Best and Worst World Quests?

Love the Shell Game & wish it was harder. Also feel good about helping little turtles against nasty big gulls (like the ones that steal ice creams & chips and are really scary in reality).
Always avoid the one in Drustvar where you have to release hawks from cages and end up with 20 million mobs (or it seems like that many) after you. I can’t do the penguin quests. I’ve never been able to do things like that as the stress of having something chasing me is too much and it all goes horribly wrong.


I tried to find a Duncan Norvelle “Chase Me” GIF but there wasn’t one :slight_smile:


Worst: kill 30 things.
Best: kill 1 thing.

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Shell game

-Ride T’zoltec (Devilsaur) to obliberate Zul’s heretics. It’s pretty awesome to ride giant Laser T-Rex and destroy everything on the path.

-Ride A.M.O.D. to obliberate blood troll invasion
-use hand of fate to destroy undead
-Collect gold coins for Talanji

For invasions:

I liked the most Drustvar and Tiragarde ones on Horde.

Bestish - Penquins & Shell Game (make it harder) Worst - Horse Jumping while trying to hit something :((

I have to admit i have never realised there is something chasing you on these quests! I thought it’s just “steer the penguine past the snowball thingys while sliding down” kinda thing and i have enjoyed it a lot! What is this talk about chasing?

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The ones I was always very excited about where the Legion-Worldquests with the Marks of Honor as reward. I was always happy to see them pop up, it meant to work towards a cool new Transmog. That was awesome.
But Blizzard has a habit to remove anything thats even remotely fun, so of course those are gone as well.

this. kill 1 mob and you are done, those are the best.

all jokes aside, the most fun, honestly, I liked that turtle one with the maze where you had to get it to the finish line and maybe shell game too, other than that none are fun, they feel like a chore, that should say everything Blizzard.

A yeti chases you - it starts shortly after you do. I normally only get round about 2 snowdrifts before I panic, the yeti catches up and I’m dumped out of the quest.

Oh my, i thought it was just sledging and dodging the snow = fun fun! This makes me feel uneasy now. :cold_sweat:

Me too. I never noticed the yeti, and he has never caught me.

BTW, if you like the Pengling quests, have you ever done the daily Roll Club for the Golden Lotus in Pandaria? A higher-energy version of the same genre.

I had to look video of it and can’t recall doing it alltough i must have had, i haven’t usually skipped dailies in any expansion in such a way i would have totally missed one style of them… maybe my head is finally starting to give up :rofl:

I can’t do that either - I keep trying for the achievement :disappointed_relieved:

That assault wq where you have to equip a gun and blast bomb robots and giant walking ones. it’s so annoying and takes so long I almost always skip it.

The Alliance last quest on the assault in Nazmir where you control the submarine.

Leyline race.

The quests where the guy we have to kill is hidden on top of some hill with a hidden path or a cave with a really hard to find entrance. Then giving up and having to do the boring quests like kill these collect them. Its not fun its frustrating and irritating.

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best one is definitely where you shoot the turtles to feed the crabs and gulls, think it’s bugged though it won’t complete…:frowning:


Favourite: The Penguin sledding WQs, very fun; usually excited to see it pop up on the map.
Least favourite: Probably Beachhead or the chasing the orphans on in the Port of Dazaralor.

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