Battlegrounds WSG + AB

You don’t get honor in arena games.

Ah right, sorry. While the essential point of what was said doesn’t change, that you do gear up easier through arenas, the points used were apparently Arena Points back then.

Season 1 and season 2 arena gear would cost Arena Points until season 3, when it was changed into requiring honor and BG tokens (the same ones you turn in for honor+rep rn).
The Arena Points were used for the then-current season gear up until Cataclysm, but the old season gear would be changed into only requiring honor and marks after 1-2 seasons had passed (in Burning Crusade, s1 and s2 gear required Arena Points up until Season 3 had started).

And you did buy the blue PvP gear through reputation unlocks and gold, so you’d get the blue PvP gear at the same time as you get some gear for raiding and reputation for professions etc.

So yeah, you gear up in arenas to PvP in Burning Crusade. Not in BGs. End of story.

One correction though:
Apparently your Arena Points per week was awarded from the rating at the weekly reset of your highest rated team, so dumping the rating is meaningless. That’s my bad. Still easier to gear up in arenas though.

I believe at first there is a blue set you can get for just honor.
It looks like the vanilla ranking set,but only blue quality.
Later on the blue reputation set got added as a catch up mechanic.

The stats on it was aweful though, so I wouldn’t really call that “gearing up”.

Now, assuming they do it like it was back then, the raids should be available from the start, so anyone worth their salt is gonna be running around in heroic dungeon gear and kara gear at the very least, which is better. Even though there’s no resilience on it.
The better ones will try to rush straight into gruul, magtheridon and ssc/the eye as well, as soon as they’re done with their heroic dungeon grind. By which time, I’m really hoping they won’t have that 30 per day instance limit anymore.

That’ll transition into arena gear with people camping the highest rating they can achieve for most points each week, and then the story is over.

The essential point is that people don’t do BGs to gear up for PvP in TBC, as they do now.

That is true, however some classed will still want some of the gear purely for the resiliance.

Most people will just socket resilience gems on the PvE gear while gearing up in arenas.

The BGs are braindead even without premades. Don’t know if its just bad luck but I kinda lost all my WSGs yesterday and today. Been playing for several hours and all I got was 29k honor. Incl. turning in badges. That’s so sad.
Feels like horde never has healers and people are undergeared in so many BGs. Also feels like alliance has alot of high ranks in their pugs.

Ofc the classic pvp system rewards the people with most time + finding a way for max honor in shortest time possible but I remember these BGs were at least a bit more fun…

Just raid log as the game is not worth to pvp if your not premade, or dont pay at all its not worth the money even raid loggers agree. getting whole day premades is not fun, worst thing even playing lower tiers pvp for youll see premades, just play someother game the apes dont care.

Based on all the forum crying, I think it’s pretty obvious that the apes do care.

You know them?

Not exactly, but I can see how much you all care with the constant whining.

Since my implication is lost on you; I’m referring to you puggers as the apes.

Calls most WoW players Apes, hides behind retail name, trolling at best or insulting.Im not even playing pvp in classic but yes its anoying to face premades whole day its 2020 and #nochanges is not good as we can see.

It’s the things that has changed that’s bad. The things that haven’t changed are what’s good about Classic.

Guess we should still have AV premades,backdoor jumps more ways to exploit etc guess all that was bad. #Somechanges are needed.

More like there should be no xrealm matchmaking, and even with xrealm matchmaking there should only be a couple of servers in each battlegroup.
The population sizes should’ve also been like vanilla, and the gear progression should’ve also been the same.

There should also not be any arbitrary 30 instances per day limit either.
AV should’ve been its original version that could take days to finish as well.

So on and so forth.

Everything they changed only made Classic worse. It’s the things they didn’t change that makes it good.

Oh right, and it goes without saying, but there should’ve never been layering either. But that goes hand-in-hand with proper vanilla population sizes, which is why it goes without saying.

Classic is not vanila to begi with its a recreation of a game from 2005.

It’s not a recreation. This is “Classic Plus”. It’s only made to resemble it. That’s all.

It called classic based on the game from 2005, what ever you may think.

As a solo queuer taking lumps from premades sucks but it happens to every other solo queuer on both sides aswell so meh.

saying that I played 4 AB yesterday and an AV. all vs pugs and Horde pissed all over the Alliance. it was great!

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