[A - Event] - Del'ursdiel Twin Bear Festival - 27/04 & 28/04

Greetings Argent Dawn, as an obvious big fan of Ursol & Ursoc I wanted to create a small festival in their name. A festival I hope might bring people closer and create an environment for fun and laughter. This is by any means not a Druid only event, while mostly aimed at Kaldorei, every Alliance race is welcome to join in.


Grove of Cenarius

Ursol and Ursoc are patrons of those who favor balance of nature and the living beasts of the wild. They represent brotherhood, bravery and both a healing and warrior spirit. It is only logical that the Kaldorei honor these brave brothers as they have given so much to protect our world.

This festival will be held in their name, their honor. A festival dedicated to bonding with those you love and care for. This by doing everything with the person you consider the Ursol to your Ursoc.

Day 1:

Welcome speech
Time: 20:00 ST

Three legged race
Time: 20:15 ST

Ursol and Ursoc work together like an oiled machine, they know each other’s movement without having to think about it and can thus easily anticipate each other’s attacks this way.The right leg of the first and left of the second participant are wrapped around each other. You will need to work together and move as one to reach the finish line.

OOC: You need to roll a 30 dice, if you both roll between 10 & 25 you can move forward to the second marker. If you manage both to roll badly, you will make a misstep and might fall on your behind or front. If one of you rolls bad, you get out of sync.

The blind trust
Time: 21:10 ST

The brothers trust each other blindly, aiding to guide one another without any problems. One of the two participants will guide the other one to “safety”. This with only using their words, as the one who’s being guided has a linen cloth wrapped around their face, scented so that both sight and smell are effectively masked. They can only hear the words of their partner guiding them.

You will walk a certain designated path through the woods filled with obstacles and traps (cross a dangerous stream, risk tripping net traps, bucket of leaves etc). The first to reach the finish line completely intact wins.

OOC: There are a certain number of markers along the designated route. The one leading the blind through will roll twice. The one being led has to roll and hit the number between. If they manage, they move to the next marker.

Protect and Strike
Time: 22:OO ST

Ursol and Ursoc protect each other at any cost, even if it means their demise. In this game one will carry the shield, while the other one will carry paint bombs. The idea is that the person with the paint bombs attacks and strikes at the other paint bomb carriers. However the person with the shield is allowed to protect their companion by blocking them off with the shield they carry.

OOC: It is a system based on Moonball (using the arcane orb toy), where the attackers try to hit each other at least once, while the defenders try to make sure to jump in front of their own attacker in order to defend them. You cannot stand in front of the enemy attacker the entire time, but you rather half way. It is possible you get hit by your own attacker as a defender.

Day 2:

Opening second day
Time: 20:00 ST

Play: Ursol and Ursoc’s youth and the battle against the Burning Legion.
Time: 20:15 ST

A long time ago, two bear cubs roamed the dangerous land of Grizzly Hills, always curious they entered the territory of beasts far stronger and bigger than them. But these brothers were not scared, but brave… Their names were Ursol and Ursoc.

OOC: Just a small ‘theatrical’ piece for people to watch and hopefully enjoy.

“Singles” Night
Time: 21:OO ST

An occasion for those who feel they are alone or wish to increase their social circle to meddle, talk and share interests. A way to perhaps find that friend you always needed, that other part of your soul or something more.

You will have five to ten minutes to talk with the person in front of you, after those ten minutes, you move to the next one. A way to hopefully get to find the Ursol to your Ursoc.

Pendant creation
Time: 21:OO ST - 22:30 ST

To commemorate and celebrate the bond between the two brothers, you are able to make a matching pair of pendants for both you and your chosen partner, or to gift to another couple.

You make two pendants that come in a matching pair, either separate but with certain significance (Like a left and a right paw for example) or something that fits together like two pieces of a puzzle (Like half a heart each, examples will be shown through a link during the event).


Happy to see Druidic (themed) events pop up and I hope I can attend - or maybe the afterfestivities. I do wonder, as you say it’s mostly aimed at Kaldorei (and Alliance), would Horde Druids be barred from entry? Because of the renewal themes of the expansion, it could make sense to (re)build bridges and bring people closer across factions as well?

With this I only have slight concerns that 5-10 minutes might be a little short. I assume there will be prompts or leading questions offered so people wouldn’t have to necessarily repeat their own introductions every time, but knowing how some people are fast typers and some slower, is the 5-10 minutes afforded OOC time? Because I can imagine that being a frustration some might face.

I really like the ideas on both days though, really themed around teamwork and pairs as expected from a festival honouring Ursol & Ursoc. The twist on the usual Moonball tournament also sounds really fun! However, I do wonder if it might run into problems of needing pairs, especially with some activities built around trust and knowing your partner well.

If it happens that you might not have enough pairs, maybe it might be wise to start Day 1 with a variation of the ‘Singles Night’, where people simply mingle and find a friend that the following activities build the friendship on? You’ll have to learn how to trust and work with a new person. Or will there be a sign-up list of pairs dedicated to participating in these events, that could help with the management side of things?


While that might be true, there are still Kaldorei left who do not want to mingle with Horde members. Since every activity is meant for you to find a friend and such IC, it might keep many of those who do not like the Horde IC away from the event, for that reason I am aiming for that specific group/faction.

Might be changed depending on how many are interested in it, but I picked that time so we do not 3 hours to get around everyone having said something. The result I want out of this is that once this specific part is done, you seek out those who peaked your interest and continu the conversations afterwards.

Thank you for the feedback however!


And what about members of the neutral Cenarion Circle? From what I recall, Hamuul and the other Cenarion members seem to be permitted in Amirdrassil (as per his dialogue).

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Ofcourse, but this is not a druid event.


Of course, but I can imagine druids/members from the Cenarion Circle would be interested in a festival honouring Ursol and Ursoc!


I can understand why some Night Elfs would still have a strained relationship to Horde members, but yes, it seems strange that neutral people are not allowed, unless they happen to be of the races that game mechanics dictates are belonging to the Alliance.

To me this event’s theme certainly seems more of a Druid specific than Alliance specific.

As far as I know Ursol & Ursoc did not have a special tie with he Alliance.

Otherwise a nice initiative.

I had no intention to react to this thread, since I cannot join this event anyways… But these questions/comments did pique my interest.

I see where you guys are coming from, but I feel like both comments forget the history the Kaldorei as a race have with the Wild Gods.

The Kaldorei as a race venerated the Wild Gods before, during and after the times of the Empire. So I feel that a event focused solely on the Kaldorei and their connections to the Wild-Gods, who ever they may be; be they the Twin Bear Wild-Gods or any other, is more then justified and even logical after the long, long, history of their race.

In the same breath you would applaud Zandalari, or other Troll Tribes, celebrating Shadra/Kimbul/Gonk as a race-specific event, aswell. So whats the difference between Zandalari celebrating Shadra/Kimbul/Gonk or any other Loa and Kaldorei celebrating Ursoc & Ursol or any other Wild-God?


I think it’s fine if a group of night elves would like to throw together a party in honor of the Wild Gods among themselves. Especially if the hosts are more interested in creating an event aimed primarily at the night elf scene, rather than the druid scene. Meladriss is already doing the Emerald Assembly gatherings with Akule to promote druid crossfaction roleplay.

While I wouldn’t object to it being a crossfaction event if the organizers wanted to, I could imagine some potential risks and extra effort required. Especially if Meladriss would like to experiment with some new custom activities for the event, having the event limited to Alliance would probably make it more convenient for the hosts to organize both IC and OOC.

That said, will keep an eye on the thread, looks like a cool initiative!


Additionally, as I just remembered, we’ve had a festival or two in the past for the night elves celebrating Ursol and Ursoc among other Wild Gods! I don’t recall people opposed the event being held by kaldorei in Darnassus back then, with their allies from the Alliance welcome to attend.

Wild Gods may not have a special tie with the Alliance, but they have a special tie with the night elves who are part of the Alliance. Many night elves, druid or not, have a deep respect for the Wild Gods through their shared history. From that perspective, a group of kaldorei wishing to organize something primarily among themselves in honor of, or inspired by, the Wild Gods should be fine. I reckon from IC perspective it wouldn’t be highlighted as an Alliance event, more of a night elven celebration with their allies welcome.

Edit: I think making it crossfaction for all druids would definitely make sense if the event was all about trying to commune with the remaining bear demigod, or hosting reverent druidic ceremonies or lectures, but in this case the focus of the festive activities appears to be on the night elves & their friends connecting with each other, drawing inspiration of the bond between Ursol and Ursoc.


I do love the bears, I do. Game mechanics sounds fun and unique. Had I a night elf, I would definitely join. Wishing you a lot of fun and success! Just don’t tell the other trolls I did.

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I finally managed to pick a place to host the event in. It will be none other than the beautiful Grove of Cenarius.


Lovely to see such events! Good job and good luck :slight_smile:


Best of luck with the event! Hope it goes well for everyone involved!

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Always love to see more Kaldorei themed events!

Hopefully we will see some of you there :heart:

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Having a visitor this weekend may not be able to attend properly, but hopefully I’ll be able to stop by even if only for a bit! :bear: :bear:


To aid with the location of the first day I got this made.

You just need the bear necessities.

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Del’ursdiel is about to begin tonight! There’s plenty of time to make your way to Val’sharah and join in a weekend of bear-themed fun and fellowship!


Today the last day of the event will start at 20:00 ST with a fun little play!
Afterwards we have a “speed dating” event to get to know new people and eventually we end with pendant creation!

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