Va’ fa Roma
So you, Zag Zag, fail to understand that I called out people who are triggered by how boosters earn honest and good gold.
Do you even comprehend the difference between defending an honest gold making business from jelly Zag Zags and bad affix design critique?
Then I will… Stick to my +7 and won’t go any further I suppose!
Well someone from US who tested said 10 with new affix on ptr is like 14-15 on live.
So right now it’s a big gap from +9…
I hope it’s not final.
You zug zug fail to understand that this game is all about orcs and zug zug. No matter how much it triggers the forum paladingos its true.
Again a forum palading fails to understand a message spammed for 15 times a minute is annoying, now with this change we will have less and above all less alphas calling others ccks on forums.
Do you even understand that you first whined about how easy this game is on raiding then you whined about how hard it will be next season?
Less alphas wannabe, again.
Chatting to forums with others and talking to them like trash doesnt make you an alpha actually incase someone told you so, you even now lauged at this guy for his 7’s. Shall i start laughing at you for your 15’s? Will that make me an alpha and so? I dont think so mate, theres something wrong in your forum palading mentality.
The only Zag Zag here is you green boi, and the only reason why you feel safe to write here your crap is cause it’s safe.
Get out and try to annoy someone in real life, I am sure they will teach a noisy freak a cheap and easy life lesson.
Cant imagine how sad your pathetic safe space became since your clown feelings were hurt at the moment of the quoted topic xDDD
This not only will kill classes where they HAVE to use aoe where their core abilities are aoe, hello arms war etc.
This will make M+ boring as hell.
What happened with heaven or hell ideology that I kept hearing about which is what supposedly would have made M+ more fun.
Blizzard needs to stop putting % hp damaging abilities as that literally guts priest, high geared players etc etc.
We already reached a point where being low ilvl benefited you, we don’t need to go there again this is seriously becoming BS.
Reaping just like OP stated was fun, even though it was easy it still was super interactive and cool to play with, it rewarded wit and skill.
It slowed you down if you don’t know how to handle it and it can definitely wipe you if underestimated, especially when the timer is key at high levels, you had to risk pulling stuff with reaping.
I don’t understand why 200% reflect damage aura mob, % hp damage mob that says nuke me, and giving mobs immunity to cc mob is gonna make M+ more fun or competitive.
These literally take SKILL out of the game and promote mindlessness.
A cool seasonal affix would be something that can reward skill and punish those that underestimate it, something like mobs deal % hp damage or % increase damage taken when slain but gives % damage increase for x seconds would be insanely cool, can be gamed and can make the dungeon waaaaaaaay more interesting.
Also blizzard, you want us to pull the left golem in Atal dazar, that golem on +10 deals an insane amount of damage, and if somehow any mob dies next to it, it gets healed and deals even insanely more damage, it’s literally a nightmare that doesn’t reward enough % or doesn’t promote healthy gameplay as there is no other real way to countering it than to mindlessly dps single target dps it, which would take too long and not enough % for a fortified week ontop of having to endure it’s already overtuned damage, so maybe just maaaaybe the mob is the problem and not the player base?
I understand your point, but if you take an on depth look:
Right now many people blowing cd’s on reaping just for them to get high on the damooge meters, when people do that they punish specially healers on tyranical weeks bosses, that must go aoe damooge fest to useless mobs is not skill its actually the oposite.
Now on the damage based on health percentage its good imho. It makes overgeared players NOT skipping mechanics, while its less punishing for less geared people, its quite fair if you take a closer look in it.
Thats not something hard to deal with mate, personally me as a monk can provoke it (taunt) and have it outside the area that you guys damooge the mobs. A tad more brain usage for me, not for you. Its a mechanic that will punish tanks and healers again not you, dont understand why you hate it since dd’s are not controling M+, tanks do and healers supporting it.
See? Another tank-healer punishing mechanic that dps dont have to worry about.
Just give it some time, when it comes out and people get familiar on how to deal with it my thoughts is they are nothing hard to deal with but still not a mindless aoe damooge fest that ruins the whole dungeon progression and performance in the sake of dps shoring.
Im talking nice with everybody in here, unlike you insulting everyone and everything just to makeyouself look something you probably are not. Therefore your comment reflects your state not mine.
Exactly, get out and call people cks and betas and laugh at others low keys done IRL, that would teach you your lesson. Again a comment that you made reflecting yourself not me.
Once more, im in no need of safe space because i dont call others cks and betas. As it seems you need it but its not my bussiness, ill give you a flag because the othertime i did not.
Have fun
You giving me an imaginary forum flag is the least thing I will ever take into any possible consideration.
Stay safe, Zag Zag
OP, or anyone else here, did you even check out the afflix and the way it works in detail ? Why is everyone calling it infested 2.0, lol ?
It’s unbelievable how whining has become a trend, and easiness the standard. What is the bloody point of an affix, if not to slow you down ? To provide challenge ? Or did you expect it to have no impact on the run ? Or worse yet to speed it up ?
You think reaping was fun ? You think everyone loved it ? Well, I didn’t, I hated it and still do. If I have to describe it in 2 words : boring, repetitive. People loved it only for the fact that it was easy, because nowadays for whatever reason fun = easy. What I find really “funny” is when you think it used to be the other way around.
Infested ? I loved it. Specially because it was a pain in the butt, as an affix is meant to be. Or did I miss something ?
Finally, please stop referring to beguiling as infested 2.0, there’s a long league’s worth of difference between the 2 afflix and people mixing them up only shows how misinformed they are about it. I bet most here have either not tried it or flat out not seen how it works.
i’d like to know too, and i hope it really isn’t.
It isn’t… Go to WoWhead and read about it. There’s an interesting yet a bit incomplete article with pros and cons of the afflix, though I still don’t get the point of the “cons” and why they were described as such. I don’t know what they expect an afflix to be… a boost ? It’s an afflix lol.
With each season affixes get worse lol. Especially this one looks like a pug destroyer! Another season where people will just do the weekly chest thing ^^
Reaping is a pretty fun affix.
- We get to do actual AoE for once, as opposed to the 20 seconds of stacked up AoE in BoD, or generally low mob count for 80% of pulls in m+ when you reach a certain(too low) level.
- Which mobs you decide to pull will affect you even more down the line as they come back as souls - some are less beneficial to deal with than others.
- There’s a timing aspect in it, both in terms of cooldown usage and where the tank decides to trigger it. I.e planning and skill is rewarded, and lack of it isn’t massively punishing.
- Lots of fun to be had with mispulls, accidental triggering during challenging packs, the tank moving on to the next pack while reaping triggers, then having to run back, where dps/healer has to use CC not to get gibbed.
- It’s fairly easy to understand, so pugging isn’t a living hell for +10 keys and above.
- If you have a skilled group, you can do reaping with the boss. This is especially useful during tyrannical. Keeping 1 or 2 alive for multidotting that increases ST on the boss is also a viable strategy.
All in all it’s a successful and fun seasonal affix that’s great both for the more casual players and people pushing into the higher keys, and everyone between. It changes the dynamic of each dungeon in a not too intrusive way. Mixes it up and keeps it interesting, as is the purpose of a seasonal affix.
However, this new Beguiling affix, which sounds like you’re having symptoms indicating that you’re about to puke, changes the dynamic far too much. Each pack containing it will be an absolute bore and annoyance to deal with. No plan needed, nuke as much as possible and move on. Creates hardcaps. Interacts with other affixes to make garbage weeks even more garbage.
M+ and fun interaction with class specs were the 2 major reasons for Legion’s success, Blizzard. You’ve already slowed down specs and made them quite boring for the most part, don’t screw up m+ aswell please. The casuals are not the people you need to appeal to, and certainly not by slowing things down. Having a core playerbase that’s invested in the game brings more casuals than anything else. Give us challenges that are fun(like Reaping), improve spec mechanics and make good raids - that’s your 3 most fundamental tasks, Blizzard. It should be at the top of your priority list. Not pet battles, giving casuals what they think they want, pointless “mission” boards etc. Get your feces(apparently I’m not allowed to write the other word for it because it might scare away all the kids playing fortnite) together. Legion was great, Reaping was great, everything else has been below mediocre or outright bad and/or self-destructive lately.
Note: Jesus man, had to go back and edit so many words, what the frick Blizzard. Get it through your thick skulls, the kids are busy playing fortnite, not spending 3 consoles worth of money to play a 15 year old mmo that has lost most of its playerbase lately.
Ah now it makes sense. I do a +5 key with you and you tank the last boss so badly in underrot that the whole group come close to death multiple times. Guess you didn’t like my feedback and that’s why you left our community… you know the one you wanted to do reg keys with.
Dunno about that drama, I remember you two guys were thanking me on discord, but hey, public attacks for a free help it’s a great approach!
I left cause I left retail. Sorry you could have learned it if you appeared at the time we agreed to lvl lowbies
And the guild I left is the guild you previously had abandoned to transfer to another server?
Seems legit, again I am so sorry
Oh and the key was +4 xD
You delete the discord and quit in the middle of the night without saying anything… yeah… narrow escape - seeing your true colours here… have fun in Classic!
I don’t feel the need to point out where an adult like you is wrong.
So I just sincerely wish you well.
Me and Hali didn’t agree to level lowbies with you at a set time (we both said we were busy till Sunday), you said you were levelling and we were free to join you.