[RP Info] Night Elf Roleplay

The Alor’el Spring Festival came and went, thank you everyone who joined the event!

People have noted that activity in Amirdrassil has dwindled considerably since February. Is night elf roleplay at large on the decline once more? No, not at all!

The night elf scene has always been of roaming nature; the activity in a hub spikes and then quiets down again on repeat. It’s never a constant all year round as most night elf guilds are based on an adventuring concept, as are many of the individual characters.

There’s however an amazing number of events coming up in next few months where you may meet new people:

April 27th - 28th: Del’ursdiel Twin Bear Festival :bear:
Event Details

May 4th: Byltan - Kaldorei Spring Celebration :cherry_blossom:
Event Details

May 10th - 12th: Aria’falore :bow_and_arrow:
Event Details

May 18th: Moonball & Bonk-Alore Tournament :crossed_swords:
Event Details

May 20th: Let’s Tell A Story :left_speech_bubble: (canceled)
Event Details

June 7th: Kaldorei Dance Night :dancer:
Event Details

June 16th: Amirdrassil Beach Party :beach_umbrella:
By Nifre, event info TBA

June 22nd - 24th: Jurina’tore :deer:
Solstice celebration by the Nightblades, event info TBA