Battle-net launcher - logion session expired

I spoke too soon.
I followed the directions to delete temp data nd reinstall the battle app. Log in worked twice and now i am back with the same error.

Ive had this issue for at least 3 days now

Guys, we are paying a lot of money, why i should follow a big list of things to do? When i get back to work very tired, the last thing is to do things to fix a problem which shouldnt be there in a first place

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Guys, it’s not only this, my laptop keyboard and mouse are unresponsive during the game and outside as well, the cursor and the keys are uncontrollable.

Hello, i have the problem too, since some days.
Starting the PC, then entering login data, setting “remember login” to yes.
The next PC start, i can login again

Hi! I have this problem as well so it seems to be a common issue. Very irritating indeed.

Bugs happen, especially when you make big changes like you have now.
But come on
 handle it better - be vocal.

Why isn’t this Tweeted by The BlizzardCS** ?
Why isn’t it a “breaking news” thing on the support page?
Even a message when successfully logging in to the app should be there.

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Got the same issue

The same issue :frowning: Clearing the cache and uncheck Keep me logged in didn’t work.

Same issue , im using the Beta Battlenet client

Same issue here after updating to the latest client, running version

Also been experiencing this issue over the last few days. The fixes don’t seem to work once I’ve switched my computer off - when I turn it back on I again need to go through login and authenticator step which I’ve not had to do in a long time. Don’t mind it asking every now and again as a security step but obviously it’s a bug here for it to be happening every time. Done the recommended suggestion by Blizz above to no success.

Yes. Since last update.
os : windows 11 PC.
no authenticator.
no app.

Well, I got “expired” twice today, not previous days tho.

It told me to check my connection the second time, I logged back in, tried exiting bnet intentionally and also disconnect internet to see if it would ask me for password/authenticator a 3rd time because of that, it did not so seems random.

Nothing help so we have to wait until they fixed it!

This seems fixed, for the first time in 4-5 days I was not required to type in my password today.


Thanks, after we all complained, they solved it, finally.

This isnt solved for me. I still have to put in my password everytime i restart my pc.

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Jesus, I thought everybody was ok, for me at least now it works, come on blizz fix it for all of us

Finally it works for me aswell

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