Beguiling Affix, infested 2.0 but a bit worse

Everyone and their mother hated infested, especially concidering how buggy they were, they could bolster, go through walls and floors and pull entire dungeons just by you simply trying to deal with them. Another very annoying part of this was how much cc you needed, and how much it slowed you down. On top of this, it was very unfriendly for pugs and could easily get out of hand.

After thousands of posts, feedbacks and even the devs saying infested slowed ppl down, they gave us reaping. A very fun and easy to deal with affix, you could also, if the grp and skill cap allowed this pull reaping on top of bosses or other trash pacs.

The season 3 affix, feels more like its another way blizz tries to slow down the game. Did you learn nothing from infested? I cant come up with a single one who ever said “god i loved infested, was such a fun affix” it wasnt. And concidering how broken and buggy they were and could intteract with affixes, why do we get another boring MUST deal with affix that dont bring any rewards? These also can get bolstered, heald throug sanguine etc. On top of this they dont give any % either.

By far the worst one is
The void touched emissary. This hits for a flat 50% of your hp unless you line of sight it, but you can get one of these in an area where there are no where to line of sight. Keep in mind this emissary dont move, cant be stuned, knocked back, ccd or anything. This Emissary comes with the passive aura, which is Void sight, it basically means it sees through stealth so you cant pass it that way either.
It dosent end here. After every cast (its an 8 sec cast roughly) the dmg increases. The first one wont kill you, you might survive the second cast with cds, the third cast is a oneshot IF you survive the second cast. How is this a good design?

After all the “we hear your feedback” crap Ion been saying, and blizz uses their “fantasy” THIS is what you came up with?
I tested this on the PTR, its just very boring and got more cons than pros.

At this point is verly clear that blizzards idea of “fun” is not what we regular ppl call fun.

For 8 months blizz have been working, and this is what they have to show for.

I am…i dont know what else to say, honest to God!

But dont take my word for it, here is a feedback from flawless and another high key pusher, flawless playing with Jdotb and nerfclap, 2 of the players from Methd EU MDI team.


Jokes on you, I am skipping this 3rd season, just 77+ days left before I can do a wetlands run, need to brush up my knowledge.

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I’m really not looking forward to it atm. Reaping was fun but we arent allowed to have fun.

Destroying keys to get new ones was great too. No fun allowed.


Empyrean power is my best friend
It pulls my party trough reaping waves.
It has sweet proc and zero cost…

Rip retri season 2

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I’ve really enjoyed reaping too, Not looking forward to this because i’m hearing “infested 2.0” everywhere, I HATED INFESTED :persevere::sneezing_face:.


Ye i generaly hate afixes that just purely have to slow you down…bursting, bolstering, explosive, infested … our classes hold so.much power in aoe why cant we ever use it…reaping was cool except casting souls…why cant they design something where u HAVE to pull as much as possible … :roll_eyes:


Exactly during those weeks, i just complete a 10 and wait for reset.:nauseated_face:

I am curious if season 2 score will appear on the tab in season 4. When they will reintroduce reaping 2.0 after this fiasco.
Cause I srlsy doubt I will force myself to do anything in s3 :confused:

Well, seems like rip to M+. Not by actual affix but the way it was designed to further reduce the specs viable for M+.

2 monks ( or 1 monk 1 rogue ) 1 hunter 1 druid 1 warrior

Physical team seems BiS to me

Rewards also seem to have been lowered - right now, you get heroic raid quality from a +10 dungeon. In S3, that will only come from the weekly chest, dungeon drops alone will be lower.

Might be that the rewards will scale up to +15 like they did in Legion, so +15 will be the new norm, but that’s just speculation right now.

Second option is, Blizz actually listened to the feedback and simply toned M+ down to make raids more appealing. :thinking:

Yes no fun allowed, u need to try harder - depleting keys - do it again and again, spend as much more time as possible to get random trash gear.


They made bad players who stick in packs in guilds feel better about themselves.
I have no interest in doing raids, non fotm spec, average player, but even I got their curves for the joke’s sake.

Heroic raids are really a clown difficulty compared to medium keys like plus 15

I will enjoy classic even more ffs :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

So you will “enjoy more” something that only emphasizes - as you put it - “players who stick in packs in guilds”?

You say you’re not interested in raids, but then you keep repeating how much you will enjoy classic, where raiding is the only thing to do? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’m not very keen on these S3 changes as they are right now, but it’s still far more fresh than Classic.


Uunat with a 10 player raid team is not easy at all.

From US forum, quoted from person who claims to be 3,5k Rio rogue

Whatever the reason, M+ is in a very poor state of balance (imo). Now, Blizzard is proposing as a seasonal affix to put in play a new variable, that interacts with all the other variables (that they do not balance). This is so frightening to me (and to a vast number of the high end M+ community , at least all the ones i have talked too). This affix appears to take the worst parts of infested, and expounds upon them. I have no clue what the logic is behind this affix. What is the thinking behind interjecting another variable, that blizzard neither intends to balance, nor has the capacity to balance. This affix will further expound upon the push week vs. dead week disparity. If you put a maiden in certain packs certain weeks, it will essentially create weeks where that dungeon will hard cap at a certain level. Then you will have teams that only roll that key, and because blizzard took away keystone deletion, they will decide not to play the rest of the week. I have lost so many friends and good players to dead weeks, and I am very afraid that this new affix will create dead weeks out of push weeks. I really hope blizzard reconsiders this affix, I dont see any positives out of it so far. Now maybe if they brought back keystone deletion to combat their lack of balance i could see this affix working out (remember we had this throughout most of infested which at least made it bearable). Without it, I fear S3 maybe the season that M+ died.

Answer to a man wolf in hexy tmog

So now you are proving the idea that the less team size - the less slack is allowed.
But hey they will reward 30 different in terms of imput players or whatever is cap for Heroics with better loot than 5 hard working ones.

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And here I was, having my hard times dealing with a common +7, next patch I’ll probably just do something else :scream:

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Your plus 7 will be pretty much the same, you are blessed man :smile:
It’s 10+ affix which is poorly designed

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First you complain about how messy and hard new season will be
After that
You complain about how easy raids are

I guess that is what makes absolute sense with you like the time you called all people that dont boost beta’s and you the booster alpha male?
Lemme see you boost next season mr Alpha xD

What? Quote or va’ fa Napoli