app keeps initializing and reclaiming disc space for WoW

There is already a thread about this issue. It is generally recommended that you add your comments to that thread, as blues will not reply to every individual thread about a specific topic.

Their last reply to THAT thread was 9 days ago.
Also I linked that very thread in my post to detail my frustration. In fact, as of that moment the last comment in that thread is from me.
That recommendation is rather down the river for me when it comes to this issue.

I don’t know if you’ve tried this, but it worked for me. Right-click on the launcher and select “Run as Admin”. Stopped it immediately for me even though subsequent sessions were not run as admin.

A good tip, but I have tried it already to no avail.

Hey Boabdil,

If you check the previously linked US thread you’ll find more recent posts, though the situation is largely unchanged. While I appreciate it’s frustrating to wait, making new threads isn’t going to help address it any faster and once we do have new info to share you can rest assured we’ll let you know.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

Patience, really? We have been patient for the last couple of weeks. We are paying to play, but unable.
Many people, me included , have resubbed only to play SoM , and havent played a minute during our subscription period. You need to get this fixed asap, and dont tell the users to be patient - because we have been.

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Same here for weeks on NA and now also on EU. Today game crashes every few minutes. Tried opening from file instead of BN still crashed. Game UNPLAYABLE

Same problem here which has been going on for days. I play on 2 diferent computers and experience the same updating on both machines, also many more crashes when actually playing game.

Very well, we will try to be patient.
But consider our position in which frustration not only stems from having to wait, but from having little to no information about your progress.
What is taking so long, given you were able to fix this before?
Are you unable to replicate the problem?
Do you even have people working on it?

Our only chance for updates is to not let this issue vanish into obscurity, while new issues from other players arise and get dealt with in this forum.
So please… update us, if you can. Even if it is just a “there will be no change till date XYZ”.

Thanks in advance…

still not fixed for me, now waiting…“patiently”

Still having this problem both on NA and EU

everyone has problems because as always blizzard broke somethign and they have no clue what they did.

even whole redownlads and reinstals dont work because underlaying reason is problem with battlenet agent not with game

Yes it was fixed for me over two weeks ago… maybe Blizzard are not the issue…

It is easy to say it is them but it was never an issue for some (possibly the majority) was an issue for others that seems to be fixed now, unfortunately it is lingering for a few others (it is a few as this thread would be much longer)

I’ll say it again, switching to the Beta fixed it for me.

As a computing engineer of over 20 years experience, I can say this bugs that effect a few people are a pita. You don’t want to break it for everyone else to fix it for a few (especially as you have no access to their machines.)

Doesn’t make it any less frustrating for those plagued by it though and I hope it gets sorted soon.

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Beta Client did nothing for me.

So what you are telling us is: “Tough luck, you are being sacrificed for the greater good!”
What a lovely sentiment. If they really argue like that internally I would be actually happy that I can’t play any of their games anymore.

No I am not, I am telling you as a Engineer of over 20 years. The cases that effect a small portion of the user base are a complete pain to diagnose and fix. They will sort it but it will (and has) take time. I am sorry anyone is having issues I was just trying to be reasonable and fair to Blizzard

so, whats up? 7 days of playtime left, havent been able to play yet. Can I enjoy my last paying week?

Wow, that is ridiculous. You should be able to apply for a reimbursement…

Edit 01.12.:
New patch for Hearthstone, no change for me. This issue is still not solved!

Sub soon running out and havent been able to play at all…

still not fixed for me

Same here. 5 days left on sub now. Guess I will have to wait until next season