Beguiling has completely and utterly destroyed my enjoyment for m+

I can somewhat relate, i did a +13 on a 418 mistweaver monk, Didnt help that our tank was facetanking all the necrotic and died

It makes PUGs more challenging. It also shares something with Reaping for me: It lowers my total damage in dungeons. With Reaping, my moonkin just didn’t have the burst AoE damage of other classes. With Beguiling, I frequently get to spam Moonfire at the Enchanted Emissary or spam-root the Emissary of Tides if it’s a bad group (doesn’t happen that often), while everyone else gets to do proper damage! It’s not a real problem, of course, and it’s nice to bring some utility.

I didnt have that problem with the first packs and did it on a 19.

You lack planning or execution or brains or something because this is simple and doesnt require 200iq plays.

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Or the spike from +9 to +10 is way too big for this. I’m not running M+ as a competition, but I do like to run it with a challenge. As I’ve only been tanking for a few weeks (never with necrotic), this is a really hard pack and there’s no in-between practice for this.

I think the effects of M+ “affixes” should increase gradually over time, meaning a +10 (introducing Beguiling), doesn’t have as many emissaries as +15 or +20. This makes it possible to practice and gain some experience before you run in a competition environment.

Competitions are an invitation to toxic players and I hate that.

its internet deal whit it

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I healed a FH+12 last night, wasn’t my first dungeon this week, this prot warrior felt unhealable, I couldn’t put my finger around it tbh. He did take loads of stacks, walked out too late 30+, people didn’t CC, it was a bad run, and I sensed the warrior was annoyed with the healing, but he just wasn’t playing it well. Secondly, I never saw this “shield” on him, when I play my warrior, when I press ignore pain I do see that pop, or doesn’t it pop enough with necrotic stacks?

Necrotic does indeed reduce ignore pains’ size. At high stacks it’s barely visible on raid frames.

Bad runs depend on a lot of factors. Freehold is generally easy for Warriors though.

saw many groups fail freehold there only few chage compleet it in time

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