Even if what you write now was true, after you trashed my sincere help here publicly I am glad we aren’t doing staff together
No, you claimed it was easier, it really isn’t, raids are tailored to 20+, cause there is a huge difference in difficulty between 10 people and 20, due to how mechanics are not balanced for less people.
My claim still remain, raids are much easier and will reward better loot than harder content as m+.
Cause as you said more mechanics to deal with for each person.
And yes 10 heroic raid is harder than 25 ppl h raid.
In the same way.
They are not, 10 keys, which is what most people run, are way easier than raids are. For example, the void stone puts a 3 minute cool down on you. It does the same in a 20 player raid.
Raids are harder, way harder, than m+. And that is because mechanics are not balanced according to your raid size, where as m+, they are easily balanced because there are only, and will always only be 5 people at Max.
If we are talking BoD, then getting well fare 2h ( you can check my page ) from mythic raid is times easier than from m+.
Same goes for many items.
If we are talking next patch, well the ilvl reward from heroic raids are higher than from m+10
And people who played m+10 on us forum said it feels like m+14-15 on retail.
Anyway 1 bad player in average 20m heroic pug won’t wipe your raid, but will deplete your key in m+. You can try the same heroic raid boss over and over untill you learn. And raid will give better loot.
Not to mention the demand to know the are rotation as much as ST for m+. While you can live with just ST playstyle in raids.
I literally did 1 10 + key in season 1 and around 100 or so in season 2. Why would you fix whats not broken? We hated infested with passion why bring it back? You really want to kill the game?
Depends on the mechanics. But a bad player in 10 ? It will wipe, almost 100% guarantee.
Considering you need more coordination, more people to deal with more mechanics… yes, it should.
One might almost wonder if Blizz are regretting all the design decisions that have lead to this “I don’t need no guild, just me and my 11 alts” state of play…
Guess I’m just lucky, I have a great guild+community for handling rage-inducing dungeons. Stuck with a KR +12 on a Tyrannical day, with two of us in offspec, we wiped in it for about an hour before calmly degrading it to a +10, and proceeding to clear. Nobody got angry or left.
Cannot overstate the importance of “doing the social stuff” with regards to M+. It helps you work out what your group can handle. Sometimes group compositions don’t quite synergise and even though every one of you cleared a different +13 last week, your +11 today is being really hard. Recognising the group’s limit, being prepared to degrade and run again, agreeing to finish regardless of the timer; these things make M+ not agonising.
Can’t sympathise with PuGs any more. You’re taking 5 random people into a thing you know will probably be hard, then complaining when they find it hard.
(On topic, new affix sounds horrible. Yet another thing that smacks the healer in the mana bar.)
And you will be able to help him get better. Learn mechanics for 1 boss.
Your every pull fight is 10 mins maximum?
In m+ you key is depleted and gg. You either know all bosses and trash mechanics and route or gg.
You speak like it is permanent, it is not, oh and, if you FAIL the timer, you still get loot, but if you wipe at a boss ? Nada. No loot.
try again. as much as you want, you wont be kicked to normal raid. you got sweet lutz for every boss down, not at the end of the full raid.
hey i have literally done your mega hard heroic CoS curve boss second time i saw it.
first time was when i got into lfr right to it by accident and tanked this badboy there with 0 knowledge.
you know why HC CoS boss took few tries?
cause there were certain rdds there from g group who did 12k dps as with 412ilvl.
so we had to pull more decent people to delute the impact of these raid heros and ultimately nuke this thing down.
so yeah for these people it wasn`t that hard to learn on the go and do thir 12k dps few attempts to get a better loot than m+10 gives, which requres so much more.
I’m the only one who remembers the cryfest before reaping? OMG we hate trash, so Blizz add more trash FU***NG GG, I quit, feedback op, etc. Now everyone praises reaping. So strange.
Imo the reaping affix was way too easy. Like it was easy to dodge, really a nobrainer. Also it rewarded burst aoe dps, which not every class has. I think it’s great Blizz shaking up the meta a bit. This seems like a really hard affix, so maybe not every pug will do +10 first week. This will require coordination and a bit of pre-planning.
It seems the goal isn’t to slow you down but motivate you to take new paths in order to skip some emissaries.
There was a Wowhead datamined buff you could obtain when killing these emissaries. Iirc one was a huge AOE around you for a few seconds when you killed the emissary, which rewarded you for taking ST specs and taking down the emissary.
We’ll have to wait & see whether these buffs were planned or not, i hope they are and will be implemented in the next PTR update as it made a much better design imo.
You can evade the shadow % hp spell with LoS so unless the mob is spawned in areas without obstacles it adds something else to deal with. I don’t see how it promotes mindlessness to make something more challenging than it used to.
Same for the Arcane one, a good way to deal with it is to kite it with a caster away from the pack and you’re done, or just nuke it down with ST. You can also CC the tide emissary and get out of its aura to CC the adds.
If anything the shadow one is the most punishing and may require you to take another path as you can’t just skip it. You can also leave him behind and go 60m ahead as he won’t move from his spot.
There are ways to play around these emissaries.
As it currently stands, compared to what we have currently, this new affix is completely and utterly horrible, and will destroy all fun that we have in M+. Please dont go forward with this…
Why? Because it’s harder and requires coordination? You can still do m+ up to +9 if you don’t want to deal with this.
reaping it’s an AOE festival. I love it as frost mage. Never tried infested though because I mained the mage in S2, but I hated it when I was a pala tank. Now reading the new affix it makes me cringe. Skip 8.2 M+? Perhaps. Or maybe I’ll just do the weekly +10 and thank you very much.
an affix requiring coordination and teamwork is not an issue, however, slowing a run down with the purpose of slowing it down, making pulls tedious instead of a blast, is an issue. and thats what multiple people are pointing it out to be. And ofcoruse i can run +9 or lower, but if you check what i’m doing currently i push M+ for fun, because there is no other incentive than that, and quite frankly, M+ keeps me playing. Remove the fun outta M+ and who knows.
With the amount of backlash on “relevant” US forums only mad IONovators would send this affix live as is.
How can you design an affix which is hard and requires coordinaton but you can also just run through it? This seems impossible.
it has nothing to do with just run through, it is in the amount of time it takes to deal with it. something can be hard and fast aswell, require coordination, and teamwork to tackle but still be quick and not tedious as this currently stands. but guess you’ll not understand