Nah man, there’s 14 ranks. There’s 3 brackets. I don’t know much but the lowest bracket for sure it doesnt matter how many are in it.
Right…. Tell that to the guy’s who Pay 100G Crafting fee’s for Lionheart Helm or around 3-400 for Devilsaur . Hmmm O yea Consumables for PVE content like GFP and Faps for pvp etcetera. So What was it again about this Engineering you Said? There’s a lot of good Stuff out there other then just Engineering.
wowwiki.fandom. com/wiki/Honor_system_(pre-2.0_formulas)#Weekly_RP_Earnings
This is what private servers used.
Yeah, I don’t know what that’s trying to say.
But you have to explain it yourself, not leave it to a link because I can just link to an actual private server forum.
forum.elysium-project org/topic/42709-how-much-honor-needed-per-rank/
But i’ll explain the 3 bracket thing as I know it and then say why it just makes no sense logically for there to be a bracket for ranks.
The maximum CP you can get in a week is 13k, from bracket 1 out of 3. 1st bracket has a limited number of players(10 on Elysium/LH), as does the 2nd bracket(30-50ish apparently). The 3rd bracket does not and they arent competing against eachother.
If all ranks had their own bracket, the early ranks would be challenging and also the idea of players farming too much honor and ruining brackets wouldnt be a thing.
14 brackets, bracket 14 (usually called bracket 1 due to awarding most RP and being the ‘goal’) , I think it could be 1 person (pre 1.12) in this bracket per 333 people with a standing. The RP Given is linear from top of the bracket to the bottom. #1 standing gets full RP, someone halfway between #1 and the last person in the bracket would get a middle value. This is the only case where honor actually matters other than getting you into the right bracket.
If you can inflate these brackets say with 9 characters per person in say a guild of 100 people that would allow almost 3 more people to be in bracket 1, thus rank people much faster.
That doesnt make sense.
Do you still don’t think so?
As bad as day one has gone, om hopingnfor wsg before the weekend.
The game is unplayeble
nothing will be changed, most horde pvp players will still do the same thing, when they are in the 1h+ queue of BG,
As i remember, this period lasted 1 or 1.5 month in spring 2005. Considering all shortening periods for phases, 2 weeks for bgs is a logical prediction. They may bring bgs early as they did for dm and phase2.
This zerg fest is garbage… can’t wait for bg.
This does not tackle the reason why people are getting ganked. People are farming world because it’s the only way of farming honor. “Making your own battleground” will make you reach the 5x hks of a single player very fast, yielding 0 honor. Battleground yield a lot more honor than pure kills, making them worth it even if you get 0 kills.
So no, this is not a “solution”
Yes it does noggenfogger have SVT as zone and im rank 7 alrdy because so many ppl pvp there
The problem Blizzard made for themselves now when they released phase 2 so early are the battleground rewards. They cant just release AV and WSG with rewards so far from BWL.
It will be interesting to see how they handle this situation everyone knew was going to happen.
All I have to say, is, lol.
I don’t like Alterac Valley. I LOVE Alterac Valley. I hope the Classic version will be fun.
You will never know since we are getting the updated version retail has.
Well that’s just false. We will not get the AV version retail have. I know that.
Just off by a factor of 2.
Rounding error.
Woo woo. Woo. Great.