the computer

Comes up with a message to say session has expired even though I might have only logged in earlier that day

also asks to use the authenticator at lease each day


Same thing happens to me. Everything was fine for years, but now every time my desktop resumes from sleep, the Battlenet app refuses to stay logged-in, even if you tick the box. Goodness knows how the Diablo IV launch will go, if Blizz can’t even keep their app working right…


Same here. Login details are in the box then the password field clears and it says session expired.

I see theres a new post on the US forums with the same issue.


Not to mention. since the recent patch, massive lag and fps drops like there’s no tommorow…


Same here. Started a couple of days ago after they merged mobile phone Authenticator with Bnet


yeah same here, wish i never downloaded the phone app :confused:


Now its happening when i exit the game too :confused:


Same for me


Same problem here now for 3 days. It seems it only logs me out when i shutdown my pc for a short period of time. I reinstalled Battlenet to see if it would fix the issue, it didn’t.

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Same problem, started today. I guess blizz is doing something to force people to re-authenticate the masses or something.

A tad having to write in the password again on log-in after all the years of not doing it. Yet, at least it bringing back em 2oo5’s vibes.

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Yes, same thing here.

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Same. I used the launcher this morning then closed it, came back an hour later and it’d expired again… Noticed it on my desktop PC too.

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This has been happening to me too, followed a post from 2018 saying to uninstall and delete all files from app data, temp and local data and then reinstall Did this and I thought it’d fixed but it’s just doing it all over again. Anyone got a way to fix this?

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I’m having the same problem to… And like everyone else it started within the last two days. Opening the launcher and loging in and then shutting down right away causes it to once more want the password/Authenticator again.

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