Battlegrounds in 2 weeks

This is my prediction.

Phase 2 is going to be AWESOME to experience, but no way it will last longer than 2 weeks without battlegrounds :exploding_head:

EDIT: My prediction was way off. It lasted 4 weeks without battlegrounds :wink:


I dont think so

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Delirious much

After all the years of “world pvp is dead” blizzard finally have an answer to it! Unless it’s a total, unplayable lag fest - then BGs might be a few months away yet.

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Just make a post on ur forum and make ur own battleground: like all go to valley of wisdom and pvp it up and if allys dont come its cowards who can get wPvPwned somewhere else

I believe it’s going to be something like 1 month, soon anyway. The game doesn’t support this kind of world action and it’s going to be fun just for horde whilst alliance will qq endlessly due to the game being unplayable for us. Then horde will qq due to high bg queues and phase 3 will be here in another month. Then phase 4 in maybe 2 and all content by next august. Just my thoughts.


and then shadowlands and after we will see.

Well I agree that BG will be added sooner, because tons of people will cry here on forum and reddit. Here is why.

  • People from PvP servers that are slow as hell and are not 60 yet.
  • People from PvE servers that want a taste of PvP but without BG there is almost none for them.

I think this BG less honor system will run till the new year and in the middle of January Blizz will push out WSG.

I think it likely they will add BGs sooner than most expect. Major reasons being to make large PvP encounter less likely, since Blizzard is too cheap to add enough hardware resources and because players will complain about being farmed for Honor.

Not sure about two weeks, though.

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Yes it’s going to be very soon. 1 month tops. After all, ActiBlizz will need to divert attention away from large scale pvp (more than 40v40) being virtually unplayable and the significant faction disbalance which will make outdoor gameplay virtually impossible for Alliance on most PvP servers.

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I honestly think it will be unplayable for any player not having this game as their main hobby.

1: Way too many playing this game, and who do PvP is so good at it, that they will own others with the biggest ease…

2: All of them will max their gear at the required lvl of play, wether its 19,29,39, etc etc
I belive we MIGHT see the majority of players being maxed out twinks…

3: You wont win unless you take engineering as a prof in a pvp situation.

I think its gonna be hll for us who aint that top notch skilled in pvp. and that makes bgs unplayable

why not vcbcf

I dont think it will be the longest phase but it wont be a few weeks.

Ranks only change weekly and I imagine it would atleast allow 8 resets.

There are way more issues in the pvp system. On private servers guilds would make level 1 alts and get 15 HKs to inflate the brackets. Private servers had a much better faction balance, but even there people were forced to farm honor out in the world between BG queues. Only way to solve this force ganking would be to make world pvp not grant any honor.

You should have Engineering for PvE situations as well. All other professions are sub par

Is not that simple, there’s 3 brackets.

Lowest bracket it doesnt matter how many people are in it.

Main reason why I think BGs will come out quite soon is the lag. Blizzard just doesn’t have the technology to support Vanilla style pvp anymore. The cheapest way to reduce the effect of that is to introduce BGs, and Blizzard will always go for the cheap solution.

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There were 14 brackets and they were percentage based, more people having a standing = larger brackets.

You’re almost right in all of your predictions except the Hordes queues. They might be slightly higher than Alliance but Blizzard already stated Battlegroups will be in - which means they will balance it around the faction numbers.