Rogue ? lock ? Sp ? mage ? which one u guys prefer for mostly world pvp ?
There’s still a rock paper scissors design in TBC, as it is basically built on the same design as vanilla. So mages will usually beat warriors and rogues will beat locks etc.
So it’s hard to give a clear answer, it depends on your enemy. But if you are asking an overall good class for 1v1 it’s still a rogue like vanilla, since you have a kit that allows you to stunlock an enemy and not let him do anything.
Other than rogues for most 1v1 scenarios hybrid dps classes are good again like classic, like ele shamans, boomkins and shadow priests since you can heal up.
Mages aren’t great 1v1 overall I’d say. You need something like a rogue or priest to synergize with you to control your target and let you do your thing. At least that was my experience in 2007.
Hunters also get a bit better in 1v1 because of dead zone reduced.
Warlock is the best for 1 v 1 in TBC especially when they get decked out in full resilience gear and go SL/SL spec with resilience you’ll take a ton less damage and crits and Soul Link will reduce that further with a huge HP pool to go with that and insane self healing from Siphon and Life Drain (Fel Armor increases health generated through spells by 20%) and they will have access to Fel Dom so they can resummon demons depending on what they need quickly.
Not to mention that the PvP trinket gets changed so it now breaks any form of CC - in Classic it only broke Fear, Charm and Polymorph so you can now remove a Rogue’s kidney shot. They do get some rather new annoying abilities like CloS and Shadowstep but a good Warlock will outlast a rogue as Warlocks become absolute tanks.
Pretty much what Mojojo said!
SL/SL lock.
It’s that TBC will be released with 2.4.3 talents that warlocks don’t entirely sit on EVERYTHING coming TBC as they will get drain mana removed. I do think that 1v1 a disc priest manaburning them will win. But thats about it.
Like above. SL/SL lock. Especially horde side (as you do not have to face UD rogues)
how good is paladin in 1vs1?
Unless you’re a tank, best off on letting your paladin stay on Classic servers.
You do have to face UD in the arena…unfortunately.
As a Rogue in TBC, I don’t remember having any problem against Warlocks.
The only class/spec I couldn’t win, was Protection Paladin. But I didn’t encounter many of them. So maybe it was a matter of experience.
Rock, paper, scissor.
And on top of that, there is rogue by far.
As disco priest i dont remeber i had any problems with rogues, as arms warrior and i open rogs were dead, if they open it was hard and all better rogs won.
Many classes, had a big advantage, when opening on Rogue. That’s not even a criteria for discussion.
Disc Priests, were just PvE targets. Improved Expose Armor, Wound Poison on main hand and there was no challenge.
Maybe all Disc Priests I killed were bad players.
Any (other) Disc Priests that farmed Rogues in TBC? I am curious.
Dunno, i played disco and warrior in tbc and did not seen rogue as danger.
Maybe you played Horde, and didn’t have to fight Undead Rogues?
I also had a Priest. But didn’t play a lot.
Holy Paladins are beasts in 5v5 arena though.
Could a Rogue defeat an SL/SL Warlock if played perfectly? Soul Link won’t work when the pet is dead, right?
Rogue or warlock I think. Shadow priest is also pretty strong.
Warlocks are better than everything 1v1 except rogues. A good rogue will dominate an equal geared warlock.
The joke in TBC was “what do noobs and rogues have in common? They both pick locks”
Wont change a lot from what it has been in privates so far. Locks , rogues and disc priests … open world has a Druid inc for that group. And for that one who said he farmed Disc priests…must have been good day dream or green vs pvp gear. Geared disc is as hard as it can be against rogues.