Beguiling Affix, infested 2.0 but a bit worse

I will, if you give me an example. So? How does you imaginary mythic affix looks like?

lol at the toxicity, i’m not imagining things. just presenting my opinion on the affix presented to me. i’m no game dev, nor do i have any control over what they implement. i’m under no delusions. However, to give it my best. In order to further improve the significance of bosses instead of focusing on trash, which is jampacked with mechanics these days anyways. maybe design an affix that adds 3 different general boss mechanics to each and every bossfight, increasing their difficulty and thus increasing the importance of ST classes and specs. Examples being (this is just something i think of within 5 minutes of looking at it)

  • 1st mechanic, an AoE ability with a 4 second cast time and a 10yard radius that will deal 50% max health damage and reduce the damage you deal by 20% for 20seconds. increasing the importance of ranged specs.

2nd mechanic: the boss will occasionally cast chain lightning for 30% max health, to a random player and all players within 8 yards. some bosses you want to stack which this mechanic makes more difficult

3rd mechanic: cant come up with more. but there is prolly more stuff to think about.

like i said i’m under no delusions that i’m gonna implement something better than beguiling, but Gerikee, as unconstructive as you may be, i gave it my best. :slight_smile:

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WAT?? I can agree it was fun but there was nothing interactive or cool about it, just a mindless aoe blast… The fact you can pull massive reaping waves with bosses and/or trash packs proves how pathetic it was as a seasonal affix. As far as it rewarding “wit and skill” LOL… It rewarded nothing but a number on the meters of AoE burst dmg classes. It’s as far as “wit and skill” as it possibly can…

Because you don’t understand how they work and how they are supposed to be dealt with… Look into that and then (hopefully) you can fix your misunderstanding.

And this must be the stupidest thing I’ve read lately… So a mindless AoE blast feast was supper skillful but something that makes you think, interact with and deal with caution suddenly “take SKILL out of the game and promote mindlessness”? Like… how??? You can close your eyes and deal with reaping, but if you go in mindless with the emissaries you WILL fail!

You mean something like the S3 affix? Cuz it’s exactly that.

That was their initial plan with this affix, if you chose to deal with those NPCs you get a certain buff. So the group’s choice comes down to “skip these and not spend time on them, or play them and get the buff that might help you do the rest few packs faster”. Now I don’t know if Blizz gave up on this idea or what we have on the PTR now is just the 1st iteration of the affix with no buffs implemented.

And I don’t know why people are so fast to go on the QQ train without even thinking what they are QQin about… This new affix is bad because it’s hard??? WTF is that logic? Not to mention this affix is not really that hard…

  • Arcane emissary - just knock out of the trash pack you’re killing, a healer alone can do that, or 1 dpser just hit her every 2-3 secs or so, after 30 secs the emissary de-spawns ON HER OWN! You don’t even need to kill her… irrelevant!
  • Tides emissary - just CC her with a true CC (sap, imprison, etc) and kill the pack around her as usual, you then just skip the mob without ever fighting her… again completely irrelevant.
  • Void emissary - this is the only one that has any real impact and can actually slow you down, but as long as she’s put next to a pillar and not in the middle of a wide open area it’s fine! You can still pull trash to her and just dance with LOS. She has true sight and cant be skipped though.

All of them don’t even fully reset… the arcane one keeps her energy so even if you wipe on that pack the next time you engage will take less time for her to de-spawn. The other 2 keep their current HP.

The only things they need to fix about those NPCs are to make them not affected by affixes (bolster, sang, raging, etc) and to make them give %. And for the Void emissary to put them only on locations where LOS is possible.

And how can people compare this to Ingested is beyond me… Infested would have been an OKish affix if the little worms weren’t buggy AF. That was the worst part of it and you wont have this here.

Dont you guys remember the QQ about the reaping before S2? Yeah it was the same, turned out ppl loved it. Mostly because it was too easy though and you don’t even need to pay attention to it.

What toxicity? I just asked you to give ideas about your perfect affix. You see, complaining about something is toxic. Providing improvement ideas is not.

The problem with your mechanics, is that it will be significantly harder on Tyrannical weeks, and a joke on Forti. Also some boss already dealing huge amount of AoE, it would be impossible to do them with this affix. Also I don’t think its fun. It seems like a standard mob mechanic, nothing speciel. It isn’t easy to design an affix which is doable on every affix, unique, still hard and fun. I think S3 affix will be that, but we will see. ( numbers probably not final, and there are some hints about getting op buffs after killing the emissaries )

Not everybody plays for loot. Failing once at M+ can lead to downgrading your key, so you HAVE TO do other key you’re not interested in to MAYBE get the key you actually wanted.

As tank I have much more to do in M+ than in raid (taunt-at-X-stacks meme).

The OP linked the article explaining the new affix, I’ll post it again.

It’s never about tank specifically or healer specifically though.

If a healer is INSAAAAAAAAANELY good, they still won’t heal 15 stacks of bursting without dps popping defensives.

If I cloak a huge hit then that’s a + for me not the healer, you can be the worlds worst healer but it won’t matter if the group is self dependant.

Same goes for tanks, you really don’t need to tank that much if your dps just kill everything super fast.

Also the same for dps, if the tank pulled the boss away from fire while the dps mindless sticked on the boss than that’s a + for the tank not the dps.

A good example of reaping going from INSTA hard to bearable is reaping waves in SotS, early reapings are full of casters, you can only stun them 3 times, that is if you have actual 3 aoe stuns and no healer in the game is able to heal all their bolts, however if people interrupt, los, individual stun to make hits not happen at the same time, pop defensives etc etc, this makes it bearable.

The same goes with smash and expulsion, some smashes are 100% > 0%, expulsions punish damage even, those regardless of how easy you view them require skill and smarts and aren’t there for the sake of slowing time, you can actually do them faster, you have counter plays, etc.

But the Beguiling has almost Zero counter play, some of them even force you to have certain classes while this is what the players have been hating on and don’t want.

My point is aslong as the affix is limiting, there is no counter play and you are literally forced to behave in a certain way it’s not fun.

This is why KR mobs are hated, why AD’s left golem is hated and why the undead abominations in AD are hated, they all boil down to numbers and time, nothing else, can you do X number in time? you pass, you can’t? will tough luck.

Not really it’s an affix, you can’t skip it mate no matter what you do.

Quake dealing 80k to my warrior that can’t self heal no matter what is unfun, It’s easier for me to tank with 385 ilvl Azerite gear than 415 ilvl Azerite gear on +10 with Quaking and bursting.

Since most of the damage I get in that week is from quaking, and so my healer will have an easier time healing me.

If anything that goes against progression and severely limits the player, players should be happy they get a higher ilvl gear, gear should make me stronger and take less damage not more.

I wanna see you manage to pull of some packs with SotS reaping.

The act of interrupting, not standing smashes where sometimes it gets to crowded.

The act of moving away from expulsion while its too crowded.

And at the same time handle a boss / pack mechanic is in itself skilled.

If anything pulling the reaping waves with bosses / trash packs proved how skill and wit rewarded players.

Yes it was easy number wise, but it still was rewarding, you had countless ways to interact with it, and if you didn’t act good enough you were punished.

Wit and skill should never be about numbers, especially when the skill cap for some classes is a hair’s length away from the skill floor.

You also shouldn’t measure it using yourself.

If you pull a trash pack and reaping or a boss with reaping, and consider it easy, I pull a whole room + the boss + reaping, and not everybody can do that.

That’s the difference.

If I’m good enough to only deal with reaping alone I had that choice.

If I’m good enough to only deal with reaping and a pack I had that choice.

If I’m good enough to deal with reaping, and some trash packs I also had that choice.

I also have the choice to pull a boss, some trash and reaping together.

See, that’s how it rewards skill and wit, it’s relatively easy but it takes time to kill them however you could do something about it and it can in cases of classes that deal more damage the higher the mob count is reward players.

With Beguilling affix you probably won’t even be able to pull a trash pack with a boss, you’ll be forced to single target nuke the emissary or separate it from the trash pack then deal with it, there is 0 counter play and 0 skill and wit in playing the numbers game here, the only skill is how good you do your rotation and even that has a cap on it.

If you think reaping or the current meta is mindless aoe feasting then you’re very wrong and probably don’t know how to deal with M+ or have been carried.

You literally have to interrupt, LoS, stun, shuffle cooldowns, and do a lot of other small interactions happen when you pull a huge pack or reaping with a couple of packs, if it was just a mindless aoe then you would see everyone doing +20s and up no?

I also wanna see you close your eyes and deal with a reaping wave, especially SotS one.

With the emissaries all I need to do is act in a certain way, with no other choice and no other option, I’m restricted and can’t do anything about it.

It’s funny you talk about mindless when one of the emissaries literally shuts down all cc and interrupts.

You already die if everyone interrupts at the same time or a cast goes off in some dungeons, so yeah let’s give mobs immunity while they have targeted spells! that’ll definitely make players play skilled, it’s definitely not going to make players bring classes with the best abilities to deal with magic damage no no, I’ll get that an arms warrior yes! they’ll use Die by the sword! against a fortified fireball at M +20! yeah they will survive that don’t worry mate :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: and then we will wait 3 minutes so Die by the sword gets back on cd so we can use it on the next fireball! and if mobs decided to focus on the poor fella then I guess we wipe, wait 3 minutes and try again! not like there is a rogue that can self heal to full, cloak, vanish, feint every 15 seconds nope, definitely not.

What’s so skilled about ccing a mob, nuking a mob and refraining from aoe or just nuking a mob before it kills you? I wanna know.

No one said it’s hard, no where did I ever say it’s hard, I said it’s mindless and restricts us into a single path alone.

Also people are Quick to QQ because once something is in the chances that it gets changed is as good as a meteor hitting earth.

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Really ?

There are ways to play around them… At worst just skip all the shadow ones, the others can be dealed with without any specific class.

Stun the tide one, kite the arcane one, flee from the shadow one or find some LoS and nuke them with casters. Most parties can deal with that.

which are the only ways to deal with them… which require zero skill, which are limiting…

Yeah Ill just pistol shot that Arcane emissary with a set focus macro every 2 seconds, the skill man! the impact!

Tides emissary speaks for it self, cc it, pull back and kill, no skill required, nothing not even harder than reaping.

Void emissary, either LoS, or nuke. no other way around it, I’ve seen the video on wow head, shes on the pack on the stairs ( The 2 elementals ), if it happened that she was rotated in this place in a fortified + teeming, +17 would be impossible… maybe even +15 would be impossible number wise, 0 counter play here, just nuke or die. OR bring a paladin tank, paladin healer and 3 rogues / 2 rogues / DH, a rogue can survive probably 4 casts from her.

I think people are misunderstanding what I’m pointing at, this is the initial iteration of them and I know they are subject to change.

Infact they look as easy or easier than reaping unless it’s the void one in an open area.

What I’m complaining about is how linear and brainless the ways to deal with them are and the core ideas behind them.

If the void emissary for example had a super fast cast, that gave a stacking undispellable debuff that increased damage taken, but can be stunned, interrupted, etc etc and it absorbed the souls of every enemy that died super close to it and then buffed the players by the amount and type of enemy slain near her that would give players a lot of choice and fun interactions.

You can choose to do a big pull and kill it ontop of her with blood lust.

You can drip feed her mobs.

You can just kill the pack around her.

You can keep her and refresh the buff, so you pull packs back to her and refresh the buff while keeping her undercontrol.


You assign an interrupt order.

You don’t mindlessly stun or she will immune from the DR and spam you.

You can make sure you don’t accidently kill her.

You can pull some packs to her and have to deal with the packs + her.

You can fail a little but consecutive fails will punish you.

it gives freedom, rewards skill and wit and makes the affix actually fun.

it has a lot of approaches and doesn’t come down to a numbers game.

Well as it seems it is…

A good healer does not have a spot in a group that people reach 15 stacks my friend xD

How many cloaks can you pop in a dungeon boss fight like tyranical triad, tyranical galvazzt ? No using your 2min cd right does not make you self depended.

You cant kill challenging difficulties inside M+ fast. Tank is leading the group, pulls packs and knows what to pull and what not to pull together. DPS is just spamming buttons and know what to kick.

There are severall spots to LoS them, let them stack then kill them inside 1 leg sweep. No its not hard and you can knockback the smash with ring and typhoon, and the shamans thingy. Its all so easy to deal with.

Thats the great thing about it, no skips.
Mankind landed on the moon, you think we wont find a solution to this? :))

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