Beast Mastery spec bonuses

Please run sims before you vote. S2 is the best by far for all situations


Hunters doing themselves some harm here voting for S3.

Vote S2 all the way!


Season 2. Nuff said.


completely wrong, S2 is superior.

Don’t confuse talent reworks in S3 with S3 tier set actually being good. Just remember S2 was simming higher with a specific build until you had a certain ilvl and S3 full tier and swapped talents to support the tier.

Deluded if you think S3 is superior.


season 3 is the worst set for hunter and it leads cos ppl think that since hunter is good now it must be the set which is not true

cos hunter is not bed this season ppl think that this season set bonuses r the best and its not true, bm is better then it was cos of chnges to the class this season

Overall, even my own sims show S2 at higher ilvl outperforms S3…

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Happy New Year Hunters! :slightly_smiling_face:

It looks like the :wave: Season 2 :wave: tier bonus is the way to go.

This is based on the details provided by our guide creator:

Please spread the word so fellow hunters can come back and change their vote. :slightly_smiling_face:


We will probably get S3 tier set, because of pea brains who vote before knowing anything and just assuming T3 is better.

GJ getting us the worst tier set of the entire expansion.


Please STOP voting for s3 tier set. It has 0 impact on your gameplay and is a dps LOSS to s2. You’re ruining the fun for yourself and for other people!


You can change or remove your vote by clicking on “hide results”.


I think truly we are seeing the problem with BMs design. The simplicity of it has attracted players who want an auto playing spec and will defend their ability to do damage without thinking becuase they do not want to improve.

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So many people in the comments not realising that tuning is up in the air, vote for whatever you want, that’s why I voted S3 because I like seeing the extra dire beasts from BW :slight_smile:

Hello devs please make blood lust baseline kit while you are at it so we hunters identify as actual bl class and get invited to keys .
it’s really frustrating that not pick up as bl class for keys…

look at the sims guys, don’t mistake the Talent and pet dmg changes of S3 with the Tier bonus

T30 is the bigger boost - vote S2 gear

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why the hell are people voting for season 3 when its a dps loss???

Why giving the possibility to vote, grimrail depot wasn’t enough? So basically we are going to play with s3 set it seems, gj fellow hunters, you proved a point again.

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Change season 2!!!

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S2 is the most output both single and multitarget. But I love the s3 one

no your wrong season 2 be better 80-85 uptime beast wrath