Best Looking Priest Race?

What in your opinion is the best looking race for Priest? :slightly_smiling_face:

Shadowmoon orc, see armory.

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Vulpera of course


Considering every race bar a regular Orc can be a priest… that’s a pretty hard decision.
LF Draenei, Blood Elves, Humans all look good for light priests
Void Elves, Mag’har, Troll and Forsaken all look good for Shadow
And Night Elves, Forsaken, normal Draenei, and Zandalari look good for both.
Any not included are not good Priest races.


I can see this is going to be biased :slight_smile:


there is no bias here
Vulpera are best everything


whatever racial you prefer,

But if you prefer looks, i’d say undead are the no1 shadow priest race

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Purely based on aesthetics I’ll vote Night Elf.


I agree with this. Thinking of going Night Elf though with the 30% off race change.

Aha, I don’t care for racials these days. Ask me a few years ago and sure, but I’m old and care more about the fun than the meta.

I agree about Undead though, their lore is really juicy with priests.

Draenei, human, night elf for alliance.

Undead, Troll for horde.


yeah no other race has such a shadow thing going on except maybe void priests. but void priests got pulled out of blizzads rear end. EDIT VOID ELVES IN GENERAL

Draenei or lightforged draenei ofc

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Human looks best.

Vulpera are cute but trasmog on them sucks.

I prefer a class with decent trasmog and casting animation so, female undead.

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The only thing I dont like mog wise is their weapon sizes

Personally I’m going to make a Night Elf Priest focused on Shadow.
The Night Warrior customisations on top of the Shadow spec are amazing for a more darker priestess of Elune

Forsaken Holy priests are awesome, their whole lore of basically harming themselves to wield the light, as well as the light causing them to regain their senses, which means they can begin to smell their rotting body, and feel all the gross decay-edness of their body is just peak Undead lore for me

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I don’t like head and shoulders on them, and those are usually what make or break a mog for me

This is true. Stew, pie, ragout, broth, BBQ - you can basically never go wrong with some tender vulpera.


It might be worth trying a different shampoo on them then

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now i feel like having bbq meat

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