Being removed from Dungeon should not mark me as deserter. I didn't ask for this!

Topic body.
Joined dungeon in progress, everyone was dying and I was removed half way through after 2nd boss in Batol. I only joined as dps for satchel and was awarded with deserter mark. Good stuff…
Back to PvP I guess.

There are quite a few threads about this but the gist of why and the suggestions about it are below:

Proposals so far include but not limited to:

  • “Just remove it” The darkest times will come back again
  • “Reduced cooldowns stacking upwards” so that if you aren’t kicked often, it starts with a minor debuff.
  • “Reduced cooldowns, stacking downwards” so if you’re in a “good” party, then when they surprisepikachu kick you at the end the cooldown is lower.
  • “Warning before Debuff” - When you get removed from dungeon you get a Warning but allows you to requeue, if you get kicked again you get debuffed on subsequent leaves.
  • “Add reporting for kicking” - This is akin FF where they investigate if someone is really, really using votekick so often and gets reported for it that often as well. WoW used to do this.

If you have a proper suggestion, you may submit it through the ingame feedback box. I also would like to know to see if the suggestion can be improved making it into a better experience for everyone involved.

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WoW, this thread is new and exciting… I wonder what glorious new insights we´ll gain from the 5th thread on the front page dealing with the exact same topic :rofl:


No one is forcing you to read it.
If there is so many topics with the same problem it probably means something is not right.

No, it means that people don´t give a :poop:about forum etiquette and /or rules and /or believe that their personal take is more important.

It serves zero actual purpose other than to dilute the useful feedback into nothingness by spreading it out like a piece of butter onto a 2 meter hoagie and regurgiitate the discussion.


Not exactly, while the core of the issue is “I got votekicked and received a debuff” the leadup is generally different. For example, in this thread we managed to discover the likely reason for the OP’s repeated removal was that he was XP locked and granted a XP debuff to his other party members.

In another now deleted thread, the OP first started innocent with that he doesn’t know why he got removed. Then halfway justified that he could be an extremist little guy with moustache to the other party members.


And in yet another thread it was eventually found out that someone with “over a decade of expereince” that was a vehement campaigner against deserter for any reason didn´t even start playing until last october, leaving the theory in teh room that his aversion to the debuff is in reality because he was banned for repeatedly griefing groups… :wink:

Most importantly, all 3 of those threads effectively served no purpose, other than to provide further proof that the deserter debuff for both leaves and kicks is very much still needed, and working as intended :beers:


Jumping to conclusions so quickly without knowing all the facts? Typical.

I may be misunderstanding the tone here, but your reply seems like it could be a jab at me.

While it’s true I may have created this particular character last October, I’ve been playing WoW on and off for years—more off than on recently. These days, I tend to return for a couple of months to check out new content or revisit old favorites, and then I might take a break for 6–12 months depending on how much I’m enjoying the game.

Because my playtime has been so sporadic in recent years, I’m not always up-to-date with all the changes—major or minor—that happen across expansions. Sometimes I don’t discover certain features until years later. For example, I didn’t know about pet battle dungeons until well after they were added. Similarly, I had no idea about the reduced XP debuff for locked experience until it came up here. I simply wanted to lock my XP to enjoy a level bracket longer, complete quests, and earn reputation. I didn’t realize this choice could negatively impact other players.

I’ve always understood griefing as intentionally and purposefully disrupting someone’s gameplay experience with malicious intent. That’s not what I was doing. I was just playing my alt Warrior, queuing for dungeons while questing in old-world zones, completely unaware of the “Experience Eliminated” debuff. Even when I learned about it, I misunderstood it as something that only applied to manually formed groups to discourage boosting. There was no deliberate intent on my part to inconvenience others.

That said, I do think the debuff is a lazy and poorly designed solution by Blizzard. Punishing innocent players who are randomly grouped with an XP-locked player by removing their dungeon XP seems counterproductive. It creates frustration for everyone involved—for the XP-locked player who just wants to enjoy the game at their pace and for the unsuspecting group members.

It’s disappointing because I want to run dungeons, and my character is eligible to queue through the LFD tool. But under the current system, doing so is essentially labeled as “griefing.” Blizzard has essentially created a system that sets up innocent players to frustrate one another.

Why not let people play the game in the way that brings them joy? Remember the slogan from back in the day: “World of Warcraft: What’s your game?!” That sentiment seems long forgotten now, as any attempt to play outside the norm feels met with barriers, ridicule, and frustration.

A final note: Blizzard could implement a simple, convenient change to improve this system. When someone is vote-kicked from a group, the game could display the reason filed for the kick—for example, “You were removed from the dungeon group due to [Report: Experience debuff].” There’s no need to show names or additional details, just the reason.

This small adjustment could help educate players about issues they might not have been aware of, rather than leaving them scratching their heads and unsure of what they did wrong. It’s a straightforward way to reduce confusion and improve communication within the game.


It was not, as I wasn´t even aware of your existence until right now, and a 2 second check just to be sure it´s not an alt posting shows that you have achevements from at least 2016, wheras the referenced player´s first ever achievement was completing exiles reach in october 2024… roughly one month after a large banwave went out for players that repeatedly griefed M+ groups with unwarranted leaves :beers:

I agree with this.

but when “your joy” directly impacts others negatively, it is not behaviour that should be sanctioned or tolerated… And that is what the deserter debuff was introduced to counteract, ans the primary purpuse it still serves :wink:


Nah I can already see it getting populated by [Expletive] instead. Let’s not rush forward to these things.

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In that case, I apologize for jumping to conclusions. I hope my response was respectful enough not to cause any animosity between us.

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We good, and I truly hope that your experiences overall continue to be positive, at the end of the day it´s just a game that we all play for fun… some people just have a “questionable” definition of “fun” :beers:

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It kind of already does, in a way—30–40% of the vote kicks I’ve witnessed have been for absurd reasons, slurs, name-calling, or just random gibberish where someone mashed their keyboard.

For the record, I probably decline 80–90% of vote kicks because I don’t think the reason given is good enough. For example, a player accidentally pulls, and the vote kick reason is something like “noob.” If that player is a noob, that’s not a valid reason to kick them. How are they ever supposed to improve if they’re removed from the experience?


There was a time when there was no penalty for leaving a group, or being kicked from a group.

People complained so much about leavers that blizzard was forced to introduce deserter buffs to keep the mobs at bay.

When that was happening, I warned the community that “educating people” dosent work. That if someone leaves its no big deal because you replace him by someone else in the quew. Or, if you get kicked by someone you can re-quew instantly.

I saw zero issues with not having any penalty at all. But people prefer to “punish” to feel a bit better than to actually look at the situation and think for a bit.

And now… you are in the situation you are in. So what can I say… blame the community, not blizzard. The best thing you can do is simply to move on to M+ and forget about that quew and deserter buffs.