Battlenet down again

Login → Connecting… → Disconnected
Have been an issue for about 20 minutes.

Also, cant load content in app.
Friends offline, cant login to game etc.


Yep, same, me and my friends cant login either :frowning:

Well, guess they will fix it in the start of next week.
Have a nice sunday.

Well, welcome in club :frowning:

Sometimes I can login, but getting disconnected almost instantly and it all start over again… dc, loading screen, dc, more loading screens, dc…

My 3rd time joining a group, but getting kicked out of the group, because I keep getting kicked out of the game… this is just stupid.

I give up

Yeah, been having the exact same issue.

At first it went back and forth quite a bit, at first it was possible to log back into the game and do a couple of things before the next disconnect struck.

However, now it appears to just be permanently stuck on “connecting” within the Bnet App.
Not even the Blizzard apps on my phone is able to connect at this point, lol.

Please fix this so i can enjoy my evening

Ally issue not happening on noggenfogher horde

A now again

Do you all live same place? Local server down? I play all evening yesterday no probs.

Maybe it was just the login server that wasn’t letting people in as I didn’t get logged out either.

We had people from different countries and ISPs not being able to log in, while (most) others where unaffected. There was no visible pattern (at least to us mortal people) in who experienced problems and who did not.

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