app keeps initializing and reclaiming disc space for WoW

Issue seem to have restarted for me again today after a couple of weeks with the launcher acting normal…

After 3 weeks+, and with 4 days left on my subscription - i can finally open classic! I hope more people have been getting the problem fixed during the night!

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Ah, I am glad!
No such luck for me… at some point I uninstalled the Blizzard games and now this initialization loop stops me from reinstalling.

I hope it gets sorted out for you as well pretty soon!

still waiting …patiently

Still having issues.

Likewise… no change yet.

We believe this issue may be resolved. For any of you seeing this with wow, you may be able to resolve this by manually deleting the current game installation and reinstalling from scratch. If you prefer, you can rename the World of Warcraft folder to maintain a back up while you try this out.

Really? Thats your solution, redownload over 70GB of data for giggles. BRAVO!

I’m still seeing this issue with all my games not just wow. You didn’t fix a single thing.

Very curious. I unsinstalled all my Blizzard games and now I am unable to install Hearthstone.
The state does not seem to have changed for me as well.
Are there any specific steps necessary?

Still having issues.

Did NOT work. I even reinstalled to a different drive and it is STILL updating every time. I am beyond fed up with this… it has been months of this.

from US forums

So the problem stops here? No more ideas or fixed from @Blizzard? It’s a joke and the problem is still here… I had it for a few weeks 2 months ago while it somehow just vanished for me and “self-fixed” it for me. But now my friend has it outta nowhere…