Berny Quits Because of WoW Token


Berny had already quit in November if I remember correctly? It was quite a big post, and Berny said he would return for Pandaria.

Did Berny trick us when he said he quits back then? You can’t play with my feelings like this Berny. Trust is broken, I don’t believe Berny anymore.


Berny is a stinky liar. You cant be trusting anything berny says mon.


I am replaying Elden Ring right now Berny, also called scrub slayer invasion simulator, give it a try if you crave some juicy PvP :smiley: !

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Berny had also returned. And told us so. Berny will save Wrath of King Lich

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And he will return again ofc.


berny seems to not understand what token does… you buy token for real money and someone has to BUY IT FROM YOU FOR GOLD… he gains gold you loose gold from the economy so nothing will change… AND as bonus it makes goldsellers and bots dissapear over time and allows people to play for free… its BIG WIN for wotlk

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And where does that other player get gold to buy the WoW token that you are selling? Why, he purchases it from bot farm owners. The bots are still there, the players buying their gold are still there, but now Blizzard gets a bigger cut.


Are you saying ppl buy gold from gold sellers to buy token for gametime???

Im sure thats not what you ment, surely… right??


One moment theyre wanting to uphold classic experience, next minute their levelling it out with retail.

Will they make up their minds.

Yes we all know the pros and cons of the token. Yes their are benefits to it, but this is wrath bringing in yet another later added feature to the game.

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from playing the game? as everyone else? its literaly same as you would give gold to your friend… you loose gold and he gains gold but with this there bonus it will diminish goldsellers and bots over time and you are able to play for free

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Diminish huh? Sorry to tell you… In Retail on just G2G there are currently over 30k Gold sellers, in Wrath there are 4k. And unless Token sells for more than 20k gold you’re not going to match gold sellers who roughly go with 1€ per 1k Gold. For the record price you get for token in Nethergarde is 13k

Btw if you want a point of reference… Final Fantasy XIV has only like 1.8k Gil sellers… Damn

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The economy isnt an issue as you say, but the fact that you can buy gold for real money is an issue! Especially when its endorsed by the damn company who run the game!! Its 100% p2w now

It is cheaper to buy gold from gold sellers and use it to buy tokens than it is to pay for your sub the normal way, yes.

At the moment the price of token is 9k gold.
You can buy 9k gold for 11,67EUR from bots. You are only getting a better deal from Blizzard if you go for a 6-month sub.

and risk being doxxed and many other security risks if you dont know what you doing… thats why token worked so well in retail minimizing RMT

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you dont buy gold… player is trading you their gold… and as bonus it diminishes bots, goldsellers and you can play for free

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If currently RMT is “minimized” in retail, then I suppose there must have been many times more bots than players back in WoD.

Actually Blizz is the one paying you. Despite being subject of Supply/Demand tokens also have varrancy of price. You will always get however much the UI priced your token for regardless of how much a buyer will actually pay. If it offers me 10k but supply will be so big that buyer will only pay 5k I’ll still get 10k regardless. 5k will appear out of nowhere. Now of course as supply falters it would even out on larger scale. Also there seems to be (at least according to others) some sort of guaranteed sell period so that you still get the gold even if for whatever reason your token didn’t get sold to another player. I can imagine it would be a problem if you bought a token while being on practically empty realm.

More likely scenario:
Berny can’t quit for another 4 months because he already bought the tokens :smiley:

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bb cen i heve u gold

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