BC ought to release in April or it won't be a true experience

Are you playing on the same computer now as you did in 2005?

Are you playing the exact same character?

Change is a part of life.

You cannot relive a first, twice.

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I don’t think TBC release is anyway possible that early, we will have TBC after the summer break in the best case scenario.

But they need to release the beta asap and then the god damn prepatch. The game is getting too stale and boring, we will get extremely bored from the content draught in a few months.

Everything that lives dies eventually

I do think I heard about Blizzard not wanting to make the same mistake twice and release TBC too soon. I think we’ll get 6months of naxx before we get the pre-patch.

BETA isnt even out and that will be 1-2 months depending, so it won’t be till summer.

Also i hope we get 1 month of prepatch to level paladins.

You could also argue that…

Retail vanilla released in November 2004 and tbc released in January 2007. Thus making vanilla last for 2 years and 3 months. In keeping with this time-line classic-TBC should release in November 2021 making classic last 2 years and 3 months.

Math can be used to suit any point of view.

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